- At Cryostorm
- At Frozen Ruins
- At Frozen Tower
- At Frostval 2016
- At Icewind Pass
- At Karok Vs Kezeroth!
- At Northstar
Happy Frostval, <Hero>! I hope you are having a good time. It's strange, visiting Lorentz's hometown. I wish he were here to experience this… He would have loved it! I have reason to believe that the Champion of Ice is either here, or was born here. The citizens of Cryostorm Tundra have always been gifted with the element of Ice. It is no surprise that Champion would be from here. I plan on continuing my search after the festivities.
Before completing the 'Defeat the FrostSpawn Invaders' quest:
Hero, you must create the Horologium Gate before you can continue. Return to the FrozenTower.
- FrozenTower
- Tower of Winds Merge
- Cryomancer Class
After completing the 'Defeat the FrostSpawn Invaders' quest:
My friend, I am so grateful the Loremaster Temple was close enough for you to travel here quickly to aid us. But I think if you had been a day or two slower… perhaps we would have missed the timing, and the gate could not have been constructed. No no, do not think I blame you! But I admit, I cannot believe what my error has wrought.
- Syrrus' Quests
- Tower of Winds Merge
- Cryomancer Class
After completing the 'Ravage the Reapers' quest:
These creatures… I don't think they're entirely human. Or maybe they are, but twisted.
- Syrrus' Quests
- Tower of Winds Merge
- Cryomancer Class
After completing the 'Form the Lock' quest:
Oh my friend. I fear for you. The stars say you must travel. To Glacera. You must recover the Scythe of Vengeance that Karok left behind. It is the only way to close the gate.
- Syrrus' Quests
- Tower of Winds Merge
- Cryomancer Class
After completing the 'The Scythe of Vengeance' quest:
I am so glad you're back! The invasion has grown so much worse. They just do not stop flooding in!
- Syrrus' Quests
- Tower of Winds Merge
- Cryomancer Class
After completing the 'FrostSpawn General Takedown' quest:
*whispers* My stars, what have I done? *I* caused this. How could I have read the stars so wrong? Lorentz… his blood is on MY hands. The horde MUST be stopped. Follow the North Star to track the invaders.
- NorthStar
- Merge Gear Quests
- Tower of Winds Merge
- Cryomancer Class
Ah, my friend! May I call you that? Warlic has told me so much about you, I feel like I've known you for years. He said if I ever needed to save the world, to call on you. And that sounds like exactly what we need to do here. Do you know much about Astromancy?
Ah, not so much? Well, then. I will fill you quickly! I channel my magic through the power of the stars, their movements, and their affinities. I draw in power through the ley lines surround OUR world, and I… "hook in" to the magic of other planets surrounds ours.I am able to divine what may come, what has gone before, and affect the certain events on our world using their power. Right now, we must create a path from a world far away to our own, so that we can bring aid to battle the Queen of Monsters.
- Syrrus' Quests
- Cryomancer Class
- Tower of Winds Merge
After completing the 'Retrieve the Water Starstone' quest:
Look at it! The Merkari Starstone. I have read about it, knew it was in this area of the world. It is beautiful, is it not? And you can feel the power pulsing off it.
Ah, not so much? Well, then. I will fill you quickly! I channel my magic through the power of the stars, their movements, and their affinities. I draw in power through the ley lines surround OUR world, and I… "hook in" to the magic of other planets surrounds ours.I am able to divine what may come, what has gone before, and affect the certain events on our world using their power. Right now, we must create a path from a world far away to our own, so that we can bring aid to battle the Queen of Monsters.
- Syrrus' Quests
- Cryomancer Class
- Tower of Winds Merge
After completing the 'Polar Penetration and Progress' quest:
I do not like the changes I am seeing in our country and its creatures. Ever since the explosion, we have seen creatures mutating, growing stronger and angrier. I fear more was broken than my tower!
Ah, not so much? Well, then. I will fill you quickly! I channel my magic through the power of the stars, their movements, and their affinities. I draw in power through the ley lines surround OUR world, and I… "hook in" to the magic of other planets surrounds ours.I am able to divine what may come, what has gone before, and affect the certain events on our world using their power. Right now, we must create a path from a world far away to our own, so that we can bring aid to battle the Queen of Monsters.
- Syrrus' Quests
- Cryomancer Class
- Tower of Winds Merge
After completing the 'Bled Bone Dry' quest:
That proves it! The very magic of our island itself is changing! After we broke from one large landmass into these 8 smaller ones, I suspected something like that would happen. And now… now we KNOW it has.
Ah, not so much? Well, then. I will fill you quickly! I channel my magic through the power of the stars, their movements, and their affinities. I draw in power through the ley lines surround OUR world, and I… "hook in" to the magic of other planets surrounds ours.I am able to divine what may come, what has gone before, and affect the certain events on our world using their power. Right now, we must create a path from a world far away to our own, so that we can bring aid to battle the Queen of Monsters.
- Syrrus' Quests
- Cryomancer Class
- Tower of Winds Merge
After completing the 'Create the Gate' quest:
Deep breath, Hero. The time has come. The hour is right. The gate is complete. Once I cast this spell… our lives will change!
Ah, not so much? Well, then. I will fill you quickly! I channel my magic through the power of the stars, their movements, and their affinities. I draw in power through the ley lines surround OUR world, and I… "hook in" to the magic of other planets surrounds ours.I am able to divine what may come, what has gone before, and affect the certain events on our world using their power. Right now, we must create a path from a world far away to our own, so that we can bring aid to battle the Queen of Monsters.
- Syrrus' Quests
- Cryomancer Class
- Tower of Winds Merge
After completing the 'Defeat the FrostSpawn Invaders' quest:
I - I - I had no idea. Never imagined… This cannot be but it IS! My power was exploited, my trust betrayed, and I WILL make this right! Hero, I am going to need you now more than ever. I will make this up to you, and to my people. We will drive these invaders back!
Ah, not so much? Well, then. I will fill you quickly! I channel my magic through the power of the stars, their movements, and their affinities. I draw in power through the ley lines surround OUR world, and I… "hook in" to the magic of other planets surrounds ours.I am able to divine what may come, what has gone before, and affect the certain events on our world using their power. Right now, we must create a path from a world far away to our own, so that we can bring aid to battle the Queen of Monsters.
- FrozenRuins
- Tower of Winds Merge
- Cryomancer Quests
- Cryomancer Class
So, here we are. Trying to convince a sentient, magic ice crystal to let us wield it so we can defeat the combined power of Karok and Kezeroth. I have to say, my life is surely more interesting when you're around! I will be staying in Frostvale, but I'll project my spirit into the mountain with you so I can continue to guide you through it.
Crystal of Glacera
Put less flippantly, this is a powerful artifact that, according to some, was created by Kyanos in the plane of ice. Until the new Champion of Ice awakens, this crystal might be our best shot at preventing Karok and Kezeroth from destroying Lore.
After completing the 'Take the Crystal' quest:
You have spoken to the Crystal, but now you must fight it!
After completing the 'You have to Fight' quest:
You did it! You’ve got the crystal! Now, you’ve got to get out of there before you’re overwhelmed by the Frostspawn! They’ve got the opening you entered from blocked off - you’re going to have to head north and fight your way through them to get out.
After completing the 'Fight your way Clear' quest:
You can do this! Kezeroth is not at full strength - Karok’s spell of binding has weakened him - and you have the Crystal of Glacera at your side. Let’s see what this thing can do!
After completing the 'Take down Kezeroth!' quest:
Kezeroth is down, but Karok is still at full strength! I know that last fight had to have worn you out, but we can’t give up yet! Use the Crystal of Glacera to destroy him!
After completing the 'Karok still Stands' quest:
Allying with Karok? And his brother, Kezeroth? I never thought I would see this day. I don't like this or trust this at all, but I will defer to your judgement for now. Let's hope we do not live to regret it.
Crystal of Glacera
Put less flippantly, this is a powerful artifact that, according to some, was created by Kyanos in the plane of ice. Until the new Champion of Ice awakens, this crystal might be our best shot at preventing Karok and Kezeroth from destroying Lore.
Hero, I’m glad you’ve come! After falling silent for a year, Karok the Fallen has emerged again. According to what I’ve scryed in the stars, he is attempting to awaken Kezeroth, the World Ender! Together, they could be too powerful for even you to stop. Obviously, we cannot allow this to happen.
Karok is an ice mage, and I believe that his powers are strongest when Lore is at its coldest. The stars tell me that on the solstice, he will finally be strong enough to hone in on Kezeroth’s location, and awaken him. If he succeeds, it could mean the end of everything we know.
Kezeroth is the brother of Karok the Fallen. He is known as the World Ender, and seeks to bring about the end of Lore. 4 years ago, the Chronomancer Athon sacrificed his life to encase him in ice, freezing him for 26,000 years. But Karok seeks to awaken him early.
After completing the 'Dispell the Spell' quest:
Hero! Karok’s path has been revealed! He’s gone up through the ravine to the east! We must hurry if we’re to catch up to him before he reaches Kezeroth!
- Syrrus' Quests
- Karok's Story
- Kezeroth's Story
After completing the 'Take it Down' quest:
We failed to stop Karok from awakening Kezeroth, but all may not be lost. If the brothers are going to fight each other, that could work in our favor. We’ll use the one brother to take down the other!
- Syrrus' Quests
- Northern Defense Rep
- Northern Defense Rep Frostval
Karok the Fallen and Kezeroth the World Ender are fighting each other! If we help Kezeroth's forces weaken and distract the Frostspawn, this could be the perfect opportunity to take Karok down for good!
Help Kezeroth?
Karok's goal isn't to destroy Kezeroth - he wants to subdue him and join forces with him. If Karok wins this war, we will have to fight them both! This means we MUST help Kezeroth take Karok down for good. After the war, we'll stand a better chance against Kezeroth alone, than we would against the brothers combined.
- Syrrus' Quests
- Northern Defense Rep
- Northern Defense Rep Frostval
- Glaceran War Merge
Before completing the 'What is THAT?' quest:
We’ll have to defeat this monstrosity before we can even think about going after Karok and Kezeroth! Quickly, take it down!
After completing the 'What is THAT?' quest:
I will consult the stars, and start looking for answers to where Karok and Kezeroth could have gone. We won’t go in blind, though - I think I may know of a weapon that could help us defeat them. I will let you know when I have more information for you.
Before completing the 'FrostSpawn General Takedown' quest:
Hero, you must defeat the FrostSpawn General in the Frozen Ruins before you can continue.
- Frozen Ruins
- Tower of Winds Merge
- Cryomancer Class
After completing the 'FrostSpawn General Takedown' quest:
Lorentz is gone. I have no one left to train. Is this what our world will be now? Fighting to survive? Living one day, one battle, at a time? I will fight belongside you, Hero, but I am heartsick.
- Merge Gear Quests
- Syrrus' Quests
- Tower of Winds Merge
- Cryomancer Class
After completing the 'Reaping the Refugees' quest:
I just… I believe in YOU, Hero, but as for the rest of us… Look at them all. One by one, we are falling. How many of us will be left? Is it worth risking your life to save us?
- Merge Gear Quests
- Syrrus' Quests
- Tower of Winds Merge
- Cryomancer Class
After completing the 'Saving Syrrus' Spirit' quest:
The Snowdrop Blossom… My mother used to sing me a song about how it symbolized our homeland. And Lorentz's journal. Damaged, but not destroyed. And you found my lodestone; it's been shattered, but it guided me this far…. And this bear. Stupid little bear. It's still here. And so am I. WE are still here! And we've got to keep it that way!
- Merge Gear Quests
- Syrrus' Quests
- Tower of Winds Merge
- Cryomancer Class
After completing the 'A New Frost Monster' quest:
That did not look like any of the other FrostSpawn we have seen. Could the Queen of Monsters' magic be affecting THEM now, too?! Karok is coming, I hear whispers of his approach on the wind. You must battle him when he arrives!
- Merge Gear Quests
- Syrrus' Quests
- Tower of Winds Merge
- Cryomancer Class
After completing the 'Defeat Karok!' quest:
All of my time and energy MUST go to making this right - driving out the FrostSpawn. They WILL regret ever stepping hoof on our world!
- Merge Gear Quests
- Tower of Winds Merge
- Cryomancer Class
- Syrrus' Quests
- Replaces Blizzy on Screen 1 of Karok Vs Kezeroth! after completing the 'Take it Down' quest.
- Also see Northern Lights Wanderer.
Thanks to Apus and Tristyn.
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