Armors (Rare)

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Auto updating list of all Rare Armors

00-X Dungeoneer
013 CyberSkulls Armor (AC)
13th Claws Suit (AC)
13th Naval Commander (AC)
13th Pirate Captain (AC)
2013 Moon Warrior
2013 Sun Warrior
2024 Giftbox Armor
2082 Armor
8 Track Flashback Armor
8-Bit Mage
8-Bit Rogue
8-Bit Warrior
9J Outfit
A Hunter on the Rise
Abaddon Bruiser
Abberant Armor (AC)
Abomineator Armor (AC)
Abomineator Armor (Legend)
Absolute Ebil
Abyssal Angel Naval Commander (AC)
Abyssal BeastMaster (AC)
Abyssal Flame Naval Commander (AC)
Abyssal Legionnaire (AC)
Abyssal Legionnaire (Legend)
Abyssal Magus (AC)
Abyssal Naval Commander of Nulgath (AC)
Abyssal Reaver (AC)
Abyssal Sorcerer (AC)
Abyssal Void Magus (AC)
Abyssal Void Sorcerer (AC)
Abyssal Wanderer (AC)
Abyssal Wanderer (Legend)
AC Tag
Academy Uniform
Adorable Nemesis
Adroit Artillery Pirate (AC)
Aerodux WarMage (AC)
Aerodux WarMage (Legend)
After-Party Outfit
Ageless Necromancer (AC)
Ageless Necromancer (Legend)
Agent of Chaos
Agility Racer
Alchemical Naval Commander (AC)
Amaranth Gate Keeper
Amethyst Half-Elf
Amethyst Universe Armor (AC)
Amor e Alegria
Ancient Cryomancer
Ancient Knight (AC)
Ancient Nightmare (AC)
Angelic Neesha (AC)
Annihilator Of Order
Anseri Destroyer
Ao Tsuki
Apocalyptic Conquerer
Apocalyptic DeathBringer
Apocalyptic Plunderer
Apocalyptic Warlord
Aquataine Chanteuse (AC)
Aquatic Nereidian Majesty (AC)
Aquatic Warrior (AC)
Aqueduct Conjurer
AQW Golden Destiny Armor
Arachnid Naval Commander (AC)
Araw At Tala
Arcane Dark Caster Armor (AC)
Arcane LightCaster (AC)
Arcane Lovecaster
Arcane Pirate Captain
Arcane Underworld Warrior (AC)
Arcanist's Lovely Robes (AC)
Arch Lich
Arch Vaxen Loremaster
ArchAngel Nulgath (Armor)
ArchBeing Nulgath
Archfiend Armor (1)
Archfiend Genisis
ArchFiend Stormbringer (AC)
ArchFiend Thunderlord (AC)
Archfiend Titan (AC)
ArchFiend's Bloodcaller (AC)
ArchFiend's Bloodcaller (Legend)
ArchFiend's Bloodkeeper
ArchFiend's Commandant (AC)
ArchFiend's Judge (AC)
ArchFiend's Warlord (AC)
ArchMage's Rage
Arctic Dragonslayer
Arctic Naval Commander (AC)
Armed Draconic Yokai Assassin
Armed Underworld Stealth Ops (AC)
Armor of Aww
Armored Extraterrene
Armored Turdraken Slayer
Armor-Shaped Giftbox
Armor-shaped Present
Artifact Hunter (Armor) (AC)
Artifact Hunter (Armor) (Merge)
Ascended DarkCaster
Ascended VoidCaster (AC)
Ascent To Protect
Asgardian Knight (AC)
Assassin Commander (AC)
Assassin Commander (Legend)
Assassin of Nulgath (AC)
Assassin of Nulgath (Legend)
Assassin of Shadows
Assault Gear
Astral Guardian (AC)
Astral Star Captain
Astral Vacuum Black
Astral Vacuum Pink
Astral Wanderer (AC)
Astravian Buccaneer (AC)
Astravian Court Alchemist
Astravian Mercenary's Garb (AC)
Astravian Mercenary's Garb (Legend)
Astravian Mercenary's Jacket
Astravian Naval Rebel (AC)
Astromancer Mage
Auroran Cryomagus (AC)
Aurus Via Armor
AUS Rugby Armor
Auspicious ShadowSlayer (AC)
Austere Shadowslayer (AC)
Austere Shadowslayer (Legend)
Avatar of Spirits (Armor)
Avatar Of Time (Armor)
Avis Magi
Awards Show Outfit
Awards Show Tux
Azure Cleric Of Time
Azure Dragonknight
BabyDoll Slayer
Bad Romancer
Badger Brigade Armor
Bakunawa's Guard
Bandit (Armor)
Banished Brawler
Bark Caster
Baron Sundae Armor
Baron Sunday (Armor)
Bat Vigilante
Battle Bride and Groom
Battle Frost King and Queen
Battle Q-Pid
Battle Ready Naval Commander (AC)
Battle Sassafras 12 (Quest)
Battle Track Suit
BattleMage of Love Armor
Battleon Barbae Outfit
Battleon Battlemage
Battleon Drop Armor
Battleon Swag Drop Armor
Battleready AX Swimwear (AC)
Battleworn Skyguard Uniform
Beach Bumdead Armor
Bears Jersey
Beast from Below
Beast Summoner
Beastbane Battlemage
Bedazzled Villager
Beige Bandit
Beleen's Crimson Admiral (AC)
Bestial Warlord (AC)
BitterCrystal Mage Robes
Black Blood Fiend of Nulgath (AC)
Black Caster
Black Death of the Legion
Black Diamond Bling Armor
Black Dragon Ronin of Oversoul (AC)
Black Dragon Savior (AC)
Black Dragonborn Naval Commander (AC)
Black Ghost
Black Gold Reigns
Black Hole of Despair
Black Ice Wizard
Black Knight of Nulgath (AC)
Black Legion Raven (AC)
Black Leopard Skinwalker
Black Mirror Drakath
Black Sun Eclipse Emperor
Black Sun Ninja
Black Tailcoat (AC)
Black Tailcoat (Legend)
Black Tank Outfit
Black Wyrmtamer (AC)
Black Zenobyte
BlackSkulls Armor
Blacktagonal Knight
Blade Warrior
BladeLord Of Vokun
BladeMaster Armor
BladeMaster Assassin Armor (AC)
BladeMaster Assassin Armor (Merge)
Blazebringer Mage
Blazing Hot Hero Gear (AC)
Blazing Naval Commander
Bleakwind Rogue
Blessed Araw At Tala
Blessed Knight
Blessing Of Aranx (AC)
Blessing Of Aranx (Legend)
Blinding Sapphire Star Mage (AC)
Blinding Sapphire Star Mage (Legend)
Blizzard Naval Commander (AC)
Blood & Roses (AC)
Blood & Roses (Legend)
Blood Collector
Blood Fiend of Nulgath
Blood Hanzo Void (AC)
Blood Hanzo Void (Legend)
Blood Isles Naval Commander (AC)
Blood Lord Plate (AC)
Blood Lord Plate (Legend)
Blood of Cerberus (Armor)
Blood of NOOOO-Gasp!
Blood of Nulgath (Rare) (AC)
Bloodbound Void (AC)
Blooded Commander of Cerberus
Bloodmoon Faerie
Bluddron and Shield
Bluddron Morph
Bluddron's Legend Morph
Blue Dragon Khan Rider
Blue Dragonborn Naval Commander (AC)
Blue Ember Scion
Blue Giant Warrior
Blue Giftbox Armor
Blue Kirin Parade Costume
Blue Undead Legend
Blue Unicorn Crooner
Blue Wedding Guest
Blunder Buster
Boiling Water Elemental
Bone Crusher Soldier (AC)
Bone Crusher Soldier (Legend)
Bonebreaker Naval Commander (AC)
BoneFiend Manslayer (AC)
BoneFire Warlord (AC)
Boneious Magus
BoogieMan Armor
Boreal Cavalier (AC)
Boreal Cavalier Deer Rider (AC)
Boreal Warrior (AC)
Bot of Bolts and Clanks

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