- Shadow Void (Location) - Plays after completing the 'Fragment of Doom' quest
«Scene: the Hero jumps into the air for an attack»
Hero: What are you even fighting for?
Hero: The Queen is dead! You didn't even like her anyway!
«An insert of the Fragment of Doom appears»
Fragment Of Doom: She cannot leave! She-
Hero: She is the key. Yeah, yeah. I get it.
«The Hero lands next to Gravelyn»
Gravelyn: Father?
«Gravelyn confronts the confused Fragment of Doom»
Gravelyn: Why are you doing this?
Fragment Of Doom: …
Doomblade: This part of my spirit has been damaged.
Doomblade: By the Queen… by the shadowvoid. It's been driven insane.
Doomblade: But I am more powerful.
«The Doomblade flies into the air»
Doomblade: Go. Now.
«Scene fades»
«Scene: Safiria, Gravelyn, and the Hero in Shadowfall»
Safiria: So it really IS true. She's alive.
Safiria: Both of us, together in the same world. l… I can feel the imbalance.
Hero: We're going to have to get you back home. Soon.
Gravelyn: Any idea how we're going to manage that?
Safiria: Use me.
Safiria: It's how the Chronomancer did it last time. I was…
Safiria: …the key.
Hero: Yeah, I have no idea how to do that.
Safiria: You do. You just don't know it yet.
Safiria: But your innate powers will help you find the way.
Hero: Alright, I'll try. What do you need me to do?
Safiria: You've been to the mirror realm before. Picture it in your mind. Think of that place in time and let your powers pull you there.
Hero: Ok…
Safiria: Remember what my home was like. Focus on it.
Hero: Lightovia. Yeah. I remember.
«A flash of white light and Safiria grabs the Hero's hand»
Safiria:! What's happening?
«Safiria starts glowing turquoise»
Safiria: Don't let go!
«Safiria moves closer to the Hero»
Safiria: Take us there.
«A portal opens up and Safiria and the Hero are in the Mirror Realm, at Lightovia»
Safiria: We did it! I'm… home!
«The Hero looks to the right and sees Archmage Brentan and some knights»
Archmage Brentan: Alteon thought you'd be coming back here. So predictable.
Hero: Where is he? Too much of a coward to face us himself?
Archmage Brentan: He's in the timelock… and soon, our Lycan Queen will be, too!
Archmage Brentan: The Queen may be dead, but that just means there's a gap in power.
Archmage Brentan: My King intends to fill it. And Safiria is going to help him.
Safiria: But… the Vampire Queen is back! I'm not an anomaly anymore!
Archmage Brentan: Doesn't matter. You were trapped on another plane for so long, both worlds have started to destabilize.
Archmage Brentan: All we have to do is keep them out of balance.
«Scene fades»
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