Hero, can I count on you to help Swordhaven stand against the Infernal army? Our first step is to make sure our own soldiers are protected. Go to /safiriainvasion, and collect armor pieces from Fallen Knights and Infernal Knights. I assume they will put up a fight, but that won't be a problem for you, will it?
The good thing about this plan is, we can replenish our supply from the invaders we defeat!
Items Required:
- Fallen Knight's Armor x5
- Infernal Knight's Armor x5
Thanks to Eldant.
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
We would be even better protected if we could find a way to make us of the Infernal energy of the Nethemages that attacked Shadowfall. If you travel to /shadowfallinvasion and gather some for me, I'll see that it gets to our own mages so they can try to figure out a way to use it defensively.
Excellent work, thank you.
Items Required:
Thanks to Eldant.
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
We have learned that the Diabolical Scryers scout ahead of the rest of the army, and use their orbs to transmit images back to other Scryers who have stayed behind. If we get a few of those orbs, we could use that same technique ourselves. It would give us an advantage that the previously invaded cities didn't have.Go back to /shadowfallinvasion and get some for me.
A total of 4 - that will work nicely. We can send 2 out into the field, and keep the others here to receive their transmissions.
Items Required:
Thanks to Eldant.
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
The mages of Swordhaven are beginning to devise a plan. Here, take this ring. While wearing it, go to the areas that were previously invaded - /doompally, /darkoviainvasion and /shadowfallinvasion - and defeat as many Infernals as you can. The ring will absorb their energy, and then our mages will be able to recalibrate it to be used against them.
Good, good. This plan is starting to come together!
Items Required:
- Doomwood Invaders Fought x4
- Darkovia Invaders Fought x4
- Shadowfall Invaders Fought x4
Thanks to Eldant.
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Note: This quest can only be completed once.
All that's left to do now is arm ourselves and prepare for the inevitable attack. Deliver the armors you collected to our Pactagonal Knights, and take the Infernal Energy and Scryer's Orbs to Warlic.
We're ready to stand and fight.
Items Required:
- Armor Delivered x5
- Click on the blue arrows around the map
- Energy and Orbs Delivered x1
Thanks to Eldant.
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Note: This quest can only be completed once.
Our soldiers are armed and protected, but our citizens aren't! Please, get them all to safety. Go out into the courtyard, and see to it that anyone who is still out there is escorted into the castle.
As the de facto ruler of Swordhaven, it is my job to keep our people safe.
Items Required:
- Citizens Rescued x5
- Click on the blue arrows around the map
Thanks to Eldant.
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Now that the citizens are safe - well, as safe as they can be in a situation like this - we can focus on demolishing that Infernal army! Slay them anywhere you find them,and as many as you can!
They're still pouring in, but we won't give up the fight!
Items Required:
- Infernal Knights Slain x3
- Fallen Knights Slain x3
- Nethermages Slain x3
Thanks to Eldant.
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Hero! Something massive has emerged from the ground in the courtyard off to the left! Some kind of… giant worm of… teeth! I'll help the Pactagonal Knights fend off the Infernals while you go take care of it!
It escaped?! Well, at least it's gone, for now.
Items Required:
- Giant Worm of Teeth Defeated x1
Thanks to Eldant.
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Note: This quest can only be completed once.
Hero, this is not going as smoothly as I'd hoped. I hate to say it, but our citizens may need to protect themselves, so we'll have to arm them, too. Go into the castle and give a sword and shield to any civilians you find.
I had not wanted it to come to this, but it's better to be safe than sorry.
Items Required:
- Citizens Armed x4
- Click on the blue arrows around the map
Thanks to Eldant.
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
The Infernals have begun to send in their beasts. We've got a decent defense against their weapons, but these imps and hounds have so much raw power, they're wearing us down! Help me get rid of them!
It's not over yet, but that will have to do for now. Your attention is needed elsewhere!
Items Required:
- Infernal Imps Slain x4
- Underworld Hounds Slain x4
Thanks to Eldant.
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Hero! That giant worm has emerged again, this time on the other side of the courtyard! We'll hold down the fort over here. Just get rid of it!
Items Required:
- Giant Worm of Teeth Defeated… Again! x1
Thanks to Eldant.
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
You've fought this one before? Good. I have no doubt you'll be able to defeat him again.
Items Required:
- Lord Balax’el Defeated x1
Thanks to Eldant.