Time Library
Town-All Levels
A special source to give you an insight on AQW's past AND future!
- Ancient Chest x1
- Chaos Fairy x1
- Chaos Ghost (Level 25) x1
- Chaos Sneak x1
- Chaos Tog x1
- Chaos Training Globe x1
- Future Shadowscythe x1
- Minx Fairy (Monster) x2
- Moglin Ghost (Level 38) x2
- Ninja (Monster) (1) (Level 28) x3
- Shadowscythe (Level 38) x3
- Shadowscythe Pilot x4
- Sneak (Monster) (Level 38) x2
- Tog (Monster) (Level 38) x2
- Training Globe (1) x4
- Queen's Knight x1
- Queen's Lieutenant x3
- Queen's Recruit x2
- Undead Knight (Level 38) x3
- N/A
Map Name: timelibrary
Room Limit: 6
Access Points:
- /join timelibrary
- Door on Screen 6 of The Span
- ChronoSpan Map
- Also see:
- Screen 1
- Screen 2
- Screen 3
- Screen 4
- Screen 5
- Screen 6
- Screen 7
- Screen 8
- Screen 9
- Screen 10
- Screen 11
- Screen 12
- Screen 13
- Screen 14
- Screen 15
Thanks to Artemer, Cahyo kurosaki and Satanoth.
Explore this area in our free web game at www.AQ.com!