SpellCrafting Faction
Faction Quests:
Repeatable quests are Bold and Daily quests are also Italic.
- Neveya's Quests
- You'll need a Spellbook!: +500 Rep
- Enchanted Inks for Spell Crafting: +500 Rep
- Lesser Salves for Spell Crafting: +150 Rep
- Runic Salves for Spell Crafting: +250 Rep
- Blood Signature: +500 Rep
- Sora to Hoshi's Quests
- Welcome to Dragonrune Hall: +1,000 Rep
- SpellCraft
- Crafted: Scroll of Fireball: +250 Rep
- Crafted: Scroll of Shadowburn: +250 Rep
- Crafted: Scroll of Plasma Bolt: +250 Rep
- Crafted: Scroll of Dark Energy: +250 Rep
- Crafted: Scrolls of Ssikari's Breath +250 Rep
- Crafted: Scrolls of Shadow Bolt: +250 Rep
- Crafted: Scrolls of Diamond Cage: +250 Rep
- Learned All Ember Spells: +1,000 Rep
- Crafted: Scrolls of Exorcise: +550 Rep
- Crafted: Scrolls of Acid Rain: +550 Rep
- Crafted: Scrolls of Heart Beat: +550 Rep
- Crafted: Scrolls of Corrosion: +550 Rep
- Crafted: Scrolls of Crushing Wave: +550 Rep
- Crafted: Scrolls of Wind Strike: +550 Rep
- Learned All Radiant Spells: +1,000 Rep
- Crafted: Scrolls of Dark Grip: +640 Rep
- Crafted: Scrolls of Weaken: +640 Rep
- Crafted: Scrolls of Talon Twisting: +640 Rep
- Crafted: Scrolls of Petrify: +640 Rep
- Crafted: Scrolls of Cripple: +640 Rep
- Learned All Runic Spells: +1,000 Rep
- Crafted: Scrolls of Arc Lightning: +750 Rep
- Crafted: Scrolls of Sprit Rend: +750 Rep
- Crafted: Scrolls of Dark Arc: +750 Rep
- Crafted: Scrolls of Chains: +750 Rep
- Crafted: Scrolls of Eclipse: +750 Rep
- Learned All Fading Spells: +1,000 Rep
- Crafted: Scrolls of Purge: +1,080 Rep
- Crafted: Scrolls of Scorched Steel: +1,080 Rep
- Crafted: Scrolls of Fire Bolt: +1,080 Rep
- Crafted: Scrolls of Holy Bolt: +1,080 Rep
- Crafted: Scrolls of Blessed Shard: +1,080 Rep
- Crafted: Scrolls of Frostbite: +1,080 Rep
- Crafted: Scrolls of Geyser: +1,080 Rep
- Learned All Elemental Spells: +1,000 Rep
- Crafted: Scrolls of Fire Flare: +2,550 Rep
- Crafted: Scrolls of Frost Flare: +2,550 Rep
- Crafted: Scrolls of Plague Flare: +2,550 Rep
- Crafted: Scrolls of Charged Flare: +2,550 Rep
- Crafted: Scrolls of Doom Flare: +2,550 Rep
- Crafted: Scrolls of Holy Flare: +2,550 Rep
- Learned All Hallow Spells: +1,000 Rep
- Crafted: Scrolls of Blinding Light: +1,375 Rep
- Crafted: Scrolls of Guardian Blast: +1,375 Rep
- Crafted: Scrolls of Shadowblade: +1,375 Rep
- Crafted: Scrolls of Furious Gale: +1,375 Rep
- Crafted: Scrolls of Enrage: +1,375 Rep
- Crafted: Scrolls of Decay: +1,375 Rep
- Learned All Zealous Spells: +1,000 Rep
- Crafted: Scrolls of Chaos Fog: +2,500 Rep
- Crafted: Scrolls of Torment: +2,500 Rep
- Crafted: Scrolls of Shift Burn: +2,500 Rep
- Crafted: Scrolls of Freezing Flame: +2,500 Rep
- Learned All Enchanted Spells: +1,000 Rep
- Crafted: Scrolls of Fire Storm: +2,000 Rep
- Crafted: Scrolls of Mystify: +2,000 Rep
- Crafted: Scrolls of Wither: +2,000 Rep
- Crafted: Scrolls of Underworld: +2,000 Rep
- Crafted: Scrolls of Ethereal Slumber: +2,000 Rep
- Crafted: Scrolls of Ethereal Curse: +2,000 Rep
- Learned All Archmage Spells: +1,000 Rep
- Warlic's Quests
- Enchanted Inks for Spell Crafting: +500 Rep
- Lesser Salves for Spell Crafting: +150 Rep
- Runic Salves for Spell Crafting: +250 Rep
- Must be Rank 10 in order to do the 'Thaumaturgy' quest.
- 'Wizard' Character Page Title is unlocked at rank 10.
Faction Shops:
Faction Items:
- Chaotic Chronomancer's hood - Rank 2
- Maggot Blood Rune Placed - Rank 2
- Radiant Ink - Rank 2
- Runic Ink - Rank 2
- Torn Leather Cape - Rank 2
- Elemental Ink - Rank 3
- Fading Ink - Rank 3
- Mana Aura - Rank 3
- Twisted Bough Staff - Rank 3
- Doomwood Oni Mask - Rank 4
- Hallow Ink - Rank 4
- Twisted Treeant (Armor) - Rank 4
- Zealous Ink - Rank 5
- Makeshift Mage - Rank 6
- Makeshift Wizard Hat - Rank 6
- Enchanted Ink - Rank 7 (in order to use)
- Archmage Ink - Rank 8
Thanks to DarnAxis101, The Jop and .Shadow//
Rank up this faction in our free web game at www.AQ.com!