- Stonewood - Plays after completing the 'Search for the Axe' quest
- Tech Dungeon
«Scene: Stellaria and the Hero in Stonewood next to the Blinding Edge of Obsidian stuck in a rock and BioKnight. The Hero is pointing towards the axe.»
Hero: Artix's axe… the Blinding Light of Destiny… it’s really here!
BioKnight: And you’ve led the Deadtech army right to it…
BioKnight: Preparing to initiate Deadtech upgrades….
Hero: Oh yeah? Well, good luck with that, buddy. It’s still stuck in that stone.
«Hero facepalms»
Hero: Guess you shoulda waited until I pulled it out!
BioKnight: …
BioKnight: Your war is already lost. Surrender your flesh. Pull out the axe and give it to me human… I COMMAND YOU.
«Hero rubs the back of their head»
Hero: LOL you’re kidding, right?
BioKnight: Did I syntax err--stutter? Remove it from the stone flesh sack, or I will mangle your body so bad…
BioKnight: they won't be able to upgrade you into a roomba!
«Hero readies their weapon»
Hero: Oh? Going to go with option two then…. Come get it!
«Scene fades»
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