- At Battleground A
- At Battleground B
- At Battleground C
- At Battleground D
- At Battleground E
- At Battleground F
- At Eagle's Reach
- At Honor Hall
Armsmaster of Eagle's Reach BattleGrounds
Greetings, Hero, and welcome to Eagle's Reach Keep, the Arctic Academy for Warriors, Rogues and Wizards of all levels and ranks! Learn the art of sub-zero monster slaying. with extra-high rep, XP, and class point rewards as we prepare for war against the Queen of Monsters! Members can battle through the Hall of Honors for even greater rewards!
Here we train Warriors, Rogues and Wizards of all levels and ranks! Venture inside and speak to the trainers therein if you wish to increase your skill. Battle for your chance to obtain the Isakr Shards - you will need 5 of them to create the key for access to the final area.
- Battleground A
- Battleground B
- Battleground C
- Battleground D
- Battleground E
- Battleground F
- Eagle's Reach
- Honor Hall

Thanks to Poisonaplez.
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