ThunderForge Faction
Leader: Madra
- Blackhorn Tomb
- Falguard
- Onslaught Tower
- The Collector (Location)
- The Death Pits
- The Storm Temple
- The Venom Vaults
Faction Quests:
Repeatable quests are Bold and Daily quests are also Italic.
- Archlich Xollen's Quests
- Lion Hunting: +250 Rep
- Secret Of The Death Fog: +1,000 Rep
- The Key To Survival: +1,000 Rep
- The Tools: +250 Rep
- The Talent: +250 Rep
- The Local Locale: +250 Rep
- Who Holds The Key?: +1,000 Rep
- Leave No Rug Unturned: +250 Rep
- Tame The Lion: +2,500 Rep
- Hindar's Quest
- Blood for Darkblood: +1,000 Rep
- Lionfang's Quests
- Final Rest: +200 Rep
- Disturbing the Peace: +250 Rep
- Sampling Silk: +300 Rep
- Fire Is The Thing: +400 Rep
- The Wall Comes Down: +250 Rep
- The Bonefeeder: +1,000 Rep
- What Lies Beyond?: +250 Rep
- Toxic: +1,000 Rep
- Very Toxic: +1,000 Rep
- Really, VERY VERY TOXIC!: +250 Rep
- Logash's Quests
- Remains: +4,000 Rep
- Thriving In Rot: +250 Rep
- Rotting Ribs: +4,000 Rep
- A Perfect Skull: +4,000 Rep
- Deeper Into Death: +4,000 Rep
- Precise Placement: +4,000 Rep
- Painted Protection: +250 Rep
- They Sense You: +4,000 Rep
- They Hate You: +4,000 Rep
- The Sundered: +4,000 Rep
- Rotstone: +250 Rep
- Honor The Dead: +250 Rep
- Ties to Life: +250 Rep
- Destroy Wrathful Vestis and Secure The Tears: +10,000 Rep
- The Chaos Eye of Vestis: +500 Rep
- Bone Ladders: +500 Rep
- Rotstone Daggers: +500 Rep
- Logash's Line:+500 Rep
- The Drums of the Dead: +500 Rep
- Madra's Quests
- Take Up The Cause: +2,000 Rep
- Well Kept Secrets: +250 Rep
- Feeding On The Fallen: +2,000 Rep
- Special Delivery: +250 Rep
- Precious Scraps: +2,000 Rep
- Restocking: +250 Rep
- An Innside Job: +2,000 Rep
- Streets Run Red: +2,000 Rep
- Open The Temple: +250 Rep
- The Open Temple: +5,000 Rep
- Shocking Footwear: +250 Rep
- New Shoes: +6,000 Rep
- Mouth Of the Lion: +6,000 Rep
- Storm the Storm Temple: +6,000 Rep
- A High Minded Matter: +250 Rep
- Storm Bottles: +6,000 Rep
- Breaching Defenses: +250 Rep
- Chaos Lightning Rods: +6,000 Rep
- Barrier Buster: +250 Rep
- Face Chaos Lord Lionfang!: +40,000 Rep
- Face Ultra Lionfang!: +2,500 Rep
- Malorie's Quests
- ThunderForge Membership Dues: +5,000 Rep
- Ralstis' Quest
- More Blades, More Battle: +500 Rep
- More Blades, More Battle: +500 Rep
- Saluk's Quest
- Battle Tested: +500 Rep
- Battle Tested: +500 Rep
- Sir Valence's Quests
- Well Planned Getaway: +5,000 Rep
- Secrets Of The Mad Prince: +250 Rep
- Potion of Cleansing: +250 Rep
- You've Been Noticed: +5,000 Rep
- Thorny Situations: +250 Rep
- Other Ingredients: +5,000 Rep
- Time For Supplies: +5,000 Rep
- Cooking Without Fire: +5,000 Rep
- Introduction: +250 Rep
- Courtyard Key: +5,000 Rep
- Take Out The Chaos Manticore!: +25,000 Rep
- Windren's Quest
- Stolen Rations: +1,000 Rep
- 'Storm Striker' Character Page Title is unlocked at rank 10.
- This faction was previously called "Lionfang Faction".
Faction Shops:
Faction Items:
- Darkblood Executioner - Rank 2
- Darkblood Helm of Awe - Rank 4
- Falguard's Reckoning - Rank 5
- Darkblood Bite - Rank 6
- Darkblood Champion - Rank 7
- Darkblood Great Sword - Rank 7
- Darkblood Peasant - Rank 8
- Darkblood Guards - Rank 9
- Darkblood StormKing (0 AC) - Rank 10
- Darkblood StormKing Armor (Non-AC) - Rank 10
- Legendary Energy Orb - Rank 10
- StormKing Bladed Female - Rank 10
- StormKing Bladed Male - Rank 10
- StormKing Female Horns - Rank 10
- StormKing Male Horns - Rank 10
- StormKing Masked Female - Rank 10
- StormKing Masked Male - Rank 10
- StormKing's Storm Bolt - Rank 10
Thanks to Abalanar, ingomarelementary, rickyb20 and Zero IX.
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