Armors (Rare)

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Auto updating list of all Rare Armors

Cyber Warrior
CyberCaster Armor
CyberCore Composer (AC)
CyberFiend (AC)
CyberFiend (Legend)
Cyberg Rider (AC)
Cyberg Rider (Legend)
Cybernetic DragonLord (AC)
CyberPaladin 3000
CyberPaladin Mach 3
Cyberspace Dragon of Time (AC)
Cyborg Monk
Cyclops Rock Armor
Cycloptic Horrorshow (AC)
Cycloptic Horrorshow (Legend)
Cysero The Weaponbreaker
Cysero's Naval Commander (AC)
Cysero's Wedding Garb
Cysero's Wedding Guest
Dage DeathKnight
Dage The Good (Armor)
Dage The Obsidian (AC)
Dage x Faith Wedding Outfit
Dage's Stygian Navigator (AC)
Damaged Cyber Peasant
Daring Victorian Garb
Dark Apocalyptic Conqueror (AC)
Dark Arachnomancer
Dark Artist on FIRE! (AC)
Dark Artist's Armor
Dark Asgardian (AC)
Dark Asgardian (Legend)
Dark Assassin Commander
Dark Astravian General
Dark Astravian Soldier
Dark Auriladae
Dark Bandit (Non-AC)
Dark Blood of Nulgath (AC)
Dark Blood of Nulgath (Legend)
Dark Bone Knight
Dark Bones
Dark Caster X
Dark Celestial Avenger (AC)
Dark Celestial Guardian (AC)
Dark Chaos Berserker Armor
Dark CrownsGuard Suit
Dark CryptRaiser (AC)
Dark CryptRaiser (Legend)
Dark CryptRaiser Skeleton (AC)
Dark Crystallis Delinquent (AC)
Dark Dandy (AC)
Dark Dandy (Legend)
Dark Denim Destroyer
Dark Disco
Dark Doctor What (AC)
Dark Doomwood Dragonknight (AC)
Dark Dracomancer Morph
Dark Dragon Defender
Dark Dragon of Time (AC)
Dark Dragon Summoner (AC)
Dark Dreadhaven General (AC)
Dark Dreadhaven General (Legend)
Dark Druid Armor
Dark Elegant Frost (AC)
Dark Evolved Adherent (AC)
Dark ExoSuit
Dark Fiend Of Nulgath (AC)
Dark Frost Ninja
Dark Frost Void
Dark Frost Wolf of Nulgath (AC)
Dark Glaceran Warlord (Armor) (AC)
Dark Gymnast Gear
Dark Harbinger Armor (AC)
Dark Heart Armor
Dark Heartbreaker
Dark Iced Jester
Dark Knight of Vokun
Dark Legion Guard (AC)
Dark Legion Guard (Merge)
Dark Legion Vampire
Dark Lionfang
Dark Luminous Armor (Legend)
Dark Mana Flame
Dark Manifestation
Dark Masquerade
Dark Matter Dragonslayer (AC)
Dark Mime
Dark Monkey King (AC)
Dark Necropirate (AC)
Dark Noble Garb
Dark Nosferatu (AC)
Dark Phoenix Plate (AC)
Dark Phoenix Plate (Legend)
Dark Phoenix Rising
Dark Priest Of The Ignited Ones (AC)
Dark Prismatic Magus (AC)
Dark Purple Dorian and Dorothy (Legend)
Dark Rainwalker (AC)
Dark Raven Shifter
Dark Ringmaster
Dark Rock Warrior (AC)
Dark Rocker
Dark Romantic
Dark Scientist J6 (AC)
Dark Scientist J6 (Legend)
Dark Shadowscythe Shirt
Dark ShadowSlayer A (AC)
Dark ShadowSlayer A (Legend)
Dark ShadowSlayer Z (AC)
Dark ShadowSlayer Z (Legend)
Dark SkyGuard Rifleman (AC)
Dark SkyGuard Rifleman (Legend)
Dark Skyguard Uniform
Dark SnowAngel (AC)
Dark Snuggle Bear
Dark Sorcerer
Dark Sorceress
Dark Stalker (2)
Dark StarkCaster
Dark Summer Lounger (AC)
Dark TideWalker (AC)
Dark Undead Assassin
Dark UndeadSlayer
Dark Vampire Slayer (Non-AC)
Dark Void Of Revontheus
Dark Water Lord +10
Darkblood Assassin
Darkblood Eviscerator
Darkblood Paragon Knight
DarkCaster Evolution
Darker Caster X (AC)
Darker Cryptlord Armor (AC)
Darker Fiend
Darker Side of the Crescent
Darkest Caster Evolution (AC)
DarkFrost Dragon Commander
Darkovian Hunger of Nulgath (AC)
Darkside Ascension Armor (AC)
Darkside Trooper
Dark-tic DragonSlayer (AC)
Dawn Archmage
Dead Knight
Deadfly's Hollowborn Armor
Deadly Jester (AC)
Deadly Jester (Legend)
Deadly Krampus (AC)
Deadly Krampus (Legend)
Deadman Ghoul (AC)
Deadman Ghoul (Legend)
Death Caster (AC)
Death Dealer
Death Stalker (AC)
Death Stalker (Rare)
DeathBlood Warrior (AC)
DeathBlood Warrior (Legend)
Deathfiend of Nulgath
DeathKnight Blood Lord
Deathless Caster
DeathRider (AC)
Death's Custom Apprentice
Deathwave Necrostar
Debris 297 Armor
Debris Death Scholar
Debris Designated Bear
Debris Naval Commander (AC)
Debris Party Bear
Deep Miner
Delinquent Leader's Garb
Delinquent of Crystallis
Derp Zombie
Desaturated Paintball Uniform
Desaturated Steampunk J6 (AC)
Desaturated Void of Nulgath (AC)
Desaturated Void of Nulgath (Legend)
Descended Amadis
Devourer of Gods
Devourer Of Souls (Armor) (AC)
Diabolical Illusionist
Diabolical Lone Wanderer
Diamond Collector of Nulgath (AC)
Diamond Dueler
Digital Dark Caster Armor
Digital DOOMKnight
Digital Duality of Nulgath
Dilligaf Armor
Dimmed Falconeer (Legend)
Dirge Armor
Discarnate Sea Scourge
Dissatisfied Corporate Trader Suit
Dissatisfied Trader Hero Suit
Divine Ocean Nereid (AC)
Divine Tundra Warlock (AC)
Djinn Lich
Doctor Hue
Doctor What
Doctor Why (AC)
Doctor Why (Legend)
Doom Chaos Symbiote
Doom Disciple Armor
Doom DragonSlayer
Doom Exosuit Binoku (2)
Doom Holiday Paragon Plate
Doom Lord Sepulchure
Doom Lord Vaal and Vayle (Non-Legend)
Doom Lord Valtrith and Safiria
Doom Midknightgown
Doom Necronaut
Doom of Lore
Doom Phoenix Plate
DOOM Pumpkin Lord
DoomBringer (Armor)
Doomed DeckStalker
DoomFiend of Nulgath (AC)
DoomFiend Overlord of Nulgath (AC)
DoomKnight DoomCaster
DoomKnight Naval Commander
Doomlight Highlord
DoomLord Valtrith and Safiria (AC)
DoomWood DragonKnight (AC)
Dr. When
Dr. Why
DracolichRider Zorbak
Draconic Acolyte
Draconic Deacon of Nulgath (Legend)
Draconic Disciple of Nulgath (AC)
Draconic Oracle
Draconic Yokai Assassin
Dragon Fiend Ronin (AC)
Dragon Hunter (Armor)
Dragon Khan Rider
Dragon Priests
Dragon Rider
Dragon Shinobi Armor (AC)
Dragon Shinobi Armor (Merge)
Dragon Stormrunner
Dragon Summoner of the Oversoul (AC)
Dragon Tamer of Tercessuinotlim (AC)
Dragonbone Necromancer
DragonFable's Blue Mage

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