The Stars Foretell
- Chilly - Northstar (Bugged)
- Lim - Northstar
- Syrrus - Northstar
- Triggers when turning in Search for Syrrus - Frozen Tower
«TimeSpace void, scroll down, gate with Syrrus on middle, Hero on the back»
Syrrus: I can - I can feel the barest tendril of a connection.
Hero: You have already reached the other world?!
Syrrus: Yes! Exactly! … Well, no, not quiet. It is so faint, but there is a hint of ice… a sense of power…
Syrrus: This WILL work! It HAS to! I have SEEN the success!
Hero: You read our success in the stars? But… we are forcing them into a new alignment.
Hero: What's to say someone else didn't position the stars to give you the message you wanted to read?
«Scene fades»
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