Swordhaven Pizza Shop Owner's Quest
Quest Locations:
Quests Begun From:
I have an urgent delivery! … and our policy is 30 levels or less, or it is free! I guess we will just have to improvise. First we need a sauce substitute. Oh, I know, how about slime? Help me by defeating slimes and bringing me back 5 Yummy Slime Sauces!
Items Required:
- Yummy Slime Sauce x5
- Dropped by Slime (Monster) (Level 1) (Version 1)
- 1,500 Gold
- 1,500 Exp
- 500 Rep : Good
- Special Hair Gel (Used to access the Hair Gel Shop)
Thanks to Apus, Funnier orb and Ultrapowerpie.
Begin this quest in our free web game at www.AQ.com!