Swords (Non-Rare Legend)

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Auto updating list of all Non-Rare Legend Swords

2nd Betrayal Blade of Nulgath
3rd Betrayal Blade of Nulgath
5th Betrayal Blade of Nulgath
6th Betrayal Blade of Nulgath
7th Betrayal Blade of Nulgath
A Blade too Cold to Hold
Adorable Pink Blade of Cuteness
Airship Avenger
Almost Visible Blade
Ancient Platinum Blade
Angelic Golden Flame Sword
Angelic Hematite Sword
Angelic Runed Broadsword
Arasat's Bane
Arboreal Seed Spit (Legend)
Ardent Shadowslayer Falchion
Assassin of Nulgath Sword
Balor's Cruelty
Barbarian Steel Blade
Basic Claymore of Pain
Battle Herald Sword
Beast King's Lightning
Behemoth Blade of Light
Behemoth Blade of Shadow
Big Daddy (Sword)
Black Katana
Blade of Ashes
Blade of Discord
Blade of Hail
Blade of Half Awe-f
Blade of Rage and Fury
Blade of Revenant
Blade of Revontheus the Good
Blade of Shade
Blade of Silent Might
Blade of the Battle Kris
Blade of the Bone
Blade of the Chaotic Fleet
Blade of the Watchers
Blade of Thorns (2)
Blade of Vampire
Blade Ov 1000 Kittehs
Bladed Cypress Tendril
Blazebeard's Cutlass
Blinding Caladbolg
Blinding Edge
Blister's Chainsaw
Blood Fire
Blood Ice
Blood Isle Corsair's Cutlass
Blood of the Mountain
Blue Light Sword
Blue Raspberry Ice Pop
Boiled Prawn Rapier
Booger Blade
Borked Blade of Dragon Control
Bounded Blade
Broad Werepyre Blade
Broadsword of Bane
Busterline of Souls
Cavern Strike
Celebration by Fireworks
Celestia's Blade
Ceremonial Iron Sickle
Ceremonial SkySword
Cerulean Flame Sword
Champion Hydra Sword
Chaorrupted K'Sork Blade
Chaorrupted Nifarii Blade
Chaorrupted Pirate Cutlass (1)
Chaorrupter Unlocked (Legend)
Chaos Eruption Blade
Chaos Shogun Sword
Chaotic Bramble
Chaotic Draconian Blade
Chaotic Hanzamune
Chaotic manticore Tamer
Charcoal ShortSword
Charfade's Blade
Chelicera's Bite
Chelicera's Sting
Circuitbreaker Blade
Claw Of The Ocean
Claws' Little Helper (AC)
Cocktail Sword
Coeur du Mer
CorDemi Codex
CorDemi Sword
Corpse Maker of Nulgath
Corvus Piercer Blade
Crimson Blade of Flames
Crimson Pact
Crimson Zweihander
Cruel Chaos Widow Blade
Crusader Sword
Cryo Assassin of Nulgath Sword
Crystal Annihilator of Nulgath
Crystal Greatsword of Order
Crystal Runesword
Crystaline Avastilator
Crystalisk Blade
Cumulus Cutter
Cuniculus Decimator
Cursed Dragon Blade
Cursed Scimitar
Cursed SpiritSeeker Blade
Custom Dragonsaw Blade
Custom Trooper Sword
Cutlass Calais
Cysero's Defender Sword
Dai Tengu Blade of Wind
Dark BitterHeart's Rage
Dark Draconian Sword
Dark Heart Sabre
Dark Marrowblade
Dark Tower Sword
Darkblood Symbiotic Sword (Legend)
DarkIce Calibreaker
Ddog Sea Serpent Sword
Deadly Tower Blade
Deathknight Blade
Decaying Blade of Agony
Defender of the Reef
Defiled Dragon Blade
Deluge Destroyer
Demonic Maw Blade
Desoloth's Bane
Dexterous Blade of Cold
Dishonored Sword
Divine Intervention
Doom Edge
Doom Ice Pop
DoomReaver Blade
Dotanuki Blade
Double Glow of Glory
Draconic Pulse
Dragarian Blade
Dragon Conquest Blade
Dragon Sword of Chaos
DragonFire of Nulgath
Dragonfire Of Vengeance
Dragon's Courage
Dragon's Maw
Dragontooth Ripper
Dreadblade Mach 2.0
Dwarven Baselard
Earth Blade
Ebil Operative Death Blade
Elegant Death
Elegant Runeblade
Enchanted Blade
Enchanted Necrayaya's Spear
Enchanted Phoenix Blade
Enchanted Skull Blade
Enchanted Skulls on Skulls Blade
Enchanted SpellSword's Flame Blade
Enchanted Spiked Skulls on Fire Blade
Enchanted Spikes on Skulls Blade
Energy Skull Sword
Enredo Blade
Espada Brasileira
Estuary's Edge
Evolved Champion of Order Blade
Evolved Dragon Blade
Evolved Soulreaper Blade of Nulgath
Excavated Glaive: Full Config (Legend)
Ex's Caliber
Fallen Hero Blade
False Blade of Champions
Fiendish Blood Blade
Fiery Necrodrake
Fiery Sword
Fire Blade
Fire Dragon's Guile
Fire on the Edge
First Blade OF Nexity
Flame God Sword
FlameBlade's Fury
Fortune Bringer
Fortune's Blade
Fortune's Protector
FrankenFiend Katana
Frost and Steel
Frost Matriarch Sword
Frost Sword
Frosted Falchion
FrostSlayer X
Frostval Barbarian Sword (Legend)
Frozen Claw
Frozen DeathKnight Sword
Galactic Assassin Blade
Gale Sword
Gekido of Shinobi
Gilded Cursed Sabre
Gilded TreasureHunter's Blade
Glacial Knuckle Sword
Glowing Crown Blade
Glowing Heat of Affliction
Glowing Katana
Golden Blade of Eternity
Golden Crystal Greatsword of Order
Golden DeathSaw
Golden Draconian Sword
Golden Harvest
Golden Rabbit Longsword
Golden Techno Blade
Grasping Chaos
Great Claymore of Pain
Greatsword of Order
Greatsword of Sapphires
Green Dragon Hunting Blade
Green Sneevil Chainsaw
Green Tech Blade
Grenwog Worshipper Greatsword
Gressil's Impurity
Grim Soul Slayer
GrimBlade +10
Groglurk Sword Reverse
Grund Dwarven Broadsword
Grundmir Master Dwarven Broadsword
Guardian Spirit Sword
Hayato's Wrath
Head Of Death
Heart of Shadows
Heart Sabre
Heretic's Metal Sword
Hollow Soul Blade
HollowSoul Knight Captain's Blade
HollowSoul Knight Captain's Dirk
Holly Sword
Horcish Ripper
Horn of Terra Suul
Horned Longsword
Hydra Rapier
Ice Calibreaker
Ice Cold Steel
Ice Frost Sabre
Ice Storm Blade
Icy Soldier Sword
Ignited Frost Sword
Imbalanced Sword
Infernal Dark Blade of Cruelty

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