The Gaol of Eternal Torment and Misery
- Emperor Angler x1
- Empress Angler x1
- Fell Statue x3
- Grim Bomb x3
- Grimskull x1
- Grimskull? x1
- Mechabinky & Raxborg x1
- Mechro Lich x3
- Rampaging Cyborg x1
- Reinforced Shelleton x3
- Rick, Grim Soldier x1
- Treasure Chest (Version 1) x1
- Treasure Chest (Version 2) x1
- N/A
- N/A
- N/A
Map Name: grimgaol
Room Limit: 1
Access Points:
- Gaol Cell - East of Screen 2
- Fell Statue - Aggressive when player attacks another Fell Statue first.
- Grim Bomb - Aggressive when player attacks another Grim Bomb first.
- Mechro Lich - Aggressive when player attacks Rampaging Cyborg or the another Mechro Lich first.
- Rampaging Cyborg - Aggressive when player attacks Mechro Lich first.
- Reinforced Shelleton - Aggressive when player attacks another Reinforced Shelleton first.
- This is a locked zone.
- Your progress through the dungeon will be reset if you leave the map.
- Screen 1
- Screen 2
- Screen 3
- Screen 4
- Screen 5
- Screen 6
- Screen 7
- Screen 8
- Screen 9
- Screen 10
- Screen 11
- Screen 12
- Crystal
- Death Screen
- Attempting to travel through the East door before defeating Grimskull? displays the message "You must clear the room before proceeding."
- Running across the floor in front of Grimskull? will send you to the death screen.
Grim Dungeon Guide

Thanks to Tux47.
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