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The Thirteen Lords of Chaos
Queen of Monsters
Throne of Darkness
The Seven Deadly Dragons
Shadows of War
Miscellaneous Storylines
Seasonal Events
The Second Ladies of Chaos
Chaos is unpredictable, and this is why we haven't fought Xing and Xang yet, even though Drakath made them the Second Chaos Lords. However, they have been meddling in many of Lore's other areas and sagas. This section will contain many spoilers for some of the other areas.
Xing and Xang first make an appearance when the Hero is stuck between siding with Good or Evil. Drakath chaorrupts them and makes them his newest Chaos Lords. Their plan is to aim two meteorites at Battleon to destroy the town. You can replay all the events of Xing and Xang's introduction as well as Battleon's move to GreenGuard Forest by speaking to Warlic in Battleon Town.
During Nythera's Saga, the Twins tempt Nythera with Chaotic powers leading to Nythera rebelling against the Hero and fleeing to the Void.
The Chaos Twins next appear in Bloodtusk Ravine (Horc or Troll). It is revealed that Drakath swapped the Good Xang with the Mirror Xang to make the Xing and Xang in the normal world of Lore both Chaotic. The Chaos Twins cause the Bloodtusk war by chaorrupting Khasaanda's and Krellenos's younger brother. This causes the Trolls and Horcs to break their alliance and return hating each other and the Hero as well. Later on in the saga, the Twins also chaorrupt the Good and Evil alliance generals and turn them against the Hero.
During The Span, the Chaos Twins turn Iadoa's Golems against their creator to start a war. They later help Iadoa succumb to Chaos and become the Chaos Lord he is meant to be.
In ThunderForge, Xing and Xang appear before Maximilian Lonfang after he has been defeated by the Hero and the alliance of Good and Evil to turn him Chaotic and, ultimately, the 11th Chaos Lord.
The main saga begins in the Mirror Realm.
Quest Location: BattleOff
Quests Begun From: Mirror Drakath (NPC)
Note: These quests can only be completed once.
Go to the Science Shop and speak to Cysero and Warlic. They will have figured out some way to balance you out. Please, let me know what they say.
Items Required:
- Warlic's List x1
- Talk to Mirror Warlic
- 0 Gold
- 2,500 Exp
Thanks to Ness860 and rickyb20.
Quest Location: BrightFall
Quests Begun From: Gravelyn The Good (NPC)
Requirements: Must have completed the 'Filthy Creatures' quest.
Note: These quests can only be completed once.
- Wave After Wave
- Take Out Their Firepower
- Help Where It is Needed
- Bring A Ward To A Swordfight
- Cut Off The Head
- Speak to Dage The Good
Alteon's Undead Minions are everywhere in Brightfall. We've been doing what we can to defeat them but their numbers are just endless. Can you help my Lightscythe defeat this wave? It will give us a leg up on the next one.
Items Required:
- Minions Defeated x8
- Dropped by Undead Minion (1)
- 9,600 Gold
- 32,000 Exp
Thanks to GuardMice and Ness860.
Quest Location: OverWorld
Quests Begun From: Dage the Good (NPC)
Requirements: Must have completed the 'Speak to Dage The Good' quest.
Note: These quests can only be completed once.
- Rearm The Legion of Light
- Free Their Souls
- One Ring
- Severing Ties
- Legion's Lifesblood
- Legion's Purpose
- What's His Endgame?
- A Stopping Block
- Boost Morale
- Alteon's Folly
- DoomFire
- Spoiled Souls
- Purity of Bone
- Undead Artix Returns!
The weapons that these pitiful undead carry are usually as flimsy as they are but a few have weapons of quality that we can use to give to the other members of the Legion in the field. Please find 5 Quality Weapons on the undead soldiers and bring them back to base camp.
Items Required:
- Quality Weapon x5
- Dropped by Undead Minion (1)
- 9,600 Gold
- 32,000 Exp
Thanks to Ness860 and Tendou no Mazo.
Quest Location: RedDeath Swamp
Quests Begun From: Bardolph
Requirements: Must have completed the 'Undead Artix Returns!' quest.
Note: These quests can only be completed once.
- I Can't Touch This
- Nope, Still a Ghost
- First We Need a Beacon...
- Light It Up
- ...Next We Need a Trap
- For Spirits, Not People
- Still Too Fragile
I'd be honored to help Drakath, but unfortunately I can't create the enchantment he needs without a body. The life force of living beings can help me become stronger, and luckily this swamp is full of nasty monsters that no one will miss.
Items Required:
- Monstrous Life Force x6
- Dropped by all monsters in RedDeath Swamp
- 9,600 Gold
- 32,000 Exp
Thanks to Ness860 and rickyb20.
Quest Location: Mirror Portal
Quests Begun From: Mirror Drakath's Reflection
Requirements: Must have completed the 'Still Too Fragile' quest.
- Craft a Better Defense
- Reflect the Damage
- Pure Chaos, Corrupted Blood
- Enemies of a Feather Flock Together
- Ward Off The Beast
- Horror Takes Flight
- Good, Evil, and Chaos Battle!
Note: This quest can only be completed once.
If you are going to survive the battle against the Chaos Harpy, you'll need a very strong ward! Find Alina in the Battleon. She will give you the recipe for a Shriekward Potion!
Items Required:
- Alina's Recipe x1
- Click on the blue arrow on Apothecary of Battleon Town
- 0 Gold
- 2,500 Exp
Thanks to Ness860 and rickyb20.