«Evil Xang's hands are balled into fists as she stands in front of the mirror watching Drakath»
Evil Xang: You can't leave me here! How dare you! After all I've done!
Good Xing: Sister … it's ok. You're with me.
Evil Xang: Not for long! I won't be kept captive!
«Evil Xang holds the mirror.»
Evil Xang: Drakath! Are you listening to me?
«Evil Xang taps the mirror glass.»
Evil Xang: ?!
«Evil Xang taps the mirror glass faster and harder»
Evil Xang: AUGH!
«Evil Xang punches the mirror, shattering it into pieces. She then kneels down and cries. Good Xing tries to tap her but Evil Xang shrugs.»
Evil Xang: Leave me alone.
Good Xing: …
«Mirror Drakath nods.»
Mirror Drakath: This has been a disaster. We've restored the balance between realms…
«Mirror Drakath picks up a piece of the glass, revealing another beast.»
Mirror Drakath: …but another chaos beast has been raised in the process.
Mirror Drakath: We have to make this right. You've seen what they've summoned, and now you must defeat it.
Mirror Drakath: Take this with you. I can use it to communicate with you when you're back in the Lore.
Mirror Drakath: Together, we'll find a way to stop this monstrosity.
«Scene fades»
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