Polearms (Rare)

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Auto updating list of all Rare Polearms

00-X Multipurpose Ambit Pole
013 CyberSkulls Scythe (AC)
013Cyber Skulls Polearm (AC)
Abaddon Annihilator Scythe (AC)
Abomineator Poleaxe
Abyssal BeastMaster's Spear (AC)
Abyssal Flag Polearm (AC)
Abyssal Reaver Spear (AC)
Activated Devourer of Souls Greatscythe (AC)
Ada's Light Scythe
After Dark Feather Fan
Akriloth's Bane
Albedo Light Spear (AC)
All-Seeing Spear of Chaos
Alpha Werejaguar Polearm
Amethyst Scythe
Ancient Knight's Polearm (Legend)
Ancient Nightmare's Spear (AC)
Arcane Dark Caster Scythe
Arch Lich's Spear
Archer's Lance
ArchFiend Judge's Scythe (AC)
ArchFiend Titan's War Glaive (Non-AC)
Astravian Alchemist's Polearm
Astravian Saw Scythe
Astravian Serrated Scythe
Aurora Summoner's Polearm (AC)
Auspicious Spetum (AC)
Awakened Death's Requiem Scythe (AC)
Awakened Fiend Poleaxe (AC)
Batty PitchFork
Beastbane's Blood Spear
Beastmaster of Nulgath Spear
Bido's Toxic Flame Spear
Black Dragon Ronin Naginata (AC)
BlackSkulls Polearm
BlackSkulls Scythe
Blacksteel Dragon Spear
Blade of the Shadow Born
BladeMaster's Fauchard
Blessed Bident
Blessed Raziel
Blinding ZombieSlayer Spear
Bloodmoon Faerie's Scythe
Blue Dahlia's Scythe
Bonefiend Manslayer's Scythe (Non-AC)
Boreal Cavalier Spear (AC)
Boreal Shovel (AC)
Bright Deorum Lance
Bright Glaive of Guardianship
Bright Lance of Champions
Bright Warlord of Nulgath Polearm
Brightguard's Bladed Polearm (AC)
BrightGuard's Bladed Polearm (Legend)
Brightoak Raven Scythe
Brightsteel Halberd
Brilliant Beacon Polearm
Brutal Lance!
Bullseye Spear (AC)
Celestial Beacon Polearm
Celestial Beacon Scythe
Celestial Beacon Staff
Celestial Dark Knight's Spear
Celestial Sandspear
Chaorrupted Ruler's Polearm (AC)
Chaorrupted Ruler's Scythe (AC)
Chaos Reaper Scythe
Chaotic Miasma Gutter
Chaotic Sumire Impaler
Charmed Bident
Charred ShadowFlame Spear
Chimeric Pincer Scythe
Chimeric Pincer Spear
ChronoReaper Scythe
Citrinitas Light Spear (AC)
ColdSteel Lance
Cosmic Reaper
Crimson Star Reaper
CrimsonFlame Needle
Cryptic Arcane Dark Caster Staff
Crypto Crusher Hammer
Crystallis Soulbreaker
Crystallis Spear of the Heavens
Cursed Bident
Cursed Healer's Enchanted Spear
Cursed Healer's Spear
Cursed Scythe of the Necropolis
Cyber Armored Spear
Cyber DeathHunter Scythe (AC)
Cyber Demise of the Gods (AC)
Cyber Dragon Tongue Scythe (AC)
Cyber Golden Dragon Spear
Cyber Paragon Scythe (AC)
Cyber Reaper Scythe (AC)
Cyber Scythe of the Legion (AC)
Cyber Soul Reaper
Cyber SoulBinder Poleaxe (AC)
Cyber Spear of Nulgath (AC)
Cybernetic Dragon Spear
Cybernetic Dragonlord's Spear (AC)
CyberPaladin 3000 Lance
Cyberspace Dragon of Time Polearm (AC)
Dapper Cane (AC)
Dapper Cane (Legend)
Dark Artist's Axe
Dark Artist's Scythe (AC)
Dark Asgardian Scythe (AC)
Dark Astravian General Lance
Dark Astravian General Pike
Dark Bone Knight Scythe
Dark CryptRaiser Spear (AC)
Dark DoomWood Dragon's Cry (AC)
Dark Dracomancer's Scythe
Dark Dragon of Time Polearm (AC)
Dark Dragon's Havoc
Dark Ferryman's Scythe +5
Dark Fifth Spear
Dark FrostScythe of Nulgath (AC)
Dark FrostScythe of Nulgath (Non-AC)
Dark Fyreborn Tiger Fang
Dark Heart Harvester
Dark Judgement Wheel Scythe
Dark Knight of Vokun Polearm
Dark Knight's Scythe
Dark Lightning Staff
Dark Monkey King Staff (Non-AC)
Dark Phoenix Scythe
Darkblood Keyscythe
DarkEdge of Shadows
Darkon's Debris 11
Darkon's Debris 2 Replica
Deadly Chaos Polearm
Deadly Jester Scythe (AC)
Deadly Jester Scythe (Legend)
Deadly Love Reaper
Deadly Shadow Scythe (AC)
Death Caster Scythe (AC)
Deathless Caster Spear
Death's Requiem Scythe (AC)
Delightful Dactyloscythe (AC)
Demise of the Gods
Deorum Lance
Desert Star Spear
Devourer of Souls Greatscythe (AC)
Diabolic Infernal Scythe +25
Digital Destruction Lance
DoomWood Dragon's Cry (AC)
Double Saber of Ebil
Double-Headed Abominator Poleaxe
Dragon Pike of Pain
Dragon Tongue Scythe
DragonFire Spear
Dragonknight of Nulgath Spear
Dragonsworn Champion Spear
Dreadhaven Halberd +5
Dreadhaven Spear +5
Dreambound Unicorn Scythe
Dual-Bladed Tiger's Fang (AC)
Dual-Edged Duneskewer
Duality Doubleblade
Earth Piercer
Ebony VoidCaster Rift Staff (AC)
Ectoplasmic Pole
Edge of the Archfiend
Electronic ShadowScythe Spear
Elegant Siren's Trident (Non-AC)
Elegant Vampire Scythe
Elite Fortress Guard Lance (AC)
Elite Fortress Guard Lance (Legend)
Enchanted Default Spear
Enchanted Dracolich Guandao of Death
Enchanted Edge of the Risen
Enchanted Fiendish Monkey Staff
Enchanted Marine Dragon Spear (AC)
Enchanted Martial Rokushakubo (AC)
Enchanted Nation Ritualist Spear (AC)
Enchanted ShadowMancer's Great Scythe
Enchanted ShadowMancer's Scythe
End of the Gods Scythe
End Render
Energy Scalpel
Era Definer Pilum
Eternal Duality Staff
Evil Lance Of Prevarication (AC)
Evil Lance Of Prevarication (Merge)
Evolved Legion Vampire Scythe +5
Evolved Warlord Spear
Fairy Queen's Scythe
Fallen Leviathan's Spear
FallFire Scythe
Fang of the Archfiend
Fear of Light (2)
Fear of Shadows
Fènnù de Hóuzi Fire Glaive
Fènnù de Hóuzi Fire Glaive Ornate
Fiend Mauler's Spear
Fiendish Monkey King Staff (AC)
Fiendish Monkey King Staff (Legend)
Fiendish Stormbringer Scythe (AC)
Fiendish Stormbringer Spear
Fiend's Abyss Spear (AC)
Fiend's SoulRender (AC)
Fiend's Spear of Oblivion (Legend)
Firefeather Spear
Flaming Golden Deathspear
Formal Battle Cane (AC)
Formal Battle Cane (Merge)
Formal Skull Cane
Frost Vampire Spear
Frostguard's Green Lance
Frostguard's Lance
Frostguard's Red Lance
FrostScythe of Nulgath
Frostvale Envoy's Pike
Frozen Arabesque Spear (AC)
Frozenflame Lantern
FrozenSoul Court Scythe (AC)
Fury Fiend's Polearm (AC)
Fury Fiend's Shadow Polearm (AC)
Fury of the Dragon (Polearm)
Fyreborn Tiger's Fang (AC)
Galactic Light Spear
Galánta Tuar Ceatha
Geki Halberd
Gilded Bonebreaker
Gilded Dread Scythe
Gilded Ram Poleaxe
Glacial Destroyer Pike
Glacial Slicer
Glorified Spear of the Celestine
Golden BrightFlame Spear (AC)
Golden Dream Guardian Polearm
Golden Spear of Light
Golden Spear of Virtue
Golden ZombieSlayer Spear
GoldenStag Warrior's Lance (AC)
Grand Antaeus Spear (Non-AC)
Grand Necromancer's Spear (AC)
Greater Bloodbeacon Polearm +5
Grenwog Guardian's Spear
Grievous Fiend Spear
Gunlance (AC)
Gunlance (Legend)
Halcyon Halberd of Virtue
Halcyon Scythe of Virtue
Halcyon Spear of Virtue
Half-Dragon's Havoc
Hammer of Infinite Space (AC)

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