Syrrus' Quests

Jump to: Frozen Tower, Cryomancer, Frozen Ruins, Merge Gear, Northstar, IceWind Pass, Karok Vs Kezeroth!, Frostval 2016

Quest Location: Frozen Tower
Quests Begun From: Syrrus
Note: These quests can only be completed once.

Requirements: Must have completed Rian's Quests.

In order to build a gate strong enough to withstand the magic it will contain, we must get 13 chunks of Asteroid Ore. Many pieces were spread across the island in the explosion that ripped this continent apart.

Items Required:

  • Asteroid Ore x13
    • Click on the arrows around the map


  • 150 Gold
  • 150 Exp

Thanks to Rich Wind.

Quest Locations: Frozen Tower
Quests Begun From: Syrrus


THIS QUEST IS FOR AQW LEGENDS ONLY! If you wish to gain access to the Cyromancer Shop you will need Glaceran Ice Tokens. If you bring me a piece of Dark Ice from the FrostSpawn Invader, then I will craft it into tokens for you.


(Must complete quests in Frozen Tower to unlock.)

Items Required:


  • 500 Gold
  • 500 Exp


Thanks to masterfighter9000.


Quest Location: Frozen Tower
Quests Begun From: Syrrus

Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.

You've defeated some monsters and warmed the shelter, but the Ice Wolves keep coming back! Slay 7 Ice Wolves to keep the Tower of Winds safe!

Items Required:


  • 100 Gold
  • 100 Exp


Thanks to Skull Wraith2.

Quest Location: Frozen Ruins
Quests Begun From: Syrrus

Requirements: Must have completed the 'Defeat the FrostSpawn Invaders' quest.

We've got to take out the Fangbeasts, show them just what they're dealing with! You're the only one with the skill and strength to do this, Hero. My energies have been exhausted by creating the gate.

Items Required:


  • 450 Gold
  • 450 Exp

Thanks to Counterswitch and Tristyn.

Quest Location: Frozen Ruins
Quests Begun From: Syrrus
Note: These quests can only be completed once.

Requirements: Must have completed the 'The Scythe of Vengeance' quest.

More and more refugees pour in, fleeing the destruction caused by the Queen of All Monsters… but WE aren't safe HERE! We've got to do what we can though, so take out 10 of the Frostspawn monsters to help save them.

Items Required:


  • 500 Gold
  • 500 Exp

Thanks to Tristyn.

Quest Locations:

Quests Begun From: Syrrus

  • You can only complete either the 'LEGEND: Glacera Ice Token' or 'Glacera Ice Token' quest once per day.
  • The 'LEGEND: Glacera Ice Token' and 'Glacera Ice Token' quests can also be found from Syrrus in Frozen Tower.

Requirements: Must have completed the 'FrostSpawn General Takedown' quest.

Gather a Spark of Courage to melt the ice around the scythe's blade.

Items Required:


  • 100 Gold
  • 100 Exp


Thanks to Tristyn.

Quest Location: Northstar
Quests Begun From: Syrrus

Requirements: Must have completed the 'FrostSpawn General Takedown' quest.

The FrostSpawn or - or SOMETHING is changing the refugees. They are freezing and turning on us! Take out 5 of the Invaders and put 3 of the Monstrous Refugees out of their misery.

Items Required:


  • 400 Gold
  • 400 Exp

Thanks to Tristyn.

Quest Location: Icewind Pass
Quests Begun From: Syrrus
Note: These quests cannot be accessed after finishing the 'Take it Down' quest.

Note: This quest can only be done once.

The stars have led me to this area, but it's a dead end. I can’t figure out where Karok has gone! Take these tuning crystals and drive them into the ground in the snowy fields nearby. I'll use them to see if any powerful spells have been recently cast in this area.

Items Required:

  • Tuning Crystal Placed x5
    • Click on the blue arrows around the map


  • 250 Gold
  • 250 Exp

Thanks to Tris.

Quest Location: Icewind Pass
Quests Begun From: Syrrus
Requirements: Must have completed the 'Take it Down' quest.

With all-out war brewing between Karok and Kezeroth, it’s about to get messy here! For now, the least we can do is try to prevent it from spilling into Frostvale. Go into the ravine, and kill any Frostspawn that are still trying to make their way down the mountain.

Items Required:


  • 900 Gold
  • 900 Exp
  • 500 Rep : Glacera

Thanks to Tris.

Quest Location: Karok Vs Kezeroth!
Quests Begun From: Syrrus
Requirements: Must have completed the 'Take it Down' quest.

Defeat 10 of Karok's Frostspawn minions to get Frostspawn Medals and raise the war meter!

Items Required:


  • 250 Gold
  • 250 Exp
  • 200 Rep : Glacera


Thanks to Apus.

Quest Location: Frostval 2016
Quests Begun from: Syrrus
Requirements: Must have completed the 'What is THAT?' quest.

First, we'll need to scout out the area, and see what we're up against. Go in and explore the frozen cave, look at things on the ground, and slay some of the Ice Lords and Living Ice that are guarding it. (Quest available once per login session)

Items Required:


  • 800 Gold
  • 800 Exp
  • 200 Rep: Glacera

Thanks to Eldant.

Quest Location: Frostval 2016
Quest begun from: Syrrus
Rquierements: Must have completed the 'Karok still Stands' quest.

Kezeroth may be down, and Karok some sort of ally, but the Frostspawn horde must still be thinned. We cannot allow them to get too comfortable. Show me your worth by defeating 3 Ice Lords and 3 Living Ices and I will reward you with Glacera Rep!

Items Required:


  • 600 Gold
  • 600 Exp
  • 300 Rep: Glacera

Thanks to Them.

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