New Years

Chapter Links:

Quest Location: New Year
Quests Begun From: Lim

Wire circuits just don't break by themselves—it's scientifically impossible. Someone, or something, must have eaten through the wires down below. And yeah, you're gonna have to go investigate if you want there to be a New Year celebration. See that Old Well over there? Jump down it and check the wiring for any flaws or breaks in the caves below. Bring me back any variables you may find to deduce the system failure at hand.

Items Required:


  • 150 Gold
  • 100 Exp

Thanks to Dragarr and iamed.

Quest Location: New Year's Lab
Quests Begun From: Lim

Requirements: Must have completed the 'Not Finished Yet-i' quest.
Note: This quest can be completed only once.

If Lim was right, this situation is SERIOUS! You'd better see just what you have to work with, and where you have to work it in. Explore the area to make sure there are no untimely surprises.

Items Required:

  • Lab Investigated x1
    • Go to Screen 3


  • 100 Gold
  • 100 Exp

Thanks to Tendou no Mazo.

Quest Location: Darksun
Quests Begun From: Etain

The Ephemerites and Chronocide Prime are trying to trap us in this year forever! Defeat them in /Chronohub.

Items Required:


  • 600 Gold
  • 600 Exp


Thanks to Flitterifie.

Quest Location: Darksun
Quests Begun From: Bader

Requirements: Must have completed the 'Nocturan Adept Battle' quest.
Note: This quest can only be completed once.

You must find Jinella and Raskar. They are in /Darkoviaforest. On your way, Battle the bats in Darkoviagrave who spy for the Vampires. We cannot take the chance they will reveal our plan.

Items Required:


  • 500 Gold
  • 500 Exp

Thanks to rickyb20.

Quest Location: Darkovia Forest
Quests Begun From: Jinella
Note: These quests can only be completed once.

Requirements: Must have completed Bader's Quest.

I'll need a Shadow Cloak to make my way out of here. Bader might still have one. But remember, I'll be waiting for Raskar when I arrive. Please don't let anything happen to him!

Items Required:


  • 500 Gold
  • 500 Exp


Thanks to rickyb20.

Quest Location: Darksun
Quests Begun From: Etain
Note: These quests can only be completed once.

Requirements: Must have completed Jinella's Quests.

We want to help the Nocturan Creed help these two young ones. Gather 6 Fallen Stars from the Lumina Temple and slay Skeletal Fire Mages for 5 Solar Flares from /Darkoviagrave. This will bind the Light's power into the Dark.

Items Required:


  • 900 Gold
  • 900 Exp

Thanks to Flitterifie.

Quest Location: Frostmane
Quests Begun From: Ulfgar Geirsson
Note: These quests can be repeated only as long as 'Calling Frostmane' hasn't been completed.

To summon Frostmane, we'll first need something to burn. A combination of Lunar Herbs and Moon Wood will attune our ritual to the Steed of Night. The trolls in the area often carry both for similar purposes. Collect 5 of each, and then return to me.

Items Required:


  • 250 Gold
  • 250 Exp

Thanks to Apus.


Quest Location: Frostmane
Quests Begun From: Memet (NPC)
Note: These quests can be repeated only as long as "Defeat Frostmane's Nightmare" hasn't been completed.

Requirements: Must have completed the 'Calling Frostmane' quest.

Oh, did I say I'd help you? I did, didn't I? It's so hard to focus when I'm hungry, though. Maybe if I had a snack first? Nightmare essence would be lovely… let's say 8 of them. You can get them from any of the nightmare creatures here.

Items Required:


  • 400 Gold
  • 400 Exp

Thanks to Apus.

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