«Scene fades in showing Drakath landing on the Storm Temple, in front of Lionfang.»
Drakath: Greetings, Chaos Lord.
Drakath: I am very pleased with the chaos that you have spread throughout Thunderforge.
«Scene view zooms in on Drakath's face.»
Drakath: Why was I summoned here? Have you planned your final strike against evil?
«Lionfang stands up.»
Lionfang: No. I have changed my plans.
«The view shifts showing the Hero standing behind a column of the temple.»
Drakath: Oh? I do so love surprises.
Lionfang: I don't think you will like this one.
«Lionfang holds up the vial of tears.»
Drakath: What is that?
Lionfang: Your doom.
«Lionfang throws the vial of tears at Drakath, the scene view shifts to show the Hero.»
«Scene flashes white, showing the vial shatter against Drakath.»
Drakath: Ah! No!
«Scene view changes, showing Drakath kneeling down.»
Drakath: I'm melting! Oh, what a world….
«Drakath stands up and laughs, then Lionfang picks up the Hero by their neck.»
Lionfang: IMPOSSIBLE! Those were the real Tears of the Mother!
Lionfang: I saw it in your mind!
Lionfang: What have you DONE?!
Lionfang: I'm SICK of your tricks and lies! YOU DIE NOW!
«Scene ends, fading out to black.»
Previous: A Close Call | Next: Drakath's Master