Temple of the Light
Dungeon-Level 10 to 30
Battle to the bottom of this temple dungeon to free the Dracolich.
- CryptKeeper Lich x1
- Dracolich (1) x1
- Doomwood Bonemuncher (Level 35) x3
- Doomwood Ectomancer (Level 35) x6
- Doomwood Soldier (Level 35) x2
- Ghoul (1) (Level 35) (Version 1) x6
- Lich (Monster) (Level 35) x3
- Sanguine Souleater (Level 35) x5
- Shelleton (Level 35) x2
- Skeletal Fire Mage (Level 35) x5
- Skeleton Fighter (1) x6
- Skeleton (Monster) (1) (Level 23) x5
- Slimeskull (Level 35) x5
- Undead Mage (Level 35) x3
Map Name: temple
Room Limit: 6
Access Points:
- /join temple
- Book of Lore - 'Temple' button from the Stone Cold achievement
- Battleon - 'Go to Temple' button from Dark LoreMaster (NPC)
- Blackhorn Tomb - East of Screen 1
- Necro U - West of Screen 15
- Temple of the Light B - West of Screen 1
- Doomwood Map
Note: You cannot /goto players in this map unless you have cleared the room they are in.
Thanks to Apus, Awesomewarriors1, Kaylord, Natsu_xc_74, PkerSlayer, ragarave, rickyb20, Sasuke_kool1 and Syudanco.
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