
The Twelfth Lord of Chaos

This chapter begins in Swordhaven Castle (Location). Go to the Swordhaven Archives to continue with the storyline.

Quest Location: Swordhaven Archives
Quests Begun From: Denara
Requirements: Must be Level 20.
Note: These quests can only be completed once.

It's dangerous enough out here without having to worry about getting robbed, too! King Alteon has put a bounty on Chaos Bandits - defeat as many as you can find, and bring me their masks to collect your reward.

Items Required:


Thanks to Ness860 and rickyb20.

Quest Location: Swordhaven Armory (Location)
Quests Begun From: Griffin
Requirements: Must have completed the 'That's One Big Sludgebeast' quest.
Note: These quests can only be completed once.

What a disaster! Chaos energy from the sewers has seeped into a section of Swordhaven's dungeons and chaorrupted the prisoners there. Some of them have managed to defeat the guards and escape. They need to be taken down. Are you up to the task?

Items Required:


Thanks to Flitterifie and Ness860.

Quest Location: Swordhaven Armory (Location)
Quests Begun From: Rufus
Requirements: Must have completed the 'An Ounce Of Prevention' quest.

We won't hold this army back if all we can do is fire off one shot at a time. With larger projectiles, our rogues can strike multiple enemies at once! They'll need 3 sharp axes for a coordinated attack. See if you can get some from the chaos prisoners in town.

Items Required:



Thanks to Flitterifie.

Quest Location: Ceremony
Quests Begun From: Roald
Requirements: Must have completed the 'No, NOW We're Under Siege' quest.
Note: These quests can only be completed once.

I've got good news and bad, Hero! The good news is… YOU are here! The bad news? The wedding invitations were stolen. Bring me back the last 8 invites from the Chaos Invaders as you take them down!

Items Required:


Thanks to Ness860 and Rexobrother.

Quest Locations:

Quests Begun From:

Requirements: Must have completed the 'Chaos Kills!' quest.
Note: These quests can only be completed once.

Fight the monsters in each frame of the endless aisle to reach Princess Tara. Cannot pass to next frame until all monsters in current frame are dead.

Items Required:

  • Aisles Cleared x12
    • Defeat all monsters on each screen until you reach Screen 14


Thanks to Ness860 and rickyb20.

Quest Locations:

Quests Begun From: Lady Celestia
Requirements: Must have completed the 'Save the Princess... Again!' quest.
Note: These quests can only be completed once.

Defeat the Chaos Dragon or Swordhaven WILL fall!

Items Required:


Thanks to Ness860 and rickyb20.

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