AE Ninja
Greetings! Artix asked me to stand guard here and wait for you, Hero. Artix needs your help to free the spirit of a trapped little ghost girl, but to do that, you're going to need to find 13 cursed artifacts… But the minions of the Werepyre Lich king, Kurok Gravefang, want to find the 13th, Death's Hourglass, first! If we are going to save her, you'll have to find the first 7 here, and then journey to our other game worlds to find the rest in an all-game scavenger hunt!
Battle your way to Artix near the Lab to find out the rest of the details!
6th Birthday Rares 
Artifact Hunt
WereBear and HeroMart Lead
Congratulations, Hero, on surviving your most recent adventures! I am so glad you've arrived here in time to celebrate my birthday! It's an honor to be able to thank you for everything you've done to keep our world safe and secure for villagers, nobles, and shopkeepers like me.
- HeroMart
Werebear and HeroMart Lead
Congratulations, Hero, on surviving to see this day! It's an honor to be able to thank you for everything you've done to keep our world safe and secure for villagers, nobles, and shopkeepers like me.
Get sneak peeks of new collectibles, share your feedback, and suggest new items for HeroMart.
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Head of Heromart
Welcome to HeroMart, Artix Entertainment's one and only real world loot store! I'm Stryche, and I've got gear you can /equip offline - t-shirts, calendars, action figures, and more!
Check out my merch inside, then click the button below to get your own! (Plus all the in-game rewards you can get with HeroPoints!)
The shop is currently being remodeled. The builders gave me an estimate of 3 weeks… 5 months ago. Hopefully they will be done soon!
HeroPoints are HeroMart's new in-game currency -- anytime you buy merchandise from HeroMart, you'll get HeroPoints that you can use to buy additional in-game gear… that YOU pick and choose from the items inside Stryche's shop! Turn your HeroPoints in to complete Stryche's quests and choose from the rewards! Return next week to get your rewards with HeroPoints!
- More Details
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HeroPoints Merge 
Stryche's Quests 
Warrior of the Hunter's Moon Clan
We must be careful. The village is full of monsters, and they have us way, WAY outnumbered! We have to find our clan's leader, Elder Xubo. He'll know what to do. He always does.
What Happened Here?
I'm not sure. When I went to bed, everything was quiet and calm. But I awoke just before dawn to screams and fire, and found the village under attack. And to think - if last night had gone the way it was supposed to, I'd be the one in charge right now! Oh, I am not ready for this.
What went wrong?
When it comes time for our Clan Elder to retire, our patron spirit, Voland, King of Bears, chooses an apprentice to take his place. This apprentice represents both aspects of the Bear: power and wisdom. But this time, Voland chose two. It was decided that we would fulfill the role together, with one of us embodying Voland's wisdom, and the other his strength.
But this had never happened before! Our Elder did not know how to pass his power to two apprentices, so he announced that the ceremony would be postponed, allowing him time to commune with the spirit of Voland and find the answers he needs.
- Stryche's Quests
After completing the 'Find the Elder' quest:
Warrior of the Hunter's Moon Clan
I must save my village, and avenge the death of Elder Xubo. But we are outnumbered, and we will have to approach this cautiously. We need to try to see the whole picture, and figure out what's really going on.
- Stryche's Quests
After completing the 'Who are the Blood Moon Clan?' quest:
Warrior of the Hunter's Moon Clan
"Marchosias is our one true leader". "Marchosias will prevail." The spirit of Voland will ignite in Marchosias alone." This is what the so-called Blood Moon Clan is saying! It's obvious there's been a mutiny, but surely Marchosias wouldn't support this! Would he?
If he has taken the power of Voland for himself… if he has brought its power out of balance… that would explain a lot about what's happening now. He has cursed our clan, and we must recover the Skull of Voland and break it!
- Stryche's Quests
After completing the 'Tree of Wisdom' quest:
Warrior of the Hunter's Moon Clan
Now that I have the Skull of Voland, I should be able to break the curse that's affecting the Hunters Moon Clan. Can I count on you to help me gather the energy I'll need?
- Stryche's Quests
After completing the 'Offer the Skull' quest:
Warrior of the Hunter's Moon Clan
The spirit of Voland calls to me, but if feels wrong somehow. It is not how Elder Xubo always described it. There must be something wrong - Marchosias has changed the Spirit of Voland. Confront the Spirit - there may be some way to return it to its original state.
- Stryche's Quests
After completing the 'The Fighting Spirit' quest:
Warrior of the Hunter's Moon Clan
I feel Voland's spirit inside of me. I understand so much now. When Marchosias claimed the Skull, he took Voland's power, but it became imbalanced. Dark. Now that I hold it… well, it's no longer dark, but it is still out of balance. I will have to find him, confront him, and find a way to bring things back to how they were meant to be.
- Return to Marchosias
- Stryche's Quests
Moonstruck Clan Warrior
Hurry! We must strike down Marchosias, the Mooncursed beast, before his monsters destroy the entire village! He was last spotted in the town square in the east. Go! I'll be right behind you!
- Stryche's Quests
After completing the 'Curse of the Moon' quest:
Moonstruck Clan Warrior
I… am not sure what has happened. Hero, you were here and then you just… disappeared. You must keep going!
- Continue!
Warrior of the Hunter's Moon Clan
We couldn't defeat Marchosias when we went up against him in your past. But that was in HIS future. The Marchosias we would fight now is less experienced, weaker. I know we can defeat him, and we must do it now before he becomes too strong. I don't think I could do it on my own, but together? We can. We HAVE to.
I'm in. What's our first step?
Marchosias wields a powerful moon-forged weapon. A weapon such as this, forged from pure moonlight, is strong enough to cut through any metal - your weapon would be useless against it. So, we will need to craft our own before we confront him. Most of my clan do not know how to do this. Fortunately, since Elder Xubo was training me to become one of our clan's new Elders, I know what we need to do.
- Stryche's Quests
After completing the 'Forge of the Moon' quest:
Warrior of the Hunter's Moon Clan
This is where Marchosias has made his lair - and from the look of it, things are still worse than I thought! There is so much corruption everywhere. Now that we have these moon-forged weapons, we can confront him and bring Voland's power back into balance.
- Stryche's Quests
After completing the 'Search the Cave' quest:
Warrior of the Hunter's Moon Clan
How can it still be this bad, even after we purified Voland's skull in the moonlight? I don't even want to think about what it would have been like if we hadn't acted when we did. We must find him soon, or it may be too late.
- Stryche's Quests
After completing the 'Check the Nest' quest:
Warrior of the Hunter's Moon Clan
My blade is shattered, and I feel my humanity slipping away even now. You have to be the one to finish this. I know you can do this. It's why you're here.
- Stryche's Quests
Combat Practice Supervisor
Welcome to the Arena! If you want to take out these tougher monsters, it might help to understand how YOU work! In Adventure Quest Worlds, you use your weapons and spells to defeat your foes. You can improve how skilled you are with weapons and spells by getting gear and other items that change your stats.
Attack Power - helps your weapon hit harder
Spell Power - helps your spells hit harder
DPS - Damage Per Second, this is how much damage your weapon does by Auto Attacking (button 1 on your attack bar).
More Stats
Strength - buffs your Attack Power and weapon damage
Intellect - buffs your Spell Power and casting speed
Endurance - gives you more health
Dexterity - helps your weapon hit more often and accurately
Wisdom - helps your spells hit more often and accurately
Luck - does a little bit of everything
Your Stats
Click on the character button below and then "Stats & Classes" to see a detailed list of YOUR stats!
- Stryche's Quests
Combat Practice Supervisor
Hail! You're going to need to FIGHT if you want to become one of the strongest heroes on Lore.
You've got the potential, I can tell. You just need the experience to turn that into real skill.
Battle these boneheads to practice combat skills.
Need More Help?
Battle monsters to level up your class (called "ranking up") and unlock stronger skills. Some skills unlock special attacks or are used in combination with other skills.
You can purchase classes in Battleon or earn them with reputation. Certain classes like the BeastMaster summon pets to battle for you!
- Watch Video Example