Talk Like a Pirate Day (Location)

- Angler Trobble (Monster) x1
- Anglerfish (Talk Like a Pirate Day) x1
- Aqueevil (Level 12) x1
- Beach Crab (Talk Like a Pirate Day) x1
- Bedrock Lobster x1
- Blind Eel x1
- Crabble x1
- Fishbones (Level 15) (2) x1
- Giant Crabble x1
- Hungry Fish x1
- Merdraconian x1
- Murk Dweller x1
- Murkness x1
- Shark Bait x1
- Skellkie x1
- Undead Pirate (1) (Level 40) x1
- Undead Pirate (2) (Level 12) (Version 1) x1
- Water Dragon (Monster) x1
- Water Elemental (2) (Level 40) x1
- Yarrmagroggon x1
- N/A
- N/A
- N/A
Map Name: tlapd
Room Limit: 1
Access Points:
- /join tlapd
- Battleon - 'Pirate Challenge' button from Quibble
- Event Hub (September) - 'Pirate Quiz' button from Captain Rhubarb
- September Hub - 'Pirate Quiz' button from Captain Rhubarb
- The questions will appear in a random order every time you join the map.
- You will be sent to a specific monster depending on what question you answer incorrectly.
- After defeating the specified monster, you will return to the questions cutscene.
- Random
- Random
- Random
- Random
- Random
- Random
- Random
- Random
- Random
- Random
- Random
- Random
- Random
- Random
- Random
- Random
- Random
- Random
- Random
- Random
- The answer is "A pirate flag".
- If answered incorrectly, you will be sent to an Angler Trobble.
Thanks to Apus, Ayala, rickyb20 and .Shadow//.
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