A Luna-tic
Now that you're finally here we can get started, they all laughed at me when I got a degree in Lunarology but I'll show them. And before you ask, yes there is a difference between Lunarmancy and being an earthmancing hippy.
- The LunarMancer's QuestsTalk
Dad used to always say "Son, Why not get a real degree like I did with necromancy" bleh, who wants to spend all their time with undead, do you know how bad they smell? And eventually your skin seems to rots off… how is that a fair trade? Also how do undead even talk, like it's not like they have vocal cords or anything.
- Luna Cove Rares
- Luna Cove Merge
On Screen 14 of Luna Cove:
A Luna-tic
Aaaaaaaagh! See? THIS is what happens when those villagers party all the time! They're dancing at the beach, in town… my concentration is TOTALLY shot! First I summon Gravefang and the horde, then they turn the villagers into werewolves (pretty cool, tho), and now I've summoned the wrong moon… and it's NOT impressed!
- Luna Cove Rares
- Luna Cove Merge
Location: Luna Cove
Note: Also see Lunarmancer.
Thanks to Abalanar and Apus.
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