- Laguna - Plays after completing the 'Defeat the Captain' quest
«Scene: Face-off between Drakath and Laguna»
Drakath: The Amulet, Laguna. Give it to me!
Laguna: Ha, ha, ha! Don't underestimate me, Drakath.
«Scene: Laguna starts powering up»
Laguna: I still have more power than you can imagine!
«Scene: Close up on Laguna inside tentacles»
Laguna: More power than… than…
«Scene: Close up on Drakath and the Hero»
Hero: Uh. That looks kinda uncomfortable, actually.
«Scene: Laguna covered in tentacles»
Laguna: It is! I- I can't control this!
Drakath: What did you expect? Not just ANYONE can wield the Chaos Amulet.
Drakath: You and Malgor were fools to expect anything else.
Laguna: I didn't know! I never thought-
«Scene: Close up on Hero, and Drakath smirking»
Drakath: That such a dangerous weapon could pose a threat to you, too?
Drakath: No. Of course not. All you cared about was the power it could offer. And now look at yourself!
«Scene: Drakath standing next to Laguna who is stuck inside tentacles»
Laguna: Stop gloating and DO something! Or we're all going down!
«Scene fades»
Previous: Turn This Ship Around | Next: There it is!