- Transformation - Plays after completing the 'The Largest Monstrite' quest
«Scene: Loremaster Anka and Hero near the Queen of Monsters»
Loremaster Anka: Yes, yes! Look how she is reacting to the stone!
Loremaster Anka: Well, will you look at that?
Hero: What… is it?
Loremaster Anka: It's the artifact we seek… the petrified hear of the Queen of Monsters.
Loremaster Anka: The last piece of her soul.
Drakath: So this is what you were after.
Loremaster Anka: Drakath!
Hero: Drakath!
Hero: What are you doing here?
Drakath: Well, it was clear I couldn't trust Xing and Xang to stop you from this lunacy.
Drakath: So I had no other choice but to handle it myself.
Drakath: *sigh*
Drakath: <Hero>, how can you allow this? Can't you see what she's doing?
Loremaster Anka: Why, Drakath… I'm only trying to learn the truth.
«Loremaster Anka grabs the Queen of Monster's heart»
Drakath: NO!
Loremaster Anka: Oh!
Loremaster Anka: AUGH!
Hero: Whoa!
Loremaster Anka: It's all of her rage… all of her pain. It's been trapped in there all this time.
Loremaster Anka: And when we touched her heart, we set it free.
Drakath: What did I say, <Hero>?
Drakath: Nothing that comes from the Queen of Monsters can be trusted.
Loremaster Anka: No, no… it's okay. We just have to let her see that we're worthy of what she has to show us.
Hero: And how do we do that?
Loremaster Anka: How else? We fight.
«Scene fades»
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