The Reshaper

Quest Location: Pilgrimage
Quests Begun From: Eremon

Have you noticed how the creatures in the area nearby have been changed? We think this may be related to Kolyaban's appearance -every time she has been spotted, these misshapen animals are found nearby. If you catch some for us, your friend Aria has agreed to help us study them, so that we might get a clearer picture of what has been happening.

Items Required:


Thanks to Women18888.

Quest Location: Pilgrimage
Quests Begun From: Aria (NPC)

Requirement: Must have completed 'The Source' quest.
Note: This quest can only be completed once.

Oh, no! Lucky is missing! I turned my back and she was just… gone! Please, help me find her! She kept trying to run off after the monsters here, so maybe some of them will give us some clues where she went. Examine the landscape, too - if you see anything out of the ordinary, let me know!

Items Required:

  • Tuft of Fur x3
  • Lucky's Collar x1
  • Paw-Shaped Claw Marks x3
    • Click on the claw marks around the map
  • Hoofprint x1
    • Click on the hoofprint on Screen 10


Thanks to Women18888.

Quest Location: Pilgrimage
Quests Begun From: Eremon
Requirement: Must have completed the 'Gather a Scouting Party' quest.
Note: This quest can only be completed once.

In the area where you found the claw marks and hoofprints, there is a path leading deeper into the wood. That's where we will find Kolyaban, and hopefully your friend's wolf, too. We will make our way up the path and scout the area. We should also slay any monsters we run across along the way, so they cannot ambush us from behind.

Items Required:


Thanks to Women18888.

Quest Location: Pilgrimage
Quests Begun From: Aria (NPC)

Requirement: Must have completed the 'Head into the Woods' quest.
Note: This quest can only be completed once.

Please don't hurt Lucky! It's not her fault that his happened to her! If you can just knock her out… if we can catch her and bring her back to camp.. maybe I can find a way to heal her. Please, we have to help her!

Items Required:


Thanks to Women18888.

Quest Location: Twisted Caverns
Quests Begun From: Eremon
Requirement: Must have completed the 'Bad Dog' quest.

Let us explore this cavern and see what clues we can find! Unfortunately, it looks like Extriki's effect can still be felt here, so we will need to destroy any extrikiti-things he has left behind. Otherwise, we may become poisoned before we find what we're looking for.

Items Required:


Thanks to Kuro_michiru.

Quest Location: Broken Woods
Quests Begun From: Cleric Joy
Requirement: Must have completed the 'Defeat the Golem' quest.

Ok! We'll start by going out and dosing some of the "reshapen" creatures in the area with our original formula, and then tagging them so we can keep track of its effects as we work on it. I'm sure this won't be easy, so it may take you a few tries before you successfully dose and tag them. You'll find the Spiderwings flying around in the forest, and the Urstrix in the nearby cave.

Items Required:


Thanks to Tris.

Quest Location: Broken Woods
Quests Begun From: Madra

Requirements: Must have completed 'Get the Final Ingredients' quest.

What is this monstrosity?! How can they worship something that would mutilate us so? It pains me to harm one of my own people, but this is the fate they would wish on us all. We can't let them stand in the way of our efforts to prevent it.

Items Required:

  • Hive Defeated x1


Thanks to rruurruu77.

Quest Location: Battlegrounds
Quests Begun From: Madra
Requirements: Must have completed the 'Smash the Hive' quest.

We must fight our way through this onslaught of Eremon's cult, his Acolytes of Kolyaban, in order to reach Aria! Each of the Acolytes carries a small medallion identifying them as a member of the cult. Bring them to me, and I will reward you.

Items Required:



Thanks to Tris.

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