- Chaos Duality - Plays after completing the 'Get Her!' quest
«Scene: Drakath holds up the Inverted Mirror in front of Xiang»
Drakath: It’s working!
«Scene: Close up of Xiang»
Xiang: No! NO! I won’t let you-
«Xiang glows white»
«Xiang is split back into Xing and Xang»
«Scene: Xang stands in front of Drakath»
Xang: I’m… I’m ME again…
Drakath: Welcome back, babe!
«Scene: The Hero, Drakath and Xang stand on the left, with Xing on the right»
Xing: You’ve changed nothing, Drakath! Together or apart, we can still defeat you! We-
Xang: Xing, no. Stop.
Xang: I brought him here. I… I’m going with him.
Xing: You’re leaving me?!
Xing: Xang, you can’t! Look at all we’ve done! All we’ve built! We had such power.
Xang: Yeah… I know. And that was cool, for awhile.
Xang: But it just isn’t FUN anymore.
Xing: No way, Xang. We’ve ALWAYS had fun! We raise HECK together!
Xang: Everything’s gotten so serious now, Xing. All strength and power and taking over the world.
Xang: I can’t do it anymore. I just want to go home.
Xing: Xang… I’m sorry. I didn’t know…
Xing: I’ll make things better. I promise.
«Xang looks back at Drakath and the Hero»
Xang: You could come with us.
«Drakath nods»
«Scene: Close up of Xing, dejected»
Xing: …
«Xing perks up»
Xing: Yeah, I guess.
«Scene: The Hero stands to the side as Drakath holds Xang on his right and Xing on his left»
Drakath: The family’s back together!
Hero: Man, I can already feel this headache coming on.
Drakath: Don’t be dramatic. It’s like I said before…
«Scene: Close up of Drakath. And his 'babes'.»
Drakath: We’re friends now.
«Scene fades»
Previous: The Inverted Mirror | Next: The Chaos Amulet