SternLord's Aurum Spear and Shield (0 AC)
Location: Nulgath Collection 2024 - Void Commander's Collection
Price: 0 AC
Sellback: 0 AC
Rarity: Rare Rarity
Base Damage: 27-33
Description: The teachings of the ArchAngel Nulgath warn that the good can commit evil deeds. His students must be prepared to fight one of their own if they take justice too far.
- Previously called "Lord Justice's Aurum Spear and Shield".
- Inscription on spear translates to "PURIF-K".
- Inscription on shield translates to "MOBMOBMOBIXMOBIXMOB".
- Inscription inside shield translates to "MIRROR".
- Glow is Color Custom to Eye Color.
- Also see SternLord's Aurum Spear and Shield (AC).
Thanks to Tris.