Nulgath Nation Recruiter
Hail Nulgath! You here to help with the recruitment drive? …Oh, you want to FIGHT? Looking to prove yourself worthy of joining our force against the Queen, eh? Well, ok, if you think you can handle it. We'll weed you out soon enough if you can't.
While this war is going on, we're working with the Legion and Shadowscythe as allies. It is painful, but necessary. They've even sent us some volunteers to help train our recruits. After all, who better to test your strength than our former foes?
- Tharanak Hrii's Quests
- Void Highlord Badge
- Nation Merge
With Nation Round 4 Medal in your inventory:
Nulgath Nation Recruiter
Well. I suppose you're alright after all. Maybe you'll even still be here after the war is over.
While this war is going on, we're working with the Legion and Shadowscythe as allies. It is painful, but necessary. They've even sent us some volunteers to help train our recruits. After all, who better to test your strength than our former foes?
- Tharanak Hrii's Quests
- Void Highlord Badge
- Nation Merge
Location: ShadowBlast Arena
Note: Also see Abyssal Priest of Nulgath.

Thanks to Amduscia.
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