Scarletta's Tale

PROLOGUE (Optional): Every TreasureHunter knows the name of Scarletta the Sorceress, a leading expert on ancient artifacts and enchanted objects. After Stryche the Merchant uncovers a page stolen from one of her tomes, you’ll need to stock up on stakes and equip your sturdiest neckguard. Help Valencia discover the enchanted artifact known as the Sanguine Garnet in the Castle Tunnels underneath Safiria's castle!

Then travel to ShatterGlass Maze and fight the Mirrored Knights and beasts that reside inside the maze!

Quest Location: ShatterGlass Maze
Quests Begun From: Click on the mirror on the top-right corner of the screen

Looks like you've almost made it to the Tower of Mirrors - the only thing standing between you and those kidnapped girls is this hedge maze! Better make sure you're on the right trail before you find yourself lost in here. Look for a clue that the captured damsels have been through here!

Items Required:

  • It's a Clue! x1
    • Click on the letter on Screen 2
  • Knight's Reflection Dispersed x1


  • 200 Gold
  • 200 Exp

Thanks to Tris.

Quest Location: ShatterGlass Maze
Quests Begun From: Shattered Knight (NPC)

Requirements: Must have completed the 'Never Go That Way!' quest.

So, what now? Hmm. Maybe if you found some more of those Knights, you could get some information out of them. After all, they HAVE to know the way through here, right?

Items Required:


  • 200 Gold
  • 200 Exp

Thanks to Tris.

Now go through the mirror in Screen 12 to access the other half of the maze to complete the rest of the quests in the maze. Don't let looks deceive you! Remember, it's NOT the same maze, though it appears to be.

Quest Location: ShatterGlass Maze
Quests Begun From: Click on the mirror on the top-right corner of the screen

Requirements: Must have completed the 'Through the Looking Glass' quest.

Ok, well… this looks pretty much exactly the same as the room you just left. Did Scarletta just punk you? Maybe if you go further in, you'll see something to help you figure out what's going on.

Items Required:

  • It's Another Clue!
    • Click on the letter on Screen 15


  • 200 Gold
  • 200 Exp

Thanks to Tris.

Quest Location: ShatterGlass Maze
Quests Begun From:

Requirements: Must have completed the 'Hit Reverse' quest.

I never expected you to make it t his far! This has been entertaining, but you obviously I can't let you go any further. En garde!

Items Required:


  • 200 Gold
  • 200 Exp

Thanks to Tris.

Scarletta the Sorceress' Tower of Mirrors holds many, MANY secrets behind. But no one has asked how Scarletta gained her formidable powers and ability to enchant those mirrors. Travel to the Tower of Mirrors and discover how Scarletta became the sorceress she is today!

Quest Location: Tower of Mirrors
Quests Begun From: Thief of Hearts
Note: These quests can only be completed once.

Requirements: Must have completed the 'What's Worse Than Minotaurs?' quest.

The girls you're here to rescue are all trapped in the mirrors. To get to them, you'll need to find your way INSIDE them - and then find your way back out again. The problem there is, when you're in the mirrors it weakens your hold on reality - the mirror's pocket dimension becomes real to you. Luckily, I know how to make a potion that strengthens your mind against the mirror's effect. You'll need some glass powder from the nearby glass monsters, and some reflective venom from the Glass Snakes.

Items Required:


  • 200 Gold
  • 200 Exp

Thanks to Tris.

Quest Location: Tower of Mirrors
Quests Begun From: Click on the mirror on the top-right corner
Note: These quests can only be completed once.

Requirements: Must have completed the 'The Key to Success' quest.

What the heck? The mirror dropped you in some kind of concert hall. It's filled with Rabid Phans! You're going to have to fight your way to the front of the stage. While you're at it, you're going to need a backstage pass to get through that staff entrance - one of these Phans has to have one!

Items Required:

  • Mosh Past the Phans x8
  • Backstage Pass x1


  • 200 Gold
  • 200 Exp

Thanks to Tris.

Quest Location: Tower of Mirrors
Quests Begun From: Melodia (NPC)
Note: These quests can only be completed once.

Requirement: Must have completed the 'But I Have A Backstage Pass!' quest.

I'm willing to come with you, but please - can you make sure you find my boyfriend, Andres? He disappeared a year before I was taken, and I saw his reflection in one of the mirrors here before I was trapped in this one. It will be easier to face the real world if he's with me. Please, find his mirrors, and rescue him! I think it was just a little further in than mine was.

Items Required:

  • Andres' Mirror Key x1
  • Andres' Mirror Unlocked x1
    • Click on the blue arrow on Screen 5
  • Andres' Mirror Entered x1
    • Go through the mirror on Screen 5


  • 200 Gold
  • 200 Exp

Thanks to Rare.

Quest Location: Tower of Mirrors
Quests Begun From: Click on the mirror on the top-right corner
Note: These quests can only be completed once.

Requirements: Must have completed the 'True Love' quest.

Wow, these models sure are fierce - literally! You're going to have to fight your way past them if you want to rescue Andres. And you'd better look runway-ready, or those critics in the audience will shred you before you can get to him!

Items Required:


  • 200 Gold
  • 200 Exp

Thanks to Tris.

Quest Location: Tower of Mirrors
Quests Begun From: Andres
Note: These quests can only be completed once.

Requirement: Must have completed the 'Now Turn to the Right' quest.

Of course I am thrilled to be out of here! But darling, how can I possibly leave without my sweet Gisele? I was heartbroken when she vanished, and I know I saw her reflected in a mirror when I was being taken to mine. You'll rescue her too, right? Just keep heading further in, and I know you'll find her mirror.

Items Required:

  • Gisele's Mirror Key x1
  • Gisele's Mirror Unlocked x1
    • Click on the blue arrow on Screen 7
  • Gisele's Mirror Entered x1
    • Go through the mirror on Screen 7


  • 200 Gold
  • 200 Exp

Thanks to Tris.

Quest Location: Tower of Mirrors
Quests Begun From: Click on the mirror on the top-right corner
Note: These quests can only be completed once.

Requirements: Must have completed the 'Or Maybe THIS Is True Love' quest.

Looks like Gisele is a… beauty pageant contestant? And of course, this time it's Pageant Moms blocking your way. You'd think they'd be happy to see her go - it'll give their daughters a better chance of winning! See if one of them has a pageant sash - that will make you blend in better once you get out onto the stage.

Items Required:


  • 200 Gold
  • 200 Exp

Thanks to Tris.

Quest Location: Tower of Mirrors
Quests Begun From: Gisele
Note: These quests can only be completed once.

Requirements: Must have completed the 'Drink Your Go-Go Juice' quest.

Before we leave, do you think you could find my… good friend… Emilia? She's the one thing I've truly missed since I've been in here, and I just can't go back home without her. I briefly got away from the Mirror Knights when they were taking me here, and I saw her reflected in a mirror - I remember it being off in its own little alcove. Will you find her? Please?

Items Required:

  • Emilia's Mirror Key x1
  • Emilia's Mirror Unlocked x1
    • Click on the blue arrow on Screen 10
  • Emilia's Mirror Entered x1
    • Go through the mirror on Screen 10


  • 200 Gold
  • 200 Exp

Thanks to Tris.

Quest Location: Tower of Mirrors
Quests Begun From: Click on the mirror on the top-right corner
Note: These quests can only be completed once.

Requirements: Must have completed the 'Oh Sure, Why Not' quest.

Looks like you're in the rafters above a stage. Emilia's down below - you're going to have to get to her somehow. Maybe one of these stage techs has a way down!

Items Required:


  • 200 Gold
  • 200 Exp

Thanks to Tris.

Quest Location: Tower of Mirrors
Quests Begun From: Emilia
Note: This quest can only be completed once.

Requirements: Must have completed the 'In The Spotlight' quest.

…What do you mean you got Andres out, too? Harumph! WELL, then you should rescue Dora, too. Andres used to date her before they got captured. I just know it'll make him happy to know she's ok! She's in a mirror that's off in its own little alcove, like mine is.

Items Required:

  • Dora's Mirror Key x1
  • Dora's Mirror Unlocked x1
    • Click on the blue arrow on Screen 15
  • Dora's Mirror Entered x1
    • Go through the mirror on Screen 15


  • 200 Gold
  • 200 Exp

Thanks to Tris.

Quest Location: Tower of Mirrors
Quests Begun From: Click on the mirror on the top-right corner
Note: These quests can only be completed once.

Requirements: Must have completed the 'Oh, I Give Up' quest.

You're… in a forest? With… sasquatches? Well, this was unexpected. They look pretty angry… guess you're going to have to fight your way past them. And maybe look for a clue about why they're here… that might help you with Dora when you get to her.

Items Required:


  • 200 Gold
  • 200 Exp

Thanks to Tris.

Quest Location: Tower of Mirrors
Quests Begun From: Dora
Note: These quests can only be completed once.

Requirements: Must have completed the 'Kick His- Wait, Did We Already Use That Pun?' quest.

Listen up! If you really want this to end, you'll have to take down Scarletta for good! Go to the Fiend Zone, where all her rejected suitors wander endlessly. Take the tokens of their love - she may not want THEM, but she does want the attention! That'll tick her off enough to make her show her face.

Items Required:


  • 200 Gold
  • 200 Exp

Thanks to Tris.

Quest Location: Tower of Mirrors
Quests Begun From: Click on the mirror on the top-right corner
Requirement: Must have completed the 'Find Scarletta' quest.

Note: This quest can only be completed once.

What the what?! Scarletta just turned into… the Groglurk?! Well, hero - time to get heroic!

Items Required:

  • Defeat the Groglurk x1


  • 200 Gold
  • 200 Exp

Thanks to Tris.

OPTIONAL: Explore the Castle of Glass and figure out your escape!

Quest Location: Castle of Glass
Quests Begun From: Mirror on the top-right corner
Requirements: Must have completed the Tower of Mirrors' Quests.

Note: This quest can only be completed once.

Wow, this is surprisingly… empty. Where's Tiffany's mirror fantasy? For that matter… where is Tiffany? Better search the area and see if you can find her.

Items Required:

  • Search the Room x1
    • Go to Screen 3


  • 500 Gold
  • 500 Exp

Thanks to Tris.

Quest Location: Castle of Glass
Quests Begun From: Twilly
Requirements: Must have completed Castle of Glass' Quests.

I bet you're surprised that you ended up in a castle instead of back in the Shattered maze, right? Twilly isn't. Twilly saw this coming a mile away. Anyway, let's start by clearing out some of these monsters, what do you say?

Items Required:


  • 1,000 Gold
  • 1,000 Exp

Thanks to Tris.

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