Darkon's Elegy of Madness
This chapter begins in Garden. You meet a strange girl playing what appears to be a video game. She introduces herself as Fa and as the caretaker of the Garden. You tell her that you are looking for a warrior who has gone missing for a family who asked you to help them find him and that the Garden is the last place where he was seen. Fa tells you that she hasn't seen him but advises you to go up the mountain. Before leaving, she warns you that many who came to this place has gone lost forever.
Quest Location: Darkon's Garden
Quests Begun From: Fa (NPC)
Note: This quest can only be completed once.
I promised a friend I would bring her a bouquet of flowers when I finish my shift. I forgot to go and pick some, though. Could you do it for me? Just pick some of the pretty red flowers you'll find growing on the mountain.
They smell so nice! Don't you think?
Items Required:
- Red Spider Lily x10
- Click on the flowers around the map
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
I'm supposed to feed the bunnies - that's part of my job. But I've run out of rabbit food. They mostly eat the seeds and blossoms from the vicious plants wandering the area. Maybe you could find them some.
Those bunnies will be so happy.
Items Required:
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Note: This quest can only be completed once.
But you didn't feed them yet, did you? You should do that now. Just put the food on the ground. They'll find it.
Items Required:
- "Bunny" Fed x10
- Click on the arrows around the map
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Note: This quest can only be completed once.
You might have noticed that there are a LOT of rabbits here. Lately, their population is getting out of control, and I just can't feed all of them while I'm busy with my games. Can you knock some of them out to make things easier for me? It will make your journey easier too. Definitely.
Items Required:
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
All this work is making me thirsty. We should have some tea, don't you think? Get some leaves from those plant-things and I'll brew them for us.
It's tastier than it looks. Or smells. I promise.
Items Required:
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
This tea is fine by itself, but you know what really kicks it up a notch? Ink from those… bunny… squid things. The ones with the tentacles! It's better than caffeine, I swear.
Items Required:
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Ugh. Tea time is pointless without a snack, and those evil bunnies have stolen all of the cinnamon scones I brought! Get them back and I'll give you a couple.
Oh… did you WANT some? Okay… I guess.
Items Required:
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Note: This quest can only be completed once.
So, uh… I don't know if you've noticed or not, but some of the bunnies here have gotten very large. You'll find them way up on top of the hill. Problem is, they get MEAN when they grow that big. You've gotta do something about it, or they'll eat all the OTHER bunnies. Bring me their mutated tongues as proof.
Hmm? Oh, right. Cool. Thanks.
Items Required:
- Mutated Tongue x5
- An Unusual Crack x1
- Click on the arrow on Screen 7
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Note: This quest can only be completed once.
So, you found a weird crack in the ground, did ya? Maybe you should go check it out.
Items Required:
- Examine the Crack x1
- Click on the arrow on Screen 7
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Gah! What IS this thing? Surely it couldn't have been born like this… could it? You'll have to kill it… before it kills you.
What evil could create such horror?
Items Required:
You may also receive, at random:
After defeating Creature 12, you meet a mysterious warrior, Darkon who thanks you for clearing out some of the strange creatures in the area. He expresses his apologies that you weren't able to accomplish your initial objective, though we later find out that the warrior was used as a test subject and transformed into a strange monsterlike being. The story continues in Eridani Village where you meet another strange girl, Re who is apparently an acquaintance of Fa. After exchanging a few jabs, you tell her that you were asked to investigate strange occurrences and murders in the village. She lets you know that the sender himself was a victim and warns you that the place is not normal and mentions that time has been stopped for a very long time.
Quest Location: Eridani
Quests Begun From: Bursha Night
Note: These quests can only be completed once.
My son went outside to play after breakfast. I told him to stay close but he must have wandered into the woods near the graveyard and got lost. He could still be out there, cold, hungry and alone. Or hurt! Please, find him. I don't have much but I'll give you my house if I have to.
My blessings to you for years to come! But as much as I would love for him to come home, it isn't safe here.
Items Required:
- Creature Slain x2
- Bursha's Son Found x1
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
We're lucky my Caden didn't end up like Loshe's wife next door. After she was murdered, I saw Loshe throw her clothes out. But — no. It can't be… Would you mind investigating what's left of her clothes? The maggots might be using it for nesting.
You want to talk to Loshe directly? If you are going to, be careful.
Items Required:
Quest Location: Eridani
Quests Begun From: Loshe Allen
Note: These quests can only be completed once.
Requirements: Must have completed the 'Dirty Laundry' quest.
All that hag does is yell at her poor son, kick him out, and spend the day with the miller. Go to the mill and see for yourself. It's full of her garbage, and no one to clean it up. Why? Because the miller DIED. And now the rats have taken over, eating OUR grain. Would you clean them out? We still need the mill and his lazy daughter isn't going to get out of bed any time soon.
Those rats must be carrying fleas. I'm itchy all over.
Items Required:
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
I've never seen the miller's daughter work a day in her life. Her father broke his back doting on her, all for nothing. How'd he die? Who knows? Perhaps she became jealous of the attention he was giving Bursha and got rid of him in a fit of rage. Why not bribe the girl with some food? If she lets you in, you'll have a chance to look for bloodstains. But you'll need to slay those bat-things. We're all out of bread.
Be safe over there. She might have gotten a taste for it after getting rid of her father.
Items Required:
Quest Location: Eridani
Quests Begun From: Bydis Miller
Note: These quests can only be completed once.
Requirements: Must have completed the 'Kids These Days' quest.
Before my father passed away, our food stores were filled to the brim. We dried our meats to keep them longer, but… there was something off about them. Father told me that someone he helped gave him directions to a good hunting ground. Maybe you'll have luck there, too.
There are bore holes inside them. What in the world is going on?
Items Required:
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Father often gave bread to the homeless wanderers that sleep in the town square. There aren't many anymore. They were the first to be executed after the murders started, save for this one addled old man my father liked. HE could be the one who gave my father those directions. No one else had heard of the place. Would you ask him WHY he did such a thing? I would, but I'm afraid I might lose control and hurt him.
Items Required:
- Rat-Like Creature Slain x1
- Suspicious Man x1
- Bat-Like Creature Slain x1
- Maggot-Like Creatures Slain x2
Quest Location: Eridani
Quests Begun From: Christopher Lugha
Requirements: Must have completed the 'A Worn Book's Cover' quest.
Note: These quests can only be completed once.
What do you care about our sorry little lives? Why are you even here? Are we entertainment to you? Well, I'll play no part. You want to help the girl? Find the house on the far east side of the village and end this comedy.
Items Required:
- Wolf-Like Creature Slain x2
- House Inspected x1
- Click on the legs on Screen 9
After completing the villagers' tasks, you discovered that all the villagers have been afflicted with the strange disease. As you are surrounded by the mob of villagers, a skull hits one of them in the head, distracting them. You find out that Re was the one who distracted them and you both run from them.
Quest Location: Eridani
Quests Begun From: Re (NPC)
Requirements: Must have completed the 'No Good Deed' quest.
Note: These quests can only be completed once.
Looks like I'm your Watson, Detective Champ. How about we circle back to check on that mom and widower? They were worried about you so go and tell them you're doing swell. While you're at it, mind thinning the mobs of….people? I'll take one half and you can have the other.
No biggie, you'll forget about them by tomorrow.
Items Required:
- Creature 15 Hunted x1
- Creature 16 Hunted x1
- Creature 34 Hunted x7
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Thanks for making the town a bit quieter. That makes it a lot safer for that little girl and that guy on the street to come out of hiding. Why not check on them, too? I'll go make sure the others are… feeling better.
What a cute little plush? Can I have it? Pwetty pwease?
Items Required:
- Creature 30 Hunted x1
- Creature 31 Hunted x1
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
There goes the town. At least that means there's no one left to get angry at you for not burying the bodies. Oh. Wait. The MAYOR might get mad at us for skipping town. If he turned out anything like the others… he's probably looking for us. We should find him first.
Items Required:
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
It's do or die, not like it's been anything but this. However you want to handle this, I got your back, champ. And remember, I never lie.
[Re makes a Confetti Noise with her mouth]
Items Required:
After defeating Creature 6, Re congratulates you on a job well done and disappears. She later reports to a mysterious figure and they talk about another experiment being done. They also concluded that you are a beneficial presence of their mysterious mission and that it's time for the next phase of their plan which continues in Astravia. The scene shifts, with you talking to the ruler of Astravia, King Drago and his mysterious advisor. King Drago is surprised that you are the only survivor of what happened previously in Eridani and explains the kingdom's situation to you. With reluctance, you agree to help him stop the invaders.
Quest Location: Astravia
Quests Begun From: Kasper Garretts
Requirements: Must have completed the 'Time Moves the Moon' quest.
Note: These quests can only be completed once.
How about it? Do us a few favors and we'll give you information. Starting with those doves. The King's pets wear pearly white feathers and stare at us with their beady red eyes. Kind of obvious that they're spying on us but King Drago loves his reflection so much, he couldn't bear to go with crows. They're not safe to eat but slay a few and our lips will get looser.
The people have suffered under Drago for a long time but this isn't the first rebellion. So many of us were lost but we have arrived at the point where we're more desperate than afraid.
Items Required:
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
There are spies among the civilians, taking on their appearances and causing discord. You can tell just by how they attack you and their peers. Please apprehend these spies and I'll investigate if this is a play by King Drago to divide us.
I genuinely pity the King. From what these mercenaries have told me about their orders, it's obvious for all to see that King Drago can not fathom that we care about each other..
Items Required:
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
With the spies dealt with, some of the citizens are more willing to speak. I hope your investigation bears fruit. I'm interested in what everyone feels safer to share besides the simplest of protest plans. Give the greedier mercenaries a beating while you're at it, but don't you go drop-kicking me by accident.
Do you see now? The King may be incompetent and weak but the ancient magic protecting the Children of the Stars won't be easy to defeat.
Items Required:
- Whispers x1
- Greedy Mercenaries x6
- Whispers x1
- Whispers x1
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
While we were collecting information, some of the mercenaries have succumbed to the disease. Now the gates have flown open and the invaders are going to flood in. Please! Protect the citizens!
You deserve the love of the people, just like the True Ruler did. Rosa mentioned the beasts King Drago used to summon but he hasn't called on any for months. This could be our chance to storm the castle!
Items Required:
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
The letter says that the enemy is rushing with the last of their full might to descend upon the Capital. If you leave to defeat them, the citizens will be left vulnerable to King Drago's wrath. If you stay, the invaders will swallow our home whole. Take out a wave of the invaders, I'll think of something.
You made a huge opening in the lines of the invading army. There's no way else to go about it. I'm going to round up as many people as I can and evacuate.
Items Required:
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
I can hear them. The roar of the enemy's Commander. Ha, it almost reminds me of one of the King's Generals. He used to yell whenever we did well during our training drills, but was never this terrifying. Make no mistake, we believe in you. Go and defeat that monster. When you return, go to the outskirts of the border. The people will protect you. I promise your kindness will be repaid.
It has been so long. My teacher, what has happened to you?
Items Required:
During your fight with Ti, another warrior zaps him and Ti lies down, defeated. You both see a disturbance in Astravia and she explains to you that a sinister ritual is being done. Ti attempts to stop you but she holds him down.
Quest Location: Astravia
Quests Begun From: La (NPC)
Requirements: Must have completed the 'Dead Position' quest.
Note: This quest can only be completed once.
Before the monsters, Drago, everything, the walk back to the Capital always felt so short. Desperation makes the journey agonizingly long. Time is cruel like that. Better hurry and knock out a few of those monsters. They'll eat up the precious seconds we have left.
Re wasn't kidding around when she bragged about how ruthless you are on a time crunch.
Items Required:
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Note: This quest can only be completed once.
What you find when you return won't be pretty. If you feel fear, embrace it. That means your mind is sound. The Moon will not break you.
Your enemies see a pawn when they should be fleeing this one-man army. If one has the right eyes to see you with, your true self is quite the sight.
Items Required:
After defeating the Moon, you find out that King Drago's advisor is actually working against him and that Darkon has some bigger plan in mind to harm Astravia. King Drago commands you to help him, however you decline. La however, asks that you escort King Drago somewhere safe and so you both head back to Astravia Castle. You demand to know what's going on and King Drago shows you that he has the power to redirect any harm done to him to his subordinates. You are forced to help Drago with his tasks to prevent anymore casualties.
Quest Location: Astravia Castle
Quests Begun From: Drago
Requirements: Must have completed the 'Isolani' quest.
Note: This quest can only be completed once.
The Nine Muses are spirits of artistic inspiration from a legend I came across while abroad. Supposedly, what each muse represents changes depending on the merits of their invoker. Being an appreciator of the arts myself, I've named the key to my safe haven after them. The key was divided into nine pieces among the guards. I expect that they've turned into those unsightly creatures.
When the jesters become boring, it's always a joy to see the guards' faces contort when I order them to do a jig. They're a lot less entertaining when they look that disgusting.
Items Required:
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Note: This quest can only be completed once.
What? Some of the pieces you brought were fake! I should have given my guards more credit. Check the displays and see if the missing pieces were hidden there. You'll see riches I've won during my grand campaigns. Try not to swoon over my achievements yet. And be sure to shoo away those creatures! I don't want them smudging the glass!
You have such a deep scowl… come closer and show it to me. My enemies wore the same expression when I took their armaments.
Items Required:
- Displays Examined x6
- Creatures Shoo'd x6
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Note: This quest can only be completed once.
You've already looked through the displays. That leaves my banana hobby room. I know quite a number of people who despise that room. If Darkon finds this room, he'd keep it in flames for eternity. All the more reason to expand my collection! Look there for key pieces, and put the transformed guards out of their misery. Such eyesores.
They've gotten fat devouring my collection! Fiends!
Items Required:
- Bananas Peeled x6
- Click on the bananas on Screen 4
- Transformed Guard Exterminated x4
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Note: This quest can only be completed once.
There's one last hiding spot I can think of for key pieces. Look into the model of the capital city. I expect the more devout of my guards have hidden their key pieces in the miniatures of the observatories. Bah, the walls are shaking. Wipe out the creatures closing in on the throne room if you really are an Entity like our Progenitor.
Are there temples dedicated to your visage? None! What a waste. I'd demand hundreds if I were you.
Items Required:
- City Model Examined x1
- Click on the model city on Screen 2
- Creatures Repelled x9
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Note: This quest can only be completed once.
The key has been completed! That's a good dog. You're telling me you're not a dog? Then correct me on what you really are, Entity. Think about your reply when you get back. I'll be keeping the key while you clear the way. And you'll be thorough. Remember what'll happen to my subjects if you aren't.
How long is this going to take?
Items Required:
- Creatures Defeated x6
- Corridor End x1
Quest Location: Astravia Castle
Quests Begun From: La (NPC)
Requirements: Must have completed the 'Polyhymnia, the Forgotten' quest.
Note: These quests can only be completed once.
Dismantling the summoning chamber is going to take a good chunk of elbow grease, even with you and me. There should be tools to help us in the storage. The guards stationed in the Menagerie Display area also take care of storage. They switch out decorations throughout the seasons. One of the creatures in that room should have the storage key, assuming they weren't able to escape.
Drago built this glorious narrative around himself, all lies. His trophies of war were stolen achievements, bought by the sacrifices of his people. I know he's planning to leech off of you next.
Items Required:
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
I hate to do this to my former compatriots but they won't let us into the storage room if they're awake. Mind helping me knock them out with the dull side of your blade? I know it's a lot more effort than it looks like its worth, what with the destruction happening around us. But impending doom doesn't mean we should give up.
Take a break, you lot! Today is just another bump in the road, not the end of it. I wish you well when you wake.
Items Required:
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
We're in the storage room…Apologies, I was caught up in old memories. My voice sounds funny? Don't tease me like that! Come now, the tools we need are in the boxes. Grab them, stomp the spiders biting your ankles, and we'll get moving. How do spiders get so big? There's nothing to catch but dust bunnies.
I wonder how they got his piano in here. Does it fold like an accordion?
Items Required:
- Crates Searched x3
- Click on the crates on Screen 8
- Spiders Exterminated x8
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Darkon! This isn't how I wanted to see him return. I know why he's here. His focus will be all on taking you out of the castle. I'm going to need you to stall him for as long as possible while I try to damage the magical nodes in the summoning chamber. Talk to him… see if he'll give you any information, and then return to me.
He.. he wouldn't even FIGHT you? All these years and I still couldn't make a difference.
Items Required:
- Talk to Darkon x1
- Talk to Darkon on Screen 10
Quest Location: Astravia Castle
Quests Begun From: Darkon (NPC)
Requirements: Must have completed the 'Thalia, the Truth' quest.
Note: This quest can only be completed once.
It's a good day for a reunion, don't you think? Reminds me of when my brother and I used to play pretend, acting out heroic epics about Princes rescuing Princesses from monsters. Funny how it'll end. Hero, defeat the Sun and we'll move on to sentencing Drago.
I'll be taking it from here.
Items Required:
After defeating the Sun, Darkon and Drago confront each other. Darkon calls forth a creature, Judgement and many citizens are sacrificed in the process. You learn that you are the reason that it is possible for him to do so. A trumpet appears out of the sky and with it, Judgement descends on Astravia. Drago begs you to reverse this but Darkon mentions that the "Judgement" is also affecting all of Lore. Darkon wants you to stay out of the next events but Drago implores you to save the citizens. You agree with Drago's request. The story continues in Astravia Judgement.
Quest Location: Astravia Judgement
Quests Begun From: Talis Mikaels
Requirements: Must have completed the 'Mnemosyne, the Tormentor' quest.
Note: These quests can only be completed once.
What are those horrible hands reaching down from the sky? They're big enough to wrench a tower from the ground! The citizens are being snatched away. Most can run on their own but I see many frozen by fear. Please, help them!
For now, drop them off with me and I'll keep them safe. Too bad we don't have blankets. They're still shivering from such a frightening sight.
Items Required:
- Citizens Rescued x6
- Click on the people around the map
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
The hands are probing the streets for us. I think they're getting impatient and smashing open buildings. If they get lucky, we'll be crushed to death. We have to swat them away. Take care not to be snatched yourself.
You're very skilled! If that were me out there, I'd be mashed into paste.
Items Required:
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
There's an awful shrieking noise growing louder and louder. The other survivors are telling me they hear other sounds, like crying or maniacal laughing. I think it's from those flying trumpeters! Their music must be silenced before it causes harm.
This solution is a temporary measure. I used to hear the shrieks in my guilty dreams. They won't be disappearing any time soon.
Items Required:
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
As more of the strange red liquid is floating into the sky, I'm noticing creatures leaking out of the cracks in the ground. They've gained form and I can't shake the feeling that they look like my former neighbors. I beg you, return them to rest.
Even the dead can't resist the call. Do you think they see it as regaining a chance to atone?
Items Required:
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
We noticed a melody playing, hidden in the cacophony of the Trumpeters. Even though it's barely louder than a whisper, it's lulling the young ones to sleep. The adults are slowly succumbing as well. We won't be able to protect ourselves this way. Destroy the Trumpeters to find the source of the song.
Who is that over there? They look like another Outsider. Would you please invite them to hide with us?
Items Required:
- Horns Crushed x9
- Head to Judgement's Scroll x1
Quest Location: Astravia Judgement
Quests Begun From: Mi
Requirements: Must have completed the 'Kalasutra' quest.
Note: This quest can only be completed once.
Could I ask you a favor? La and Ti aren't finished teaching me how to read yet. Would you please read the names on Judgement's scroll for me? I'm curious about why some of them are crossed out with red and others are crossed out in white. Watch out for those hands trying to grab you while you're distracted.
Did you know some of them? Ah, so the crossed out names have died. A white line means a ritual took them and those in red died of more natural causes. If they were your friends, I-I'm sorry.
Items Required:
- Names Read x8
- Click on the arrows around the map
- Hands Impaled x8
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Note: This quest can only be completed once.
Are you able to hear the music the Trumpeters are playing? They're calling sinners to be judged so only the guilty would be able to hear them. My music won't be able to drown them out so you'll have to smack some of them.
What I said before wasn't entirely true. People who may not be guilty but feel guilt also hear them. After that conversation we had, I can hear them too.
Items Required:
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Note: This quest can only be completed once.
Judgement is also calling on the deceased Astravians to their duty as jurors. But to Darkon and the Scale, all Astravians are sinners. I think the roles are conflicting and making them run wild. Aah, one hit my guitar! Please help me shove them away!
It's such a long fall, I can't even hear them hit the ground. Eek, maybe that's for the best.
Items Required:
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Note: This quest can only be completed once.
Who are those humans and why are they allowed to be on Judgement's scroll? Oh no, you know them. Their names are among the deceased. Don't fall for it, they're not real! I'll play my music louder so you can't hear them. You have to move past these shades!
You didn't do anything wrong. You just tried your best. You don't need to be punished like that. Let's go, La is up there looking for you.
Items Required:
- Shades Dispelled x1
- Head to the top of Judgement's Scroll x1
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Note: This quest can only be completed once.
When La sets her mind on a goal, there's no stopping her. But, I don't think she wants to raise a hand against you. Please don't hurt her either. We can stop and figure it out together!
Darkon? What are you doing?
Items Required:
After fighting La, she tells you that she failed to stop Darkon's goals. Darkon comes in, seizes you, and asks you if you'd continue to stop his goals. After you confirm so, he lets you fall. Darkon confronts La about her betrayal, thanks her for her service, and turns her to a Debris weapon. Meanwhile as you fall, you meet two strange beings, Do Dawn and Do Dusk. They offer to tell you the full story of how Darkon came to this point. The story now rewinds to the Kingdom of Astravia, 26 years ago.
26 years ago, a young Prince Darkon and a young Aurola disguises themselves and sneaks into Eridani Village. Their purpose to meet the villagers and to find out about a mysterious monster child and about the other hardships the village is facing.
Quest Location: Eridani Past
Quests Begun From: Aurola (NPC)
Requirements: Must have completed the 'Mahapadma' quest.
Note: This quest can only be completed once.
This isn't our first time sneaking out but, I've never chaperoned you outside of the capital before. Look at you, all bright eyed like the fresh meat that shows up at the knights' training grounds. Let's not go too crazy. How about we chat up someone in town? Look, there's a kid playing outside his house. Try to be casual, treat him like another adult. We're outside the castle so we'll drop formalities. Haha, nervous? You'll get used to it.
The bandits got to the supposed monster child first. A shapeshifter huh? They didn't kill them, only took them away. Just off the top of my head, I can think of a million ways the bandits could use the shapeshifter to cause harm. We need to find that kid before they get hurt too.
Items Required:
Thanks to Flitterifie and Noob.
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Note: This quest can only be completed once.
Loshe figured out we were from the capital because of how nice our clothes are. The bandits can tell too. That's what I get for taking you shopping. You drag me into a boutique and I get mistaken for being bougie. Let's get rid of these pests discreetly. Them and their dogs. Hmm, I'm getting a bad feeling from this.
These poor dogs were poached from the wild. I can tell they've been abused horribly. Ugh, it reminds me of the poachers we busted a couple months ago. I thought it would end when we chased them out of Astravia but it looks like it's a common practice. That shapeshifter is going to be another victim.
Items Required:
- Bandit Defeated x7
- Dog Defeated x7
Thanks to Flitterifie and Noob.
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Note: This quest can only be completed once.
We've spent too much time in the village. Loshe said that the shapeshifter had been taken today. If we're fast enough, we can catch up to them in the forest. I wish our maps weren't so outdated. The capital doesn't pay enough attention to remote villages to keep them up to date. And of course, the path is hidden by the foliage. Let's scout ahead carefully, and make note of markers. That way, I won't get executed for losing the Prince in the woods.
Don't get me wrong, I love exploring. One day, when Astravia regains its shine, I'd like to go past its borders to travel all around Lore as an Astravian Envoy. But, I hate paperwork a little less than reading guides. My neck already hurts thinking about the reports and maps I'll have to draw. Wish there was someone who liked that sort of thing. Heh, what if I had someone else hired to read me everything too? Ah, luxuries for a rough soul.
Items Required:
- Marker Recorded x8
- Click on the stems on screens 5-9
Thanks to Flitterifie and Noob.
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Note: This quest can only be completed once.
Look at these layabouts. The bandits were taking their time, lounging in the woods having a breather. I'll count that as lucky for us. We'll go through them one by one and shake them down for information. You know how I love to pounce on someone with their head in the clouds, or buried in a book. Pay attention if you don't want a scare.
Drat, they were instructed to lag behind to watch for anyone following them. The main caravan continued ahead with the ‘cargo.' Luckily, they plan to broker a better deal with their patron at a nearby location. We have the advantage as long as they know we're not coming. Haha, will that be hard for a Prince that gets a symphonic introduction when he steps into the kitchen?
Items Required:
Thanks to Flitterifie and Noob.
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
- This quest can only be completed once.
- Quest can also be turned in by talking to ??? (NPC) (2).
Found them! And someone's already rearranged their faces and limbs, ouch. That must have hurt, considering whoever did this also pried open the bars of that cage with their bare hands. The kid escaped, hopefully unscathed. We need to find them before the bats swarm. All this ruckus riled them up. I can see why Astravians don't take vacations to Eridani often. My ears…
Look at the bandits tossed around the forest floor. I mistook a few from a pile of dead leaves. Even Regulus on a bad day can't do this much damage. Glad this stranger is a friend and not another party interested in gold. The child is scraped and bruised but not in any immediate danger. Poor kid, still shaking like a leaf. Let's give him some water before we start asking questions.
Items Required:
- Bat Swatted x8
- Child Found x1
Thanks to Flitterifie and Noob.
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Note: This quest can only be completed once.
What were the Eridani villagers afraid of? Tripping over the poor kid. I guess there was a real danger of that when they were kicking him. Let's get his side of the story and treat his wounds. In the meantime, could you scout ahead? I'd do it myself but the kid's a hugger. Stay hidden and don't take risks. I'm giving the bandages I was saving for you to the kid.
I grew up in the alleyways so being able to pick apart lies was a necessity of survival for me. Without any doubt, this kid speaks with their heart on their sleeve. I think they needed a moment to cry and vent their heart out. But that outsider they mentioned, they went after the bandits alone? Could they already be inside the cave you mentioned?
Items Required:
- Talk to the Child x1
- Find Bandit Hideout x1
Thanks to Flitterifie and Noob.
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Note: This quest can only be completed once.
The bandits up ahead must have sensed that something was wrong. Great, and none of the sleepyheads around us are conscious. Is it too late to wake one of them up to lie about everything being fine? I'll work on that and you can handle the dogs that got sent our way. Hurts to have to fight them. I know Titania would be devastated. He's a real dog lover. Huh? You have a plan? Sure, I'll help you catch some bats.
Ha! Such a softie! Baiting the dogs with the bat wings and leading them back to the wild. Scoring points with Titania and even the kid too. Looks like you have another big fan. Suppose that it's not everyday we see someone going out of their way to be kind. Especially not from a noble.
Items Required:
- Bat Wings x8
- Dog Released x8
Thanks to Flitterifie and Noob.
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Note: This quest can only be completed once.
Did you just ask the kid to hug me and cry if I tried to leave you behind with them? You know I can't leave weepy kids alone! Including you. I'm not letting you into that cave alone! It'll gobble you up! Don't get me wrong, you got the guts. But, a real fight without me to help you is a lot different from one in a closed arena…Ugh, at least put together a disguise and take them by surprise.
I mean it, Darkon. Make sure no one knows it's you. Yes, this is me telling my liege to his face that he's going to get creamed like butter. Backing away and waving so-long, huh? You're going to get a real good suplex after this one. The kid's going to need an extra pair of hands to cover his eyes and ears.
Items Required:
Thanks to Flitterifie and Noob.
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Note: This quest can only be completed once.
The Outsider did make it in first! Wow, literally mopped the floor with the bandits. There's more of them on the ground than there is dirt. Hm…She seems angry. I think it's because you're dressed like a bandit. Quick, tell her you're a concerned noble in disguise! That's not really a lie. Ah…made it worse did it? Stall then! Defend yourself, and I'll run over as fast as possible!
Well, well, well. Looks like you two worked it out. I've never seen your ears so red. Ha, it's blending in with your hair!
Items Required:
Thanks to Flitterifie and Noob.
Quest Location: Eridani Past
Quests Begun From: Suki (NPC)
Requirements: Must have completed the 'Troubadour' quest.
Note: This quest can only be completed once.
While we're on our way back to Eridani, mind lending a hand by finding a pair of glasses? I saw them in the cave. Not sure if it belongs to the kid but better safe than blind. Look out for bandits too. I knocked down their boss so they're running around like headless chickens. Whoops, you're looking green. Shouldn't have mentioned that. Working on the farm isn't just about petting animals y'know.
You found the specs! A little crooked but no harm done. Why don't you use them to take a look at this letter I found on one of the bandits. Huh? It says they were going to be paid by a member of the royal family? Ugh, the rot goes up farther than I thought…Are you okay? You look pale again.
Items Required:
- Glasses x1
- Click on the glasses on Screen 10
- Bandit Remnants x7
Prince Darkon meets the paladin Suki, who mentions that she has known another person named Darkon with red hair in her time with the Seraphic Paladins. Suki, being an outsider, is not well received by the Astravian villagers, despite helping them with their troubles. Suki reprimands the villagers on how they treated the shapeshifter. Darkon apologizes that he did not help the villagers with their bandit problem in time. Darkon offers Suki to join him in Astravia and she accepts.
Now the story moves to 24 years ago in the past. We learn that Suki has devoted herself in serving the Astravian Royal Family and shared her knowledge to improve the Astravian kingdom. Despite the help she gave, not everyone in Astravia approves of her. This chapter begins in Astravia Past.
Quest Location: Astravia Past
Quests Begun From: Prince Darkon
Requirements: Must have completed the 'Echoes' quest.
Note: This quest can only be completed once.
Father does not have much time left. He could leave us in a matter of weeks if not days. I wish for my family to spend as much time with each other as possible. Would you share a few words with them? I apologize for asking this. This could be our last chance to have my father connect with you.
Father still couldn't tell who you and Drago were? Ah, all this talk of our ancestors, promises, and duty is wearing me down. You told me there was no mention of Alprecha outside of Astravia. Haha, then this must all sound fantastical to you then. Let's turn our focus to the street-level matters. Focusing on problems we have some control over will ease my mind.
Items Required:
- Talk to King Drakonis x1
- Talk to Prince Drago x1
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Note: This quest can only be completed once.
Taking a look outside on the streets, we can forget about calling this a breather. I was expecting to be able to talk to both parties but the soldiers are already assaulting the civilians! And do you smell that? It's smoke. They're burning something, and I have a feeling I know what it is. I've tried to order the soldiers to stop but they won't listen. We'll have to make them yield together.
It seems they were acting under father's orders. This has to be a misunderstanding. Father must have thought this was a riot and not a peaceful protest. Why didn't the soldiers listen to me? They would have followed my orders, but they had the absurd idea about you feeding me ‘evil' thoughts. Please, don't take this to mean the entire army is so hard-headed. Regulus, Titania, and Aurola's soldiers trust you completely.
Items Required:
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Note: This quest can only be completed once.
The smoke was coming from the smoldering remains of the printing presses. There's nothing to be done except replace them on the Royal Family's coin. But, the soldiers had moved on to ransacking homes to confiscate newspapers. They're creating a spectacle of burning them on the streets. I think it's meant to be a scare tactic. We need to douse the flames before the homes catch fire.
The printing presses and papers were burned under the assumption that they were used to slander the nobility. We both know that isn't the case. Father is afraid of an uprising and his name being tarnished. His fear kept him from taking valuable advice. I've even heard talks of new laws that would bar the civilians from access to technology. As long as I'm around, I won't let that happen.
Items Required:
- Flames Doused x7
- Click on burning papers on Screens 3, 4 and 5
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Note: This quest can only be completed once.
We need to calm the civilians as well. They were frightened by the violence and didn't recognize me. I'm sorry, I'm not used to this kind of wild confusion. If this were a crowd gathering for a music contest, I'd be able to sway the masses. We may need to subdue them if they lash out at us. Though, I'm not that worried. You brought me their newspaper in the first place. Let's calm the citizens down.
Why did they attack you? I even noticed some of them hiding the remaining newspapers when they saw us together. I see…you didn't ask for a copy of the paper yourself. You had one of Aurola's knights pick one up for you. The citizens think of you as a heathen trying to turn me away from the Grand Star? That's ridiculous! When I speak to them, I'll make it clear that you're as Astravian as the rest of us.
Items Required:
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Note: This quest can only be completed once.
I've invited a representative of the involved citizens to speak with me. We'll meet them at the training grounds with Aurola and the others. We'll explain that you only mean well. There are a few soldiers lingering around. They may be waiting for us to leave before they try to menace the citizens again. You seem anxious. Perhaps giving those soldiers a talking to would help ease your nerves.
You're usually so bombastic, I'm not used to you fretting like this. Come now. The Astravians are wary of Outsiders, but they'll understand that new perspectives should be welcome. They can be captivating even. That's how I feel when you tell me what it's like across the continent. With us to support you, I'm sure the citizens will come around. Trust me.
Items Required:
- Go to Training Grounds x1
- Soldiers Disciplined x8
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Note: This quest can only be completed once.
Regulus has a good head on her shoulders. She handpicks the warriors that fight under her command. If it weren't for the views Astravians have against Outsiders, she'd pluck opposing knights off the battlefield. If you can defeat her in a fair fight, her soldiers would absolutely acknowledge you.
Bravo! If I weren't so attached to you being my personal protector, Regulus would steal you away. I'm sure you'd have a chance at replacing Dene or Algie too. Psst, please don't mention I said that to her. Regulus is attached to those two. They served under the same General, and she appointed them personally after gaining her title. Just my personal view, but they may prioritize living luxuriously over doing their work well.
Items Required:
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Note: This quest can only be completed once.
General Titania has the most experience and is the most eloquent speaker of the three. That's why he's such a good teacher. It's quite hard to believe if you've only seen him wreaking havoc on the battlefield. In reality, his heart is quite soft. Begin the duel. I know you'll have no trouble.
Another incredible fight! None of Titania's students would ever doubt your worthiness. As for Titania himself, I wasn't aware of how loud he actually was. Hmm, well I've never been on the battlefield myself…Haha, now I'm worried he's going to bring the castle down when he weeps at our wedding. Actually, we'll probably be in the splash zone. That's fine. The others can hold umbrellas for us. Oh don't mind me. I'm just daydreaming again.
Items Required:
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Note: This quest can only be completed once.
This will be a bout between two best friends. Aurola has said time and time again that you inspire her. She's right to say so. We hope that we're good people, but we aren't perfect. Aurola and I, as progressive as we tried to be, were also of the mindset that Outsiders couldn't understand Astravian issues. You've opened our eyes to new possibilities. And now, you'll prove that you're fit to lead by defeating Aurola in a duel.
See? You're as competent as any Astravian. Aurola and I want this to be your home. One that you'll miss when you're abroad. Not alone of course. When we get the chance, I want to see the world with you. We want to visit the place where the love of my life was born, and see how it nurtured such a kind person. Haha, I couldn't keep Aurola from tagging along even if I wanted to!
Items Required:
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Note: This quest can only be completed once.
I need to be with my father, but I'll come visit as soon as I can. You will rest, right? You've been staying up late studying Astravian literature. Reading by dim candle light will hurt your eyesight. That and the exhaustion won't do well for you or our home. Please, head straight to bed.
Sweet dreams. I'll see you soon.
Items Required:
- Go to bed x1
- Click on the bed on Screen 9
Suki goes to sleep as Darkon asks her to and gets a fiendish nightmare.
Quest Location: Astravia Past
Quests Begun From: Nightmarish Truth
Requirements: Must have completed the 'Mov.VII Aquarium' quest.
Note: This quest can only be completed once.
Who do you think you are? A martyr that sacrifices everything for your love? Oh poor you, getting to live in a castle, pampered by a Prince. You're just a maggot that ate off of Darkon. You grew into a fly that buzzed around him for his status and luxurious life. Soon, you'll be crawling on his corpse. Go, see what you've done to him. Try to fight the truth. I dare you.
It's time to wake up and face reality, Suki. You don't belong here. Illiterate trash will always stay trash no matter how much you dress it up. The stink will never go away. Eventually, it'll spread to Darkon. Unless…that's exactly what you want, isn't it? For him to die and rot because you love him. For him to be buried in your arms, belonging only to you. Selfish woman. You will be the ruin of us all.
Items Required:
- Forsaken Husk Defeated x4
Suki wakes up from her terrible dream and Darkon is right besides her. He assures her that he will never turn her away and tells her that he plans to share his future with her and his plans for Astravia's future.
Now the story moves to 22 years ago in the past. Darkon's father, King Drakonis has passed away and now Darkon has to take his trials to become the ruler of Astravia in the First Observatory. We also learn that Darkon and Suki are engaged and are marrying soon.
Quest Location: First Observatory
Quests Begun From: King Darkonis' Diary
Requirement: Must have completed the 'Liebestraume No. 3' quest.
Note: These quests can only be completed once.
You will notice a library when you enter the Observatory. Our family did not build the entire structure. The first King merely built around the ancient ruins. Above is the real Observatory. Move past the shelves until you reach a locked door. There is a contraption on the wall that resembles a button. Press it to unlock the door. Do not be alarmed when you feel a sting. It is taking a sample of your blood to verify that you are of royal lineage.
It will take some time for the Observatory to confirm you are the descendant of Alprecha's husband. I do not understand the inner workings myself, but the scholars of old copied the mechanisms and reverse engineered them. This is why much of our security is more sophisticated than iron locks and keys.
Items Required:
- Find Door Button x1
- Click on the Door Button on Screen 4
Requirement: Must have completed the previous quest.
Be aware of your surroundings. The Observatory became forbidden to all but the ruler of Astravia. As you may have noticed, neither I nor my predecessors were able to keep beasts from taking shelter inside. Activating the door would have made a lot of noise. I assume the scorpions will scuttle towards the source. Crush them or else they'll be a nuisance later.
Other Kings and Queens feared scorpions, spiders, and all manner of poisonous creatures. The Astravian ruler was blessed with the protection of Alprecha. I could enjoy my meals without worry. A peasant would fall ill instead of me. But I still hated scorpions. The magic that protected me did not yet extend to you. Then there's Drago. He would pretend to have been poisoned to get attention. Eventually, I began ignoring him.
Items Required:
Requirement: Must have completed the previous quest.
Lions prowl the snow fields surrounding the Observatory. They use our hallowed grounds as their den. Normally, they won't pay you any mind if they see that you're too much trouble to hunt. After fighting off the scorpions, they will begin stalking you, believing you are weakened. Fight them off. I know they'll be nothing to you.
There is speculation that before receiving Alprecha's blessing, our ancestors greatest achievements were defeating wild beasts. Lion pelts were mounted and worn like trophies. Then, the Grand Star turned her gaze to us. The hides of the lions were soon replaced by the heads of foreign rulers. I find the practice quite tacky, so you won't find such trophies littering our castle's halls.
Items Required:
Requirement: Must have completed the previous quest.
Once the door to the depths unlocks, take the utmost amount of care. The moment you ascend the ladder, be ready to fight and run. Turrets, the original models from which our castle's security system is based on, will take aim and shoot at you. Their self repair systems are incredibly quick. Destroy the two turrets repeatedly until the self repair systems become stalled.
Those two turrets have guarded the path to the inner sanctum for centuries. The first King and his scholars managed to take apart a third turret. They used it to reverse-engineer our own guns and motion detection technology. Alas, the self repair systems were too complicated to replicate perfectly.
Items Required:
- Ascend Ladder x1
- Turrets Destroyed x8
Requirement: Must have completed the previous quest.
It will only become more dangerous from this point onwards. Many of your deceased ancestors lost their chance at the crown because they rushed forward without care. Take caution and scout ahead. Learn and become accustomed to these strange surroundings without alerting the…creatures.
Have you noticed the substance that coats the floor and clings to the walls? It may seem strange or even disgusting to you, but do not fear. This is the embrace of the Grand Star, a sign that you are getting closer to her heart. It sprang from the same well that nourished the soil and protected Astravia from starvation.
Items Required:
Requirement: Must have completed the previous quest.
The creatures that drag their malformed limbs around the halls of the observatory are fearsome, but pitiful. Now that you have scouted the area and watched them from afar, cut the creatures down. They will chase you if you try to get into the inner sanctum behind the locked hatch. Best to hunt them, and save the carcasses for later.
The first King was perfectly compatible with the Grand Star, and Astravia flourished from their union. We are special and worthy of her love. These creatures are the result of what happens when the unworthy receive Alprecha's blessing. No one knows what they were before they were twisted into these creatures. I imagine it will remain so until the end of time.
Items Required:
Requirement: Must have completed the previous quest.
There exists a record in the Observatory called a Black Box. One that refers to the Observatory as a ship instead of a building. How strange, the ship supposedly traversed the stars instead of the sea. I can not fathom the idea of a ship journeying beyond Lore let alone make sense of what was happening in this Black Box. Read the record if you wish. Perhaps you will see a truth that I could not.
The Shadowscythe and dragons. They're terms I have heard of but the Black Box confuses me. Its contents are not consistent with current records. There's a possibility of the data being so ancient that both groups have changed beyond recognition. Dragons… there are none in Astravia. They forsook our lands and flew far away. A regret I have is not meeting a dragon myself. I wonder if you will meet one during your lifetime.
Items Required:
- Remove Red Substance x1
- Click on the red substance on the monitor on Screen 7
- View Black Box x1
- Click on the monitor on Screen 7
Requirement: Must have completed the previous quest.
The final locked door lies between you and our origins. This barrier held such importance that the first King's men risked and sacrificed their lives to modify it. No longer can it be opened by a key or code. It will only open when it detects that a sufficient amount of blood has been shed. If the amount of creatures you have slain is not enough, bring more limbs until the door recognizes your strength. If the turrets reactivate, destroy them again.
Finally, the path to a new age opens. If need be, take a moment to breathe and reflect. Everything is about to change. Remember, you entered the Observatory as a Prince. You will leave with your head held high as a King.
Items Required:
- Creature Limbs x5
- Turret Parts x5
Requirement: Must have completed the previous quest.
Note: This quest can also be turned in with Alprecha.
The first King rests under his telescope. He returned to the observatory, hoping to find and reunite with his Queen. Pay your respects to your ancestor, and continue to the heart of the Observatory. Before you will be a gate. Beyond rests the truth of Astravia's birth and yours. Touch the monitor by the gate, and brace yourself.
I do not know what more I can say to help or console you. Hopefully, I was able to convey my joy for your ascension in person instead of on a page. Farewell, King Darkon. Though the ground below and the stars above may shift and change, you will always be my beloved son.
Items Required:
- Touch Telescope x1
- Click on the telescope on Screen 9
- Interact with Monitor x1
Darkon meets his ancestor, Alprecha and finds out the truth of Astravian Kingdom and the power of those who are blessed by her.
Quest Location: First Observatory
Quests Begun From: Alprecha
Note: These quests can only be completed once.
Requirements: Must have completed the 'Pisces Alrescha' quest.
In the light of Lore's day, the Astravians see me as a light that blesses the land. The First King warned me that it would change in the shadow of night. They would no longer think so well of me. As your ancestors arrived to receive the throne, one by one, they proved him right. Activate the portal, and gaze upon my true form - your origin.
Terror, sadness, disappointment. The worst reaction was the disappointment my children felt. They were not cut above or even below their subjects, let alone cut from the same cloth. To Astravia, no perhaps to all of Lore, we are the Outsiders.
Items Required:
- Portal Activated x1
- Click on the Portal on Screen 10
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Asking for you to defeat me would be unfair. To pass my test, you need only to survive. I have reached my hand out to you, as I have with our bloodline. Know that even though you are my kin, your life will be forfeit if you fail. Now, fight me to your last or return to my embrace.
Well done. Very well done. The truth is yours. May your gentle heart beat forevermore.
Items Required:
- Alprecha's Test Passed x1
Darkon passes her test but chooses to forsake her blessings. However before that can happen, Drago steps in and throws Suki's symbol onto the ground, showing Darkon that he has her hostage. We learned that the Astravian civilians helped him catch Suki, along with defeating Regulus, Titania, and Aurola, and putting them close to death. Relucantly, Darkon asks Alprecha to give her blessings to Drago. The first thing Drago does after getting that power is to then have Darkon and Suki be sacrificed… Just then, a mysterious entity, the Fool reaches out to Darkon and presents him with an opportunity to the power to restore the world. Darkon accepts its offer and gets a new body in return for letting the Fool view the events of Darkon's journey. The Fool turns Suki into a Debris weapon.
Quest Location: Genesis Garden
Quests Begun From: Do Dawn
Requirements: Must have completed the 'Pisces Ishtar' quest.
Note: These quests can only be completed once.
This is the start of your new journey. The Primordial Fool is not named so because they are foolish. A better way to describe it is that they are pure, brimming with the courage to face the challenges ahead. I feel that you are not ready to jump into the unknown. There are people who you do not wish to leave behind. They stood up for you, and paid the price. We must return to Astravia and gather them before we can continue onwards.
The Astravians who fought in your name were eliminated by the neighbours they once called friends. Those blessed by the Empress leave behind no remains. Soon, they will crumble into the debris that enriched their lives. Remember their faces before they return to dust. This memory is all you will need for the journey ahead.
Items Required:
- Bodies Recovered x6
- Click on the dead bodies on Screens 2, 3 and 4
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
The Astravian soldiers who swore loyalty to King Drago are roaming the streets. I believe they're ensuring that there are no survivors. You're still gathering remains and they'll impede your progress. Drago may learn that you survived if they catch sight of you and flee. I suppose now is the time to take direct action? You will have to fight the soldiers you once called your guardians.
Like how the Empress' crystals bless the seeds to sprout in the Spring, defeating these soldiers is your first act in bringing your wishes to fruition. I sense much sorrow from you. And…a flicker of satisfaction. The vision of what you wish to create after the cycle ends is becoming clearer. As your grasp on your new body's power grows, we march closer to creating your ideal reality.
Items Required:
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Your friends are resilient. They were brought to the edge of death by the very people they promised to protect, but kept their vow. I feel them about to slip into the realm of the dead. You wish to save them? With the power of the Fool, it is possible to revive, at most, those three souls. Share the knowledge you received from the Primordials, and your friends will be tethered to its hidden mysteries.
It is unfortunate that we were not in time to recover their bodies in full. The Astravians were vicious with them. Regulus, Titania, and Aurola. So those are their names. I look forward to meeting them when they awake. You all share the same pain. They will need guidance from you - the empathy that once characterised you. I wonder, would that be possible in your new form?
Items Required:
- Regulus Revived x1
- Click on Regulus' body on Screen 2
- Titania Revived x1
- Click on Titania's body on Screen 3
- Aurola Revived x1
- Click on Aurola's body on Screen 4
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
More of Drago's soldiers are flooding into the streets. He means to have them scrub the remains of you and your supporters off the face of Astravia. It is time we make our return to the Fool's Realm to contemplate. You can't leave any witnesses to warn Drago. Like with the soldiers who came before, you understand we must silence them permanently.
Ah, there remains a part of you sickened by destroying Astravians. To pursue your wishes, I advise that you now treat them as an enemy instead of your protectorates. It is essential in realising your vision of how the world should be. We must, however, allow you and your friends to mourn. Such a thing might be difficult as your sorrow is being eclipsed by fury. At the least, I urge that you try.
Items Required:
- Armor Scrap x7 (Stacks up to 17)
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
The bodies of the Astravians who still have your love are now dust. You wish to create a grave for them? I see. They are, after all, the foundation for your vision of a perfect world. Regulus, Titania, and Aurola's hearts can't be mended, but having a place where they can remember what was lost would soothe them. You are their leader. A gravestone would be suitable, as something for them to lean on like how they'll lean on you.
To you, powers and titles are a means of defending your loved ones. You were showered with respect and loyalty by those who wanted to raise you up as King. And in return, you've laid your subjects to rest. Your anxieties seem settled now. With the weight of your past life buried, is your vision for the future clearer? Then, we shall gather together as your Scale and see your story realised, Conductor.
Items Required:
- Gravestone Constructed x1
- Click on the blue arrow on Screen 5
- Flower Placed x1
- Click on the blue arrow on Screen 5
Darkon restores Aurola, Titania, and Regulus as best as he could with his new powers. They seek out Song Rivale, the shapeshifter they rescued many years ago.
Quest Location: Genesis Garden
Quests Begun From: Song Rivale
Requirements: Must have completed the 'The Emperor' quest.
Note: These quests can only be completed once.
We are in the Fool's Realm? Unlike you and the others, I am not directly tethered to the Primordial's power. Not to mention, I was not trained in combat. I won't be of use to you if we need to fight, but I can assist in any area of study. The first issue I'd like to tackle is our lack of supplies and tools. Are there ways we would be able to procure them without leaving this realm? You can open dimensional rifts? That's incredible! Please demonstrate!
Excuse my sudden burst of excitement. I switch to that persona with my peers but a methodical approach is best suited for the task at hand. Even though you will soon lose the ability to leave the Fool's Realm, that won't matter as long as we have the rifts. I will be able to travel, and strategically placed rifts will allow items or test subjects to fall into our grasp. This will suffice until we can extend the Fool's territory into the realm of Lore.
Items Required:
- Rifts Opened x5
- Click on the blue arrows on Screens 5 and 6
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
To grow the clone you had in mind, I advise running trial tests first. I was not able to successfully create a full copy of a person while I was at the Academy. Since the rifts are open, there should be all manner of beasts available to us. I'll lure them in and have Aurola help you…You want her to rest instead? I see. Please, exercise caution when you fight the beasts. We don't fully know what your new body is capable of.
We have more than enough samples to begin trial runs. Aurola and I noticed that among them are carcasses of the creatures you described from the First Observatory. Isn't that where we lost Suki? Was facing them upsetting? Aurola and I voiced our concerns for you with each other. It is unhealthy to face these matters alone. If you would like to talk…I understand. As you have ordered, we will not bother you further.
Items Required:
- Beast Sample x8
- Creature Sample x8
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
We require tools and materials to conduct trial runs. Acquiring them from Astravia is too risky, and Drago must have already confiscated the Capital's technology. I hesitated to ask this of you before. But, if you are determined to return to the First Observatory, we must do it now. With a body from the Primordial Fool, you won't be able to traverse Lore soon. We need to gather as many machine parts as we can. Or anything of possible use.
Did you rip the entire turret out of the floor and carry it all the way back? The power of the Fool coursing through your body is awe inspiring. Maybe you can wrench open the gate to the Empress…Drago destroyed it already? Then, there is no entertaining the idea of an easier way out. I will begin growing organs in test runs and incorporate debris into the original method. We can't waste time remaining idle.
Items Required:
- Machine Parts x8
- Virus Sample x1
- Click on the sample on the floor on Screen 7
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Though the trial runs were a success, I hesitate to operate on Titania or Regulus until I am certain the process works with humans. Under normal circumstances, Astravians turn to dust when they perish. It would be difficult to conduct tests with the traitors. Aurola is uneasy about the idea as well. In that case, I have heard of supposed undead existing in Lore. Please open rifts to these locations and I will lure them in for Aurola's peace of mind.
They're mindless and rotting, like the Astravians that gave Drago the throne. Experimenting on live subjects would not bother me. I know I would have been on their dissection table if you hadn't saved my life. Aurola needs some time to come to terms with what happened. For now, I will concentrate on growing Titania and Regulus new organs. It should ease their pain.
Items Required:
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
The organs were compatible with Ti and Re. They are…as close to their original selves as we can manage. We're prepared to move on to cloning a copy of you. I created a larger tank and a gate similar to the First Observatory's. Our final problem is the massive amount of energy needed to power them both. To this end, we need a rift that leads to the generator under Astravia. Proceed with caution. Dismantling it may cause it to become hostile.
That took longer than I had hoped, and the result is imperfect. My apologies for forcing you to be alone with your thoughts for so long. The clone is very similar to you but not identical. The memory transfer should hold regardless. Now, we will boot up the gate and send the clone on its mission. I'm curious…When you look at your clone, what do you feel? Ah, I suppose such questions are unnecessary.
Items Required:
We find out that the clone that Song made of Darkon with the purpose to stop Suki from ever reaching Astravia. However, the clone was sent to the future and lost its memories. It met Laken, the leader of the Seraphic Paladins, revealing that the events that have passed were always meant to happen. With this revelation, Darkon becomes resolved to rebuild the world. Darkon plans to capture living beings to use in his experiments for the sake of this.
22 years later, back to the present, Do Dawn and Do Dusk asks you to make your choice, in which you steel your resolve to stop Darkon's plans despite knowing the suffering he went through. It is revealed that to accomplish his plan, Darkon needs to sacrifice all of Lore.
Quest Location: The World
Quests Begun From: Do Dusk
Requirements: Must have completed the 'The Hermit' quest.
Note: These quests can only be completed once.
The promise the First King made to Alprecha is on the cusp of being fulfilled. Basing his decision on ideas of fairness and justice, Darkon has accepted his reward - the ability to remake Lore. Venture into the emptiness for a glimpse of the new sky the Empress' child wishes to paint.
Is Darkon's decision fair? Truly based in the ideas of justice? You believe that is not so, and if his despair did not cloud his judgment, Darkon would agree. As he is now, the Empress' child will not reverse an action he knows he will eventually regret.
Items Required:
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
The Nothingness is eating away at Lore. Do you know what true emptiness is? There is no light. Not even a space for the darkness to fill the sun's absence. This is what Darkon has decided that Lore deserves. If left alone, the Nothingness will envelop you as well. Fight them off, for your continued existence and your home.
There is no other choice but oblivion in Darkon's eyes. An oblivion that must be filled with something better. He races towards that ideal without pausing to consider other avenues, other wishes, and what is actually propelling his destructive desires forward. Continuing on this path will erase all but the root of his sorrows.
Items Required:
- Nothingness Dispelled x12
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Re, formerly General Regulus of Astravia, stands before you. She was one breath away from her death before Darkon rescued her. Even then, he could only rescue her body and not her mind. Re's personality transformed completely but still fights on Darkon's behalf because of her bonds. Or, there could be a chance that parts of Regulus remain. The only way to advance is to defeat her.
Death is a crucial part of all existence, widely known for how it ends life. It signifies the birth of new life as well. Despite your fight, Re still sees you as a friend. And despite her actions…do you value meeting her? Whether Darkon succeeded or not, you two will part. What matters is what you take away from your encounter, and bring into the next chapter of your story.
Items Required:
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Fa, the most powerful member of the Scale yet the most disconnected from her family's sense of purpose. Though she is an Outsider who would be treated harshly for her cosmic origins, she fights solely for the purpose of extending her way of life. To keep the Scale, especially Re, as they are. Face Fa in combat, but let her down gently. Her current lack of balance will make her easier to duel.
Deep down, Fa knows that she can't continue her days playing harmless games, napping in the safety of the Garden, and holding Re's hand. I wonder if the fear of an unknown future pushed her to devolve into excess. Time waits for no one, as you know too well. Fa must prepare for the future, or her purposeful unawareness will destroy the possibility of a happy one.
Items Required:
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Ti, formerly General Titania of Astravia. His mindfulness and gentle nature have been completely overtaken by his rage and guilt. He will not let the past nor his own mistakes go. And he certainly won't let you pass without a fight. Ready yourself for a difficult battle. The ferocity of a real monster is nothing compared to the ferocity of a scapegoat.
Just like the others, Ti indulges in his hatred for the people who wronged him and wishes for them to suffer. This includes himself - a man who broke his promise to protect Darkon, his friends, and the innocent. Forgiveness is a difficult thing to give, and sometimes it shouldn't be given. But, you always deserve to forgive yourself. We hope that with your help, the Scale can achieve that.
Items Required:
Quest Location: The World
Quests Begun From: Re (NPC)
Requirements: Must have completed the 'Temptation, Reversed' quest.
Note: These quests can only be completed once.
For Song, it's been one heartbreak after another. Just when she thinks she's found a home, she's kicked out for being a monster or it bursts into flames. And now it's all going to come crashing down again. I hate that we're making you do this but Song needs to see that the Scale isn't on the right track, and never has been. You'll have to fight her, but hold back a bit. She's not a fighter, she's just desperate.
I don't know how we were deluded into thinking we were doing the right thing for so long. Even before we started to attack Astravia, Song pulled innocent people into the Garden to experiment on. All on Darkon's orders. They let Re…No, they let me run rampant doing whatever I wanted. I'm sorry Song, we have to wake up.
Items Required:
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
The Fool's influence is weakening faster and faster, which means The World's picking up speed. The Nothingness eating up Lore is right behind us. We'll plummet through empty space before you get a chance to see Darkon. Go and push the Nothingness back! Punches and kicks worked pretty well. Don't think too much about it. I'll keep Fa and Ti from stopping you.
If you didn't wander into the Garden, where would we be right now? Somewhere in paradise where the sun never sets? Where even a tick like Drago would be all hugs and kisses? I don't want that fakey stuff. I want the real sun, the real hope you've given us for a better Lore. Now I'm all sad thinking about all the fun we'd have if you arrived twenty years earlier. Haha, would you still be in diapers?
Items Required:
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Song won't back down. She stood back up to protect Darkon from you. Even though she's the smartest of us, deep down, Song knows this is wrong. But, she's still a kid scared of being alone again. I…I can't help you fight Song like this. Even if I had my full strength, I don't think I'd be able to raise my voice against her. Please, can you tucker her out?
I'm scared too. After all we've done, I don't know what's going to come after the end. But, I want the others to live on. I want them to look forward, and only glance back. Titania, Aurola, and I will still be there for them, in their happy memories.
Items Required:
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Song…She's on her last legs. There's no way she can stop you, and she knows it. I feel it coming off of her in waves - hopelessness for the future. Champ, just one more time. Let her down gently so she can move on.
It's time Darkon sees the light.
Items Required:
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
This is between you and Darkon. I'll keep the rest of the Scale from interfering, not that any of us have the ability to get in between you two. We've all been through a lot, and made a crazy amount of mistakes along the way. If all Astravians are going to be judged, then it's our turn next. Go make Darkon face the music.
If I don't get some karma for mistakes I know I've made, it'll bother me until I'm dead. I'd be guilty, and paranoid that my comeuppance is going to arrive eventually. It's a relief that you came to stop us before it's too late. If I can think like this, I hope that means there are still good parts of me that exist. Could you do me a favor and think of Darkon that way too?
Items Required:
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Is that the Primordial World up there? Everything, all of Darkon and the Scale's efforts, are coming full circle. A perfect Lore built on regret and resentment is on its way. I can't live like that. You'd have to make me. Darkon will force everyone to live his way if you don't stop him. Go on, champ! This is your story too. Work your magic like you always do and defeat Darkon. Save Lore!
Hey Champ, after this is all over, will you think about us from time to time?
Items Required:
- Encore Darkon Defeated x1
Darkon is defeated and admitted that he was wrong in doing what he did. With the Fool's power leaving, Darkon, Re, and Ti disappears. This concludes Darkon's Elegy of Madness.