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Auto updating list of all Rare Swords
013 CyberSkulls Breaker Blade (AC)
013 CyberSkulls Sword Breaker (AC)
13th Captain's Cutlass (AC)
13th Captain's Rapier (AC)
13th Commander's Cutlass (AC)
1st Birthday Sword
2024 Giftbox Sword
8-Bit Oblivion Blade
A BIG Knife
Abaddon Desolation Katana (AC)
Abaddon Penumbra Blade (AC)
Abraxos Blade
Abyssal BeastMaster's Greatsword (AC)
Abyssal Commander's Cutlass (Non-AC)
Abyssal Flame Cutlass (AC)
Abyssal Overfiend Cutlass (AC)
Abyssal Reaver Katana (AC)
AC Tagged Sword
Activated Devourer of Souls Greatsword (AC)
Akriloth's Oblivion Blade (AC) (1)
Akriloth's Oblivion Blade (AC) (2)
Alchemical Commander's Sword (AC)
Aletsch Glacial Frostblade (AC)
Alina's 8-Bit Gem Blade
Amethyst Rune Blade
Anatomically Alien
Ancient Blade of Victory
Ancient Dismal Claymore
Ancient DragonSlayer's Kurutta Katana
Ancient Evil Runeblade
Ancient Greatsword Of Ice
Ancient Grovebreaker Blade
Ancient Knight's Golden Blade (Legend)
Ancient Knight's Mystical Blade (AC)
Ancient PaladinSlayer Claymore (AC)
Ancient PaladinSlayer Claymore (Legend)
Ancient Skulls and Doom Blade
Angelic Golden Swords
Angelic Love Sword
Angelic Neesha's Dagger (AC)
Angelic Silver Sword
Annihilator Of Order Blade
Ao Tsuki Banisher
Ao Tsuki Wakizashi
Apocryphal Nightmare Hunter Blade
Aquatic Warrior's Cutlass (AC)
Arachnid Commander's Cutlass (AC)
Arcane Pirate Cutlass
Arcane Pirate Rapier
Arcane Underworld Blade (AC)
Arcane Void Knight Blade
Archer's Keysword
Archfiend Titan's Blade (AC)
Archfiend Titan's Dragonslasher (AC)
Archfiend Titan's Sword (AC)
ArchFiend Warlord's Sword (AC)
Armaghan's Excalibur
Armored Turdraken Sword
Artifact Hunter Blade (AC)
Artifact Hunter Blade (Merge)
Ascended Bloodletter of Nulgath (AC)
Ascended Champion Blade of Nulgath (AC)
Ascended Oblivion Blade of Nulgath (AC)
Ascended Overfiend Blade of Nulgath (AC)
Ascended Overfiend Blade of Nulgath (Merge)
Ascended Phoenix Blade of Nulgath (AC)
Ascended Raziel
Ascent to Conquer
Asgardian Knight Blade (Legend)
Assassin Commander Sword (AC)
Assassin Commander Sword (Legend)
Assassin's Blade of Shadows
Assassin's Katana of Shadows
Astor's Blade
Astravian Alchemist's Black Sword (AC)
Astravian Alchemist's Black Sword (Legend)
Astravian Alchemist's Short Sword
Astravian Alchemist's Sword
Astravian Buccaneer's Broadsword (AC)
Astravian Enforcer Saber
Astravian Gilded Blade
Astravian Mercenary's Rapier
Astravian Navy Sword (AC)
Auld Eighteen Syne Sword
Auld Fifteen Syne Sword
Auld Fourteen Syne Sword
Auld Lang Syne Sword
Auld Nineteen Syne Sword
Auld Seventeen Syne Sword
Auld Sixteen Syne Sword
Auld Thirteen Syne Sword
Auld Twelve Syne Sword
Auld Twenty Four Syne Sword
Auld Twenty Syne Sword
Auld Twenty-One Syne Sword
Auld Twenty-Three Syne Sword
Auld Twenty-Two Syne Sword
Aurora Auxois Lance (AC)
Aurora Summoner's LongSword (AC)
Auroral Beams Blade
Auspicious DemonBlade (AC)
Auspicious Kriegsmesser (AC)
Austere Kriegsmesser
Awakened Chaotic Horizon
Awakened Death's Requiem Blade (AC)
Awakened Fiend's Blade (AC)
Awakened Titan Blade (AC)
Azaelea Rapier (AC)
Azure Cleric Sword
Azure Iryerris
Backhanded Dragon's Breath Katana
Bakunawa Guard Blade
Balloon of Awe
Balloon Sword
Banana Thorn Blade
Basic Balloon Sword
Bat Broad Blade
Battleblade of the Necromancer
Beamsword of Love (AC)
Beamsword of Love (Legend)
Beast King's Glory
Beastbane's Blood Blade
Beastly Chronicle Blade (AC)
Beastly Mettle Blade (AC)
Beleen's DragonBlade
Beleen's SUPER PINK DragonBlade
Benedizioni Blade (AC)
Bestial Warlord Lamentation Blade (AC)
Bestial Warlord's Cocytus Lamentation (AC)
Bestial Warlord's Cocytus Roar (AC)
Bestial Warlord's Cocytus Wail (AC)
Betrayal Blade of Nulgath
Betrayal Blade of Nulgath (Rare)
Bido's Toxic Gift Blade (AC)
Bido's Toxic Gift Blade (Legend)
Big Daddy Smitestick
Bitten Blade
Black Blood Blade
Black Bloodriver
Black Dragon Ninja Sword
Black Dragon Scimitar (AC)
Black Dragon Tongue (AC)
Black Dragon's Ascension (AC)
Black Gold Reigns' Sword
Black Knight Katanas (AC)
Black Knight Odachi (AC)
Black Legion Flesh Ripper (AC)
Black Lightning Katana
Black Matter Dagger
Black Sonic Blade (Sword)
Black Sun Ninja Katana
Blackrog Blade
BlackSkulls Breaker Blade
BlackSkulls Sword Breaker
Blade of 16-Bit Awe
Blade of Alt
Blade of Awe-ful
Blade of Aww
Blade of aww.. man..
Blade Of Awww
Blade of Balance
Blade Of Derp
Blade of Disorder
Blade of Divine Intervention
Blade of Doomination
Blade of Embers
Blade of Eternal Shadows (AC)
Blade Of Feelings
Blade of Gale Warrior
Blade Of Glory
Blade of Havoc
Blade of Meh
Blade of MoonLight (AC)
Blade of Omniramis
Blade of Purification
Blade of the Archfiend (AC)
Blade of the Black Sun Eclipse
Blade of the Chilling
Blade of the Dawn
Blade of the Dragonsworn
Blade of The Fallen
Blade of the First Sunbeam (AC)
Blade of the Forgotten Tombs
Blade Of The FrostSpawn
Blade of the Gemmed Heart
Blade of the Incinerated
Blade of the Neverborn
Blade of the Nosferatu
Blade of the Overlord (AC)
Blade of the Overlord (Legend)
Blade of the Scourge Overlord
Blade of the Underworld (AC)
Blade of Thorns (1)
Blade Of Truth
Blade of Unicorn Power
Blade Of VorDREAD
Blade of Zephyrs
Bladed Dagger of Soul
Bladedlord's Katana
Bladelord Sword of Vokun
Blademaster Assassin Backwards Katana
Blademaster Assassin Katana
BladeMaster's Katana
BladeMaster's Sword (1)
BladeMaster's Sword (2)
Blasted Energy Blade
Blazing Onyx DOOMFire Blade
Blessed Blade of Power
Blessed Rune Blade of Hope
Blessing of Chadough (Sword)
Blight Blade
Blinding Igneus Blade
Blood Energy Katana
Blood Hanzo Void Katana
Blood Rage Cutlass (Non-AC)
Blood Rose Sword
Bloodbinder Katana
Bloodblade of Nulgath
Bloodbound Void Katana (AC)
BloodFire Chainsword
Bloodmoon Faerie's Claymore
Blooming Katana
Blooming Rose Ember
Blue Balloon Sword
Blue Dragon Scimitar (AC)
Blue Giftbox Sword
Blue Sonic Blade
B'Naner Blade (AC)
B'Naner Blade (Legend)
Bone Claw
Bonebreaker Naval Crusher (AC)
Bonebreaker Naval Gutter (AC)
BoneChilling Carver
Bonefiend Manslayer's Katana (AC)
BoneFire Warlord's Burning Cleaver (AC)
Boreal Cavalier Blade (AC)
Boreal Katana (Non-AC)
Bounty Hunter Blade
BountyHunter Commander's Cutlass (AC)
Breath of Oblivion Blade (AC)
Breath of Oblivion Katana (AC)
Bright Blade (2)
Bright Blade of Champions
Bright Blade of Protection
Bright DragonKnight Blade
Bright Nymph's Honor