- Super Death Trials - Plays after completing the 'Super Death' quest
«Scene: Hero and Arctikiller attacking Super Death»
Super Death: No! This is impossible!
«Super Death in a thinking position»
Super Death: How did I lose?!
Hero: When you threaten someone’s world like that, you tend to lose…
Super Death: No, you don’t get it! I shouldn’t be able to lose! I…
Hero: Whoa, I know you are powerful and all, but you aren’t undefeatable…
Super Death: No no no. I get that! But this is all in my head!
Super Death: How did I lose in my own imagination?!
Hero: What?!
Arctikiller: What?!
«Close up on Super Death»
Super Death: All I wanted to do is sit here and play with my action figures.
Super Death: Have a nice storyline about invading other worlds.
Super Death: But then the figures started fighting back!
Hero: Uhh, Super Death?
Super Death: Maybe they didn’t like that storyline…
Hero: Super Death?
Super Death: I guess the Heroes would be opposed to taking over other worlds…
Hero: Super Death!
Super Death: What?!
«Zooms back out to Hero and Arctikiller again»
Hero: Those weren’t action figures!
Super Death: What?
Arctikiller: Those people you were controlling… Those were the real people!
Super Death: Oh no…
Super Death: And that planet I was invading…
«Close up on the Hero and Arctikiller»
Hero: Yeah, that’s real too. And mine, by the way!
Super Death: So you’re telling me, everything I was just doing… actually happened…
Hero: YES!!!
Arctikiller: YES!!!
«Super Death moves back in shock»
Super Death: Oh crap!
«Close up on worried Super Death»
Super Death: I… I didn’t mean to… Haha.
Super Death: That’s kinda funny! Haha!
«Super Death starts laughing»
Super Death: Even the part where General Smash kissed that Slime monster?
«Close up on the Hero and Arctikiller again»
Arctikiller: Wait, what? Did we miss that part?
Hero: We must have! But gross!
Arctikiller: Super Death, you have to fix this!
Super Death: Right, right…
Super Death: Give me a second…
«Super Death shots out an explosion causing the portal on Screen 2 of Super Death Trials to turn red and pull all the Shadow Monsters inside it and then returning to normal»
Super Death: There we go!
Super Death: All the monsters are back to Earth where they belong.
Super Death: All the Heroes and Villains should have their free will restored.
Super Death: And General Smash won’t remember he kissed that Slime monster!
General Smash: Why do I taste jelly?!
Super Death: Uhh… Like I said, he won’t remember!
Hero: So that’s it?! Everything is just back to normal?!
Arctikiller: Uhh, seems like it! I guess our work is done!
Hero: But what about Super Death?
Super Death: If it makes you feel any better, I didn’t mean for any of this to happen.
Super Death: I guess I let my imagination get carried away…
«Close up on Hero and Arctikiller»
«Hero scratching their neck»
Hero: It’s… uh… It’s okay, Super Death. As long as you leave Lore alone from now on!
«Close up on Super Death smiling»
Super Death: I promise!
Hero: Even in your imagination?
«Super Death lifts his head higher»
Super Death: Umm… Okay, yeah, sure! I promise!
Hero: Awesome!
«Close up of Arctikiller and the Hero»
Arctikiller: Thank you, Hero. I’m sorry this turned out to be one big misunderstanding!
Hero: It’s alright! It happens more often than you’d think!
Arctikiller: With that Dragon Gate of yours tuned to my world, perhaps you could come for a visit another time!
Arctikiller: A time where we aren’t trying to save the world from Shadow monsters!
Super Death: And maybe you could come play action figures with me!
Hero: Umm… Sure! Why not!
Super Death: Maybe we can take over Bladehaven next!
Hero: Hahahaha!
Arctikiller: Hahahaha!
Super Death: Hahahaha!
«Scene fades»
«Scene: Close up on Hero»
Hero: …you’re joking right?
Previous: Confronting Super Death