The Towers

Dungeon-Level 0 to 65
Member only. Journey into Silver wing of the Castle of Bone to discover the story of Flester the Silver.
- Bloody Scary x1
- Bone Creeper (Level 20) x3
- Fallen DeathKnight (Level 17) x3
- Fallen Emperor Statue (Level 15) (Version 2) x2
- Flester the Silver x1
- Flying Spyball (Level 12) x3
- Ghoul (1) (Level 15) (2) x3
- Undead Golden Knight (Level 20) x4
- Undead Guard (Level 15) x3
- Undead Knight (1) (Level 15) x3
- Undead Warrior (Monster) (3) x3
Map Name: towersilver
Room Limit: 6
Access Points:
- /join towersilver
- Castle of Bone - West of Screen 3
- Talk to Chef Ramskull in Castle of Bone, Castle of Bone B, and Castle of Bone C
- Throne of Darkness Map
Thanks to Harrison.
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