Vaden's Tale

Quest Locations:

Quests Begun From: Click Vaden in the top-right corner on each screen.

Vaden says, "It all started the day the Hero was spotted outside my Castle of Bone… slaying my guards to find the Key to the door!"

Items Required:


  • 500 Gold
  • 500 Exp

Thanks to boomboompowboyz and Death Evil4712.


OPTIONAL: Screams rip through the darkness surrounding the Castle of Bone, but the Skull Towers of Silver and Gold stand silent, eternal guardians. Waiting at the top of each is the shadow of a DeathKnight Lord… Meet The Butcher that stands outside the doors to the towers and find out why he needs your help to get his revenge!

Quest Location: The Towers
Quests Begun From:

  • Chef Ramskull
  • Click Chef Ramskull in the top-right corner on each screen.

Requirement: Must have completed the 'Vaden's Defeat' quest.

See those Spyballs? They're watching us! They're recording everything we do, and playing it back for the Deathknight lords of the Castle of Bone. Needless to say, we cannot allow this. Battle the Spyballs and remove their cameras. Being on TV is fantastic, but Tower Network? No thank you. The ratings are terrible.

Items Required:


  • 600 Gold
  • 600 Exp

Thanks to Death Evil4712.

Quest Location: Skull Tower of Gold
Quests Begun From:

  • Chef Ramskull
  • Click on Chef Ramskull on the top-right corner of each screen.

Requirement: Must have completed the 'Flester the Silver' quest.

No Spyballs in this tower -- I guess they got word we were coming and sent these Souldiers down in anticipation! This is an easy one, Hero -- just fight these guys and get them out of our way.

Items Required:


  • 700 Gold
  • 700 Exp

Thanks to Tris.

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