«Vordred raises his sword to attack Artix and the Hero, but Daimyo jumps from the sky and lands on him, defeating him.»
Artix: Good boy, Daimyo!
Hero: Who would have thought learning how to fetch would be so handy!
Daimyo: Arf!
Hero: So… Artix, what are you going to do now?
Artix: I am not sure… I have so many unanswered questions.
Artix: Why did everyone keep this secret from me? What exactly… am I?
«The Hero holds out the Shadowscythe Amulet.»
Hero: Well, you should hold onto this, then…
Artix: Would you do me a favor, and hold onto that Amulet?
Hero: Me? But why?
Artix: Because you are the person I trust most in this world.
Artix: I do not know what will happen in the future… but I believe in you and know you will do what is right.
Hero: Alright, then. I'll keep the Shadow Amulet safe.
Hero: What about your axe, the Blinding Light of Destiny?
Artix: All that remains is this handle… I guess we will have to forge a new one.
Aritx: What an adventure we have been though…
Hero: And we finally got an ending that made EVERYONE happy!
Daimyo: Arf?
Hero: This was the super happy ending… right?
«Scene fades»
Sally: Why…?
«Scene: Sally, holding her pink stuffed bear, stands outside a house with a skull on it.»
Sally: … I'm so alone.
Sally: WHY!? …why do I keep ending up alone?
Sally: I lose all the friends I make… (literally)
«Sally cries. Drakath flies by and lands next to her.»
Sally: What the…
Sally: You're Drakath, right?
Sally: Hmph, what are you gonna do? Make me into one of your Chaos Lords or something?
Drakath: No.
«Drakath tosses Vordred's skull on the ground next to Sally.»
Sally: What's this?
«Sally picks up the skull.»
Sally: Ooooooh…..
«Drakath flies away.»
Sally: YAY!!!! This is the BEST DAY EVARRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
«Sally hugs Vordred's skull.»
Sally: Vordred… I'm gonna remake you… bigger… stronger….
Sally: Now, to do this, we need to reopen the full, original NECROPOLIS!!!!!
«Sally laughs.»
«Screen zooms in on Sally, then fades to black»
To Be Continued