- Luna Cove - Triggers whilst doing the "Fur the Right Thing" quest
- The LunarMancer - Luna Cove
«Hero and LunarMancer confronting Gravefang»
Gravefang: <Hero>? What is this - this creature who stands beside you?
Hero: Kurok Gravefang, meet Terra Lacuna's resident LunarMancer. Currently bent on calling down the moon.
Gravefang: *sniff* *sniff* Smells like rotten meat.
LunarMancer: Gonna have to stop you RIGHT there. I smell wonderful. But YOU -
Hero: That's enough!
LunarMancer: NO. A slave to the moon has no power over ME!
LunarMancer: After we kill it, then we can finish crashing the moon onto the beach.
«LunarMancer attacks Gravefang»
LunarMancer: HERO-MONKEY, ATTACK!!!!!!!
Hero: We are SO discussing appropriate boundaries after all this is done.
LunarMancer: If you survive!
«Scene fades»
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