Super Moglinster

Location: Candy Shoppe
Level: 20
Difficulty: 3 stars
Total HP: 13,090
- Slash: 147-179
- Hyper Slash: 147-179
Temporary Items Dropped:
- Myx (Dropped during the 'Myx It Up' quest)
- Candy-coated Fur (Dropped during the 'Thriller Trio' quest)
Items Dropped:
- Box-o-Chocolates x1-15
- Candy Corn x1-15
- House Myx
- Lol-E-Pop x1-6
- Moglow Wand
- Pumpkin Leaf Sword
- Spine Spear
- Treasure Chest (Misc)
Note: Also see List of all Moglinsters.

Thanks to Haileym1, Ness860, Sageheart, Vamparagon and Zyrain.
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