Spirit of Aven Greywhorl's Quests

Quest Location: Elfhame
Quests Begun From: Spirit of Aven Greywhorl

Requirement: Must have completed the 'Unlocking the Guardian's Mouth' quest.

Although I was not able to retrieve the Celestial Horn of Balance, I know what needs to be done. For all Brightoak, you must defeat the Guardian spirit and restore balance to Elfhame!

Items Required:


Thanks to Amduscia.

Quest Location: Elfhame
Quests Begun From: Spirit of Aven Greywhorl
Note: Must have completed the quest above in order to access these quests.

I'm thankful you've arrived, so much is at stake. The future of Birghtoak depends on us getting the Celestial Horn of Balance back and activating the Guardian Statue. The Queen has corrupted this region and Brightoak will be next if we don't work fast! Examine what's left of Elfhame and begin your extermination of the Ruin Stalkers.

Items Required:

  • Elfhame Inspected x1
    • Go to Screen 6
  • Ruin Stalker Defeated x6


Thanks to Amduscia.

Begin this quest in our free web game at www.AQ.com!

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