Spectral Jellyfish

Location: Low Tide
Level: 41
Difficulty: 4 stars
Total HP: 3,200
- Lightning: 122-149
- Slam: 122-149
Temporary Items Dropped:
- Jellyfish Bells (Dropped during the 'Briny Gelatin' quest)
- Spindley Tentacles (Dropped during the 'Stable Grounds' quest)
- Translucent Tentacle (Dropped during the 'Local Delicacies' quest)
Items Dropped:
- Dark Sea Corsair's Battle Gear
- Dark Sea Corsair's Pistol
- Dark Sea Corsair's Pistols
- Dark Sea Corsair's Rapier
- Dark Sea Corsair's Rapiers
- Enchanted Corsair's Pistol
- Enchanted Corsair's Rapier
- Lance of the Depths
- ShadowFlame Commander's Pistol
- ShadowFlame Commander's Pistols
- ShadowLord Commander's Pistol
- ShadowLord Commander's Pistols
- Spear of the Depths
- Staff of the Depths
- Treasure Chest (Misc)
- Trident of the Depths

Thanks to LightFlare.
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