Manifestation of the Fear of Death
Welcome to your realm, Death, and congratulations on your new role in unlife. As the arbiter of mortality, there is much you will need to understand and experience. Such as the death of a mortal. You may have killed people in your old life, but as Death, it can be quite overwhelming to feel another being's lifeforce.
After completing the 'Master Death's Realm' quest:
Manifestation of the Fear of Death
I am afraid you must leave this realm, Death. The former Death is… not using your body well. A newly-slain mage brings word from the /Trainers complex that Death is currently on a rampage there. He is causing much chaos and consternation in the above-world. It would be a good idea to find him, and fast.
After completing the 'Understanding Xhar Morghuil' quest:
Manifestation of the Fear of Death
I understand your desire to regain your mortal body. But the former Death cannot die, and he's voided your deal. He regains his immortality and your body. If you choose to make a new deal, you'll need to know more about Death. For that, seek the Xhar Morghuil, a living library contained in a single tome. It records the histories of things which should not be named, but are best not forgotten.
After completing the 'Door to Eternity' quest:
Manifestation of the Fear of Death
All of Death's most closely-guarded secrets and abilities are locked away, even to him, to foil impersonators. Access requires a spell only he possesses, and he did not tell you before leaving. Crafty deity. To get that you'll have come face to face with him. But do not be afraid, Death, you know more than you think. I have taken the liberty of summoning him. He awaits you by the sarcophagus.
After completing the 'Death vs Death' quest:
Manifestation of the Fear of Death
You have done well, Hero. I think you will both appreciate each other's lives — or unlives — more now. And I hope that, after living through what you have, you will no longer fear what awaits you after your final battle.
Location: Death's Realm
- Also see:

Thanks to Bigjohn356, jakemaster1390, rickyb20, Tendou no Mazo and Tux47.
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