- Astravia Castle - Plays after completing the 'Mnemosyne, the Tormentor' quest
«Scene: Hero defeats the Sun»
«Scene: Darkon lifts up Drago by his neck»
Drago: <Hero>? What have you done?
Darkon: She just dashed the plans of a malicious tyrant.
Darkon: And now, that tyrant will call down the next Beast.
Darkon: Judgement.
Hero: Wait…
«Hero points their weapon at Darkon»
Hero: You're in control of the creatures invading the city.
Hero: Are you leading an invasion just to make him summon more beasts?
Drago: Ah! That's it!
Drago: You wanted me to summon Judgement this entire time. It isn't just about Judgement either.
Drago: The final beast and its powers are beyond your reach.
Drago: You should have just stopped at wanting to kill me.
Drago: There aren't enough of my subjects left in Astravia to call Judgement, let alone The World.
Drago: I lived a long and rich life, Darkon. Now, I'll die a happy man watching your very last failure.
Darkon: On the contrary—-
«Darkon slams Drago to the ground and snaps his fingers - Creatures around Astravia explode and a huge portal appears in the sky»
Darkon: Can you hear it? Their Swan Songs?
Darkon: The creatures swarming the streets will make fine sacrifices.
Darkon: They were once citizens of Astravia, in a manner of speaking.
Darkon: Specifically, they seed themselves inside mortals with weakened minds.
Darkon: There, they grow and feed on fear and paranoia--
«Close up on Darkon»
Darkon: -- Until they're big enough to use their chosen human as a shell.
Darkon: The creatures are from a plane where the concept of time is far different from ours.
Darkon: It moves erratically, making it as unpredictable as the transformations.
Darkon: Then came our friend here, The Dragon of Time, gracing me with their company and Divinity
Drago: HER?
Hero: Me?
Darkon: Just their presence forced time back on track, speeding the transformation of the creatures.
Darkon: And gave me enough pawns to scare my dear little brother into summoning beasts.
«Darkon smiles at the sky as something huge comes out of the portal»
Darkon: Primordial Judgement will descend on you and the Astravians. You will all pay for what you have done.
«Scene fades»
Previous: Sunrise (2) | Next: The First Judgement