Quest Location: Temple of the Light
Quests Begun From: Temple of the Light - Button on the top right corner (starting on Level 1)
Note: These quests can only be completed once.
- Level 1
- Level 2
- Level 3
- Level 4
- Level 5
- Level 6
- Level 7
- Level 8
- Level 9
- Level 10
- Level 11
- Level 12
- Level 13
- Level 14
- Level 15
- Level 16
- Level 17
- Level 18
- Level 19
- Level 20
- Defy the Dracolich
- Restore the Tome
- Recover the Pages
- Reconstruct the Codex
*A thought whispers in your mind, the strength of a steel blade behind it.* Hero, undead vermin have stolen into the upper levels of the temple's crypt. Slimeskulls, Bonemunchers, and Shelletons are defiling our sacred ground. Bring back proof that thou hast slain 3 of each!
I thank thee, brave one! But thy journey is not done; the information thou seekst lies deeper in the Crypt.
Items Required:
- Slimeskull Trophy x3
- Dropped by Slimeskull (Level 35)
- Munched Boneshard x3
- Dropped by Doomwood Bonemuncher (Level 35)
- Shelleton Shrapnel x3
- Dropped by Shelleton (Level 35)
- 4,000 Gold
- 13,000 Exp
- 2,000 Rep : DoomWood
Thanks to Hina.
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
*The sadness in the Guardian's mind is balanced by determination, and you can hear it resonate inside you.* Undead mages were crucial in bringing about the downfall of the temple. They corrupted holy runes and even now infest the Crypt. Remove 3 Mages and 3 Ectomancers, and salvage 6 of the runes.
Thou hast my gratitude, and that of the spirits who fell before me in the battle. Advance, Hero, for thy quest is yet unfinished.
Items Required:
- Corrupted Rune x6
- Click on the runes on Level 1 and 2
- Necrotic Rune x3
- Dropped by Undead Mage (Level 35)
- Ecto-Covered Rune x3
- Dropped by Doomwood Ectomancer (Level 35)
- 4,000 Gold
- 13,000 Exp
- 2,000 Rep : DoomWood
Thanks to Hina.
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
*A picture forms in your mind of ghouls and lichs desecrating this level of the once-proud temple.* My friend, avenge my brethren. Slay the ghouls and lichs that remain, and bring back proof of your success in the form of their armor!
Thou art as quick as thou art strong. A deadly combination. I have no doubt thou willst reach thy goal.
Items Required:
- Ghoulish Gear x1
- Dropped by Ghoul (1) (Level 35) (Version 1)
- Haunted Habiliment x1
- Dropped by Lich (Monster) (Level 35)
- 4,000 Gold
- 13,000 Exp
- 2,000 Rep : DoomWood
Thanks to Hina.
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
*You feel the heat of phantom flames caressing your cheeks, and a chill runs down your spine* These most private halls were put to the torch. Fight fire with ethereal fire by placing Aether torches around the Crypt to clear the temple's aura and take revenge in my place against 6 of the Fire Mages.
I mourn for those who have fallen, my friend, but I see in thee a successor to the valiant warriors who are no more.
Items Required:
- Aether Torch x8
- Click on the blue arrows around the map
- Flame Extinguished x6
- Dropped by Skeletal Fire Mage (Level 35)
- 4,000 Gold
- 13,000 Exp
- 2,000 Rep : DoomWood
Thanks to Hina.
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
*A shining Key, bathed in Light, hovers before your eyes. When you reach out to it, your fingers close on empty air.* Every five levels the Temple Superiors locked passage deeper into the Crypt. You will need to find the Auroral Key. Any of the Skeleton Fighters, Slimeskulls, or Ectomancers could have it.
Thy heart is as stalwart as thy mind is sharp. I have no fear that thy goal attainable. Thou art eminently worthy, but thy journey is not over.
Items Required:
- Auroral Key x1
- 4,000 Gold
- 13,000 Exp
- 2,000 Rep : DoomWood
Thanks to Hina.
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
*Screams of terror echo in your ears, and a ghostly vision of gaping mouths filled with razor-sharp teeth assault your wide-open eyes.* The mouths, the horrid, gaping jaws! They rent our novices and ripped apart our warriors. Avenge our memories, Hero, by slaying 2 Bonemunchers and 4 Sanguine Souleaters.
One day, I hope, the echoes of the anguished cries will fade. Thy aid has helped, and by accepting some of the burden of my memories, thou hast lightened my burden considerably. Venture onward, worthy Ally!
Items Required:
- Masticated Mandible x2
- Dropped by Doomwood Bonemuncher (Level 35)
- Freed Soul x4
- Dropped by Sanguine Souleater (Level 35)
- 4,000 Gold
- 13,000 Exp
- 2,000 Rep : DoomWood
Thanks to Kleige.
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
*You close your eyes for a moment as you catch your breath , and a vision of the Temple as it once stood fills your inner eye.* My friend, you can see how far our fair halls have fallen. The detritus of the last battle still fills the rooms of the Crypt. Remove 12 of the cast-off armors of the invaders!
My heart - though hardened now - is lighter by far knowing that the refuse brought in by those filthy undead has been removed. Battle onwards, Hero, for the treasure thou seekest is beyond value!
Items Required:
- Cast-Off Armor x12
- Click on the armors on Level 4, 5, 6 and 7
- 0 Gold
- 2,000 Exp
- 250 Rep : DoomWood
Thanks to Kleige.
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
The Stone Paladin's thoughts, which have been a constant companion on your journey deeper into the Crypt, falls silent, and you can sense that it is his utter sorrow which has silenced him. Fury rises inside you, and you vow to take it out on mages. Two of them carry Orbs of power. Strip the undead of them!
You miss the sad but forceful thought-voice of the Stone Paladin which has congratulated you upon completion of each level. Venture deeper into the Crypt, and hopefully his encouraging words will continue once more.
Items Required:
- Conflagration Orb x1
- Dropped by Skeletal Fire Mage (Level 35)
- Ectoplasmic Orb x1
- Dropped by Doomwood Ectomancer (Level 35)
- 4,000 Gold
- 13,000 Exp
- 2,000 Rep : DoomWood
Thanks to Kleige and Na Tra.
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
The Crypt is infested with Ghouls! You congratulate yourself on investing in Anti-Ghoulstones. Place them around the levels of the Crypt you have conquered so far. The stones do not work instantly, so you'll also need to take out 6 Ghouls to get the exodus started.
Satisfaction fills your heart, but sadness runs through it. Your mind casts out thought-tendrils towards the Stone Paladin, hoping for a response. But all you feel is despair.
Items Required:
- Anti-Ghoulstone x8
- Placed at Level 7, 8 and 9
- Ghouls Gone x6
- Dropped by Ghoul (1) (Level 35) (Version 1)
- 4,000 Gold
- 13,000 Exp
- 2,000 Rep : DoomWood
Thanks to Kleige and Na Tra.
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
You have once more reached a level locked by one of the Temple's Keys of Light. One of the thieving Ectomancers, Skeletons, or Ghouls MUST have stolen it. Battle them until you find the Luminous Key, and your journey will be able to continue.
Success! The treasure of the Temple awaits you, Hero, and it is more precious than gold. But its weight will press down on you heavier than leaden armor.
Items Required:
- Luminous Key x1
- 4,000 Gold
- 13,000 Exp
- 2,000 Rep : DoomWood
Thanks to Kleige.
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
*You feel a pressure in your mind, as if someone is pressing on your shoulder to get your attention.* Time grows long, and the evil corrupting our Temple grows stronger. The souls that remain are awash in terror. Set out 10 Benevolence Beacons to soothe them and free 6 of those trapped by the Sanguine Souleaters.
I… I am sorry… that I withdrew from thee. But my heart… it aches for what I have lost. I can only hope that you will be victorious in the ultimate battle. It is coming. You must be prepared. For that, you need what is at the bottom of the Crypt. Venture onward, Hero!
Items Required:
- Benevolence Beacon x10
- Placed at Level 8, 9, 10 and 11
- Souls Soothed x6
- Dropped by Sanguine Souleater (Level 35)
- 4,000 Gold
- 13,000 Exp
- 2,000 Rep : DoomWood
Thanks to Kleige.
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
*The feeling of slime running down your skin has you shuddering in disgust.* Yes… that is what that last of our defenders felt as they were attacked by Slimeskulls and Ectomancers. Kill as many of them as possible, and bring back a Slime-Soaked Skull and Ecto-Covered Core.
Thy bravery continues to astonish me. I wish all of our warriors had had thy heart and strength of arm. Your quest is more than half over. Do not stay still, Hero, because the battles are not over!
Items Required:
- Slime-Soaked Skull x1
- Dropped by Slimeskull (Level 35)
- Ecto-Covered Core x1
- Dropped by Doomwood Ectomancer (Level 35)
- 4,000 Gold
- 13,000 Exp
- 2,000 Rep : DoomWood
Thanks to Hina.
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
*Phantom sparkles fill your field of view. They swirl and float, and finally coalesce into the image of a violet Orb.* Those are Aether Orbs. We would place them in the halls to keep the Temple's atmospheric energy healthy. The undead removed them all. Put 12 of them back, and the Temple will be on its way to restoration!
Thou art a force to be reckoned with, Hero! I know that thy mission is a worthy one, and I will do all in my power to assist thee on thy way.
Items Required:
- Aether Orb x12
- Click on the orbs on Levels 11, 12 and 13
- 0 Gold
- 2,000 Exp
- 250 Rep : DoomWood
Thanks to Hina and .Shadow//.
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
*The clanging and scraping of steel on steel fills your mind. You put your hands over your ears, but there is no escaping the aural assault.* Yes… yes. That is what we heard when the Skeletons overran the Temple. They remain, much to my sorrow. Wipe out 6 of them, and perhaps the wounds in my soul will begin to heal.
I thank thee, stalwart Warrior! The strong and agile arm that wields thy weapon is one I would be glad to have beside me in battle… but I fear I will never regain my humanity.
Items Required:
- Skull x6
- 4,000 Gold
- 13,000 Exp
- 2,000 Rep : DoomWood
Thanks to Hina.
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
*The sight of the Incadescent Key floats before you, calling to you.* I know thee canst sense it. Feel the pull of the Key. It calls to thee, but its summons grows faint. I can only tell that the beacon comes from either a Lich, Ghoul, or Slimeskull.
The information thou sleekest is vital if thy mission in DoomWood is to succeed. Stay strong, my friend, and do not falter. Thy friend, the one unable to wield the Light, depends on you.
Items Required:
- Incandescent Key x1
- 4,000 Gold
- 13,000 Exp
- 2,000 Rep : DoomWood
Thanks to Hina.
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
*The image of an young girl trying on her first set of armor appears before you, and you feel a phantom tear trickle down your cheek.* My daughter, Anora. She was so young, during that last battle. I fought for her, and slaughtered many skeletons. Place 10 of their skulls around the Crypt to warn away the rest.
She fell in the third wave, but her memory lives on. I may be fixed in place here, but in my mind I relive her life. I would smile through my tears, if I could produce either.
Items Required:
- Warning Skull x10
- Click on the arrows on Levels 14, 15 and 16
- 0 Gold
- 2,000 Exp
- 250 Rep : DoomWood
Thanks to Hina.
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
*You feel as you are grinding phantom bones under your boots.* Thee knows what an undead swarm is like. And now that I am helpless to cleanse my Temple, I need thee! Take out the remaining Bonemunchers and Skeletons, and bring back a Spiky Collar and Vertebrae Trophy.
My bones are basalt and my skin is shale. Thee cannot know what it is to exist in a half-life. Frozen. Dead but not undying. Free me, if thou canst. But do not sacrifice thy goal to save me. The world is more important than one lone Paladin! Unless the world depends on that Paladin. Artix… save him!
Items Required:
- Spiky Collar x1
- Dropped by Doomwood Bonemuncher (Level 35)
- Vertebrae Trophy x1
- Dropped by Skeleton (Monster) (1) (Level 23)
- 4,000 Gold
- 13,000 Exp
- 2,000 Rep : DoomWood
Thanks to Hina.
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
*You feel your skin begin to grow hard, and your muscles tense, locking you in place. Your jaw clenches and your head grows heavy.* Yes… that is what I feel, my friend. It was magic that did this to me, and I fear only magic can undo it! In my name, slaughter 4 of the Undead Mages and 2 of the Fire Mages!
Thank you, Hero. The death of the undead Mages cannot save me, but I feel a grim pleasure in their extermination. Keep moving deeper into the Crypt; it is still infested with undead, but you will find what you seek at the end!
Items Required:
- Tattered Necronomicon x4
- Dropped by Undead Mage (Level 35)
- Scorched Necronomicon x2
- Dropped by Skeletal Fire Mage (Level 35)
- 4,000 Gold
- 13,000 Exp
- 2,000 Rep : DoomWood
Thanks to Hina.
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
*A sense of the Stone Paladin's pride and anticipation fills you.* Sadly, our Crypt has not been cleansed since the invasion. Remove 6 of the piles of Bonemuncher bones and take down 10 of the Shelletons and 3 of the Skeletons who continue to defile my home!
Thy quest is almost at and end! There remains but one floor below this. Thou art surely the bravest Hero to enter these halls in many a year. I know thou wilt triumph! And when your quest is over… please… remember me.
Items Required:
- Bonemuncher Bones x6
- Click on the Bonemuncher Bones on Levels 16, 17, 18 and 19
- Screaming Shell-skull x2
- Dropped by Shelleton (Level 35)
- Grinning Jawbone x3
- Dropped by Skeleton (Monster) (1) (Level 23)
- 4,000 Gold
- 13,000 Exp
- 2,000 Rep : DoomWood
Thanks to Hina.
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
*Ghostly cheers ring in your ears, and you feel a phantom hand grip your shoulder in a gesture of solidarity.* Thou wilt need the Radiant Key to pass beyond this chamber. It was stolen by a Lich, or perhaps either a Skeleton Fighter or Soldier. I KNOW thou canst find it!
Artix… I knew him when he was a youth. A strong lad, both in body and spirit. He is a true friend, and I would give much to ensure that he is saved. As I cannot fight, I will depend on thee to aid him. Send him my encouragement, and tell him that if I were whole, I would be battling alongside both of thee.
Items Required:
- Radiant Key x1
- 4,000 Gold
- 13,000 Exp
- 2,000 Rep : DoomWood
Thanks to Hina.
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
*A vision of two shining keys appears in your mind's eye. One shatters, and the shards fly outward.* Yes, two Keys exist, though only ONE is needed. One is on the Dracolich, and the 40 shards of the other have been stolen by Undead and Fire Mages, Lichs, and Ectomancers. Bring them to me and merge them into one.
Long have I waited for a Hero such as thee! Thou will achieve thy goal, and save thy friend, I am sure. I will remain here, guarding what is no longer whole. As long as I guard here, the memory of your bravery and triumph will shine! Go. Your journey ends in the next room!
Items Required:
- 6,500 Gold
- 26,000 Exp
- 4,000 Rep : DoomWood
Thanks to Hina.
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
10 of the tome's pages have been scattered around the Crypt. Find them and return them to unlock the secrets of this ancient repository of knowledge!
Success! Once you have the remaining pages, you will be able to learn what you need to know.
Items Required:
- Untorn Tome Page x10
- Click on the tome pages around the map
- 0 Gold
- 2,000 Exp
- 250 Rep : DoomWood
Thanks to rickyb20.
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
10 of the tome's pages have been stolen by the monsters invading the Crypt. The pages could be on any of them! Recover them and bring them back to unlock the secrets of this ancient repository of knowledge!
Excellent! Once you have the remaining pages, you will be able to learn what you need to know.
Items Required:
- Restored Tome Page x10
- Dropped by:
- Doomwood Bonemuncher (Level 35)
- Doomwood Ectomancer (Level 35)
- Doomwood Soldier (Level 35)
- Ghoul (1) (Level 35) (Version 1)
- Lich (Monster) (Level 35)
- Sanguine Souleater (Level 35)
- Shelleton (Level 35)
- Skeletal Fire Mage (Level 35)
- Skeleton (Monster) (1) (Level 23)
- Skeleton Fighter (1)
- Slimeskull (Level 35)
- Undead Mage (Level 35)
- Dropped by:
- 4,000 Gold
- 13,000 Exp
- 2,000 Rep : DoomWood
Thanks to rickyb20.
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
The last page was stolen by the CryptKeeper, a Lich who has aimed to make our fair halls his home. Show him that he cannot defile this sacred place! Retrieve the last of the Tome's pages and defeat the Cryptkeeper.
Your journey is at an end. With all of the missing pages in hand, you can finally attain the knowledge you have fought long and hard to learn!
Items Required:
- Final Tome Page x1
- Dropped by CryptKeeper Lich
- 6,500 Gold
- 26,000 Exp
- 4,000 Rep : DoomWood
Thanks to rickyb20.
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