
Colorful Paladin
Whatcha doin' here? I think you should go back to Thorngarde until you're ready.

- Go Now

After completing the 'Zyrus is Lost' quest:

Colorful Paladin
This time machine Odessa speaks of is a dire threat… but we must stay focused. We have to find the Blinding Light of Destiny-- it is the only thing that can defeat the Technolich. It was hidden away long ago, when my father died, to keep it safe. But now that you're here.. I think it's time for it to reemerge.

- Stellaria's Quests
- Doom Legacy Merge

During the 'Search for the Axe' quest:

Colorful Paladin
You found the Blinding Light of Destiny? That's awesome!

- Stellaria's Quests
- Doom Legacy Merge

After completing the 'Search for the Axe' quest:

Colorful Paladin
Go on ahead and find the Blinding Light of Destiny! I'll meet you there soon. I still have some Deadtech to defeat--we can't let them follow us to the axe!

- Doom Legacy Merge

After completing the 'Take the Axe!' quest:

Colorful Paladin
You couldn't pull the axe out? But I was so sure that you were the one… Don't worry, hero. This doesn't mean we've lost all hope--not yet. I still have one more trick up my sleeve. Meet me at the castle when you're ready.

- To the Castle
- Doom Legacy Merge




Thanks to Darkfirekiller and Rsrdaman.

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