0ac 11-11-11 12-12-12 13captain 13tricorn 1star 2diffweapons 2star 3star 4star 5star 8track ac aegift aegisrep ae-staff aethemed aggro akibanewyear alchemy alchemyrep alpha amash amphibian angel animated animation animhelm anyfirework aoe a-pcaptain appistol appliance aprilfools aqwbirthady aqwbirthday aqworldcup arcangroverep arcattack armor armorcustomize artix auld australiaday awe axe babydragon back back2school backfollower backitem backpack backrider backrune backweapon baconcatrep balloon bandana bankgiver banner baseballcap bat bathroom battlecon battleconcert battlemage battlepet battlepetclass bear beastmasterrep bed belt beta betrayal bird bit blackfriday blackknight blameblade blood bloodletter bmsword bodyart bol bol-ach bolbadge bol-heromart bol-other bongo book boreal boss bossshield bouquet bovine bow box brazilianday brethwrenrep brightoakrep brightsteel broom brutalcorn cad caipora caladbolg calendarclass callipen canadianthanksgiving candle cane canine cape captain captaincutlass captainhat captaintricorn carnaval cchainsaw ccnw chain chainsaw challenge champblade champhelm chaos chaosbeast chaosface chaoskind chaoslord chaosmilitiarep chaosrep charbackground chibiscale chick chinchilla chincilla chronospanrep cincodemayo class classichood classyhelm clawsuit click2change clickactivated clock collar collectchest collectchestdetail colorcustom color-shift combat-animation concert corsair cp-ae cpbadge cp-battle cpboost cp-epichero cp-exclusive cp-heromart cp-legendary cprotohelm cp-support cragglerockrep crimsonhat crown crystal cursed cutlass cutscene cybermonday cyclops cysero dagger dagon dahelm daily daimyo darkblood darkcaster darkeyes darklordhelm dchelm deafaultdmg deathmask deathpitarenarep deathpitbrawlrep defaultdmg defaultsword defensive-caster delete demon demoncomp deposit derp destiny dfkatana diabolicalrep disambiguation dishpanhand djinnguard dmk dodge-melee doomblade doomwoodrep door draconian dragon dragonblade dragonblaster dragonkind dragonlord dragonscimitar dragonslayer dragontricorn dragonwing drakatharmor drakathblade drakathkind drakathwings dreadfirerep dreadrockrep dress drink drop druidgroverep dwakel dwarf dwarfholdrep dye earthday egg elegaichelm elemental elementalkind elementalmasterrep elf elon embersearep enhancement ephemerite equine equip2change eseh eternal eternalrep etherstormrep evilalign evileyes evilrep evolve evolved explosive eyepatch facialhair factionbanner faeriecourtrep fairy fan fancyhelm far0 fathersday fearchaser feather feline female-only festivalhelm ffkatana fish fishingrep fixed-dmg flaming flooring flyingeye foam food football footballpennant forest founder free freedomday freeplayer freeplayerpet friday13th frogzard frostelfhelm frostval frostvalinjuly frostvalkitsune full-color full-hybrid fur furble fursuit gauntlet gendermorph genderswap ghoul gi giant giftbork glacerarep glasses glowchucks glowingeye glowingeyes goldboost goodalign goodluckday goodrep grandparentsday grenwog grenwoggreep grenwogpet grimskulltrollingrep ground groundhorc grovedruidhelm guardian guardianblade guitar gun hair hairshop handgun hanzamune hanzo hanzohelm harbinger harlequin harvestday hat headband healer heliwings helm helmet heretic heroesheartday heromart highdmg hog hollowbornrep hood horc horcrep horns hound house housefloor housewall human humankind hybrid hypefiend icepop icesymbiote immune imp impossible2own incomplete indonesianday infernalarmyrep inscription insect instrument ioda-excl itemreq j6 j6shotgun jackhelm jaguarhelm jewel jewelry jollywoolen joyblade katana kingblade kitsunehelm kitsunekatana kitten knight knucklesword lance ldk leapday legacyminion legend legendarea-free legionguard legionvampire lich lightblade lighting lightning lightsabre limbs limited-time list livingel location locked lorder lorelympics loremaster loremasterrep lore-scroll lqs luck-hybrid lv-locked lv-moglin lycan lycanrep m4tr1x mace mage magerobe maid makai male-only manslayer map mask maythe4th mechanical mediumdmg mergeitem mergereward mergeshop million minigame misc model moglin moglinhat moglinplush moglinster mogloween mogmorph monster monsterhunterrep monthly-ticket moonlanding moprh morph mothersday mug mushmon mysteriousdungeonrep mythsongrep nationalflag naval necklace necrocryptrep necromancer need-image neko newyear ninja northpointerep npc nr10p nsod nulgathpet nybb nybd obhelm obon obtainedonce offensive-caster omniblade orb otherdmg overfiend oxhelm pactknight painting paladin palhelm pancakeday paradecos paragon parody parrot pcaster peasant pet petofthemonth pettamerrep phoenix phoenixblade pickaxe pillar pirate piratetail plant plink plushie polearm poll poll-ended poll-many poll-one poll-scale pompom potion power-caster power-melee priesthelm prize pseudo-rare ptr pumpkin pumpkincape pvp pvpreward quest questgiver questitem questreward quibbleshop quiver quoklin rabbit randomlygenerated rapier rare ratmonster ravenlossrep repboost replacement reptile rfhelm ribbon rider rifle rimeblossom rodent rogue royalcrown royalty rshelm samurai sandsearep santahat scar scarf scarsorc scroll scwh scythe seasonal seating serpent sguniform shadowscythe shadowslayer shadowspear shelf shield shirt shop shopitem skeletal sketch skinwalker skullmask skycaphat skycapsword skyerep skyguardrep slime smith sneevil snuggle sockday solarnewyear somniarep sonicblade sorchelm souleater soulkatana soulripper soulseeker soulweaver spacecrew specialguest specialoffer spectral spellcrafting spellcraftingrep speye spirit spiritcape spiritscarf sponzard sport sprite ssghelm staff staffbirthday star starcaptain straightup suggestion suit summerbreak superbowl surfboard sword swordhavenrep swordlight symbiote table tacoday tail tailed tailwing tank-melee tdcasing temporary tercess tercessuinotlim test test2 themagicthief thunderforgerep tier-two timeseekhelm tlapd tmbg tog toiletday tophat toxicmask trainer transcendent translation treasurehunterrep treeant tricorn trobble trobbolier troll trollrep undead undeadkind unidentified upholder urban useitem utensil vampire vampirerep vathsword vendor verified victorian void voidgatehelm voidmorph voidpirate vordredblade wand war warlic warpsword warrior weaverhelm wedding wheelreward whip winged wings witch wolf wolflist wolfpup worldboss worm xdmg2chaos xdmg2dragon xdmg2drakath xdmg2elemental xdmg2human xdmg2monsters xdmg2undead xpboost yokairep youngpumpkin zard

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