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Auto updating list of all Non-Rare Legend Helmets & Hoods
Rugged Pie-rate Helm
Sage Eyewrap
Sakura Dragon Spirit Morph
Sakura Petal Shades
Sakura Petal Shades + Ponytail
Sakura Petal Shades + Twintails
Salmon Nigiri Hat
Sandsea Enchanter Hair Beard
Sandsea Enchanter Veiled Aurora Locks
Sandsea General's Hair
Sandsea General's Locks
Sandsea Wrap
Sapphire Bunny Ears + Locks (Legend)
Sapphire Glasses + Hair (Legend)
Sapphire Locks + Accessories (Legend)
Saru Morph
Savage Swordsman Zard
Scalp Wound Zombie Face
Scarsgarde Captain's Helmet
Scientist J6 Goggles
Scientist J6 Goggles Updo
Scourge of Nulgath
Scrooge McLuck Helm
Sediment Semblance
Seraphic Grave Digger Mask
Seraphic Technocaster Helm
Seraphic Technocaster Locks + Helm
Seraphic Technocaster Locks + Visor
Seraphic Technocaster Visor
Server Gremlin Head
Shaded Haggard Beard Morph
Shaded Mask of the Dead
Shaded Moonridge Morph
Shaded Moonridge Visage
Shaded Shadowscythe Rocker Locks
Shades Up Sharp Bobcut Visage
Shadow BeastMaster Hood + Mask
Shadow Commander's Skull Hat
Shadow Commander's Skull Topper
Shadow Conqueror Helm
Shadow Dancer Lethal Mask
Shadow Dancer Mask
Shadow Dancer's Headband
Shadow Dancer's Lethal Headband
Shadow Lich's Bane
Shadow Shinobi Hood
Shadow WerePyre Slayer Helm (Legend)
Shadow ZombieSlayer Grunt
Shadow ZombieSlayer Knight
Shadow ZombieSlayer Scout
ShadowFire Horns
ShadowFlame Bandana + Locks
ShadowFlame Bandana + Morph
ShadowFlame Bandana + Patch
ShadowFlame Locks + Patch
ShadowLord Commander's Battle Morph (Legend)
ShadowLord Commander's Scarf + Tricorn (Legend)
ShadowRender Scarf
ShadowScythe Rogue's Helm
Shady Sunhat and Glasses
Sharp Bobcut Visage
Sheevra Mask
Sheevra Mask + Locks
Shining Knight's Helmet
Shinobi Kao (Legend)
Shinobi Mask
Shinobi Mask + Locks
Shinobi Masked Hood
Shocking Summer Bangs
Shocking Summer Shag
Short Dimension Goggles
Short Locks Dark Valkyrie Helm
Silent Deathwing Morph (Legend)
Silent Deathwing Visage (Legend)
Silent Sentinel Hood
Silver Valentine Warrior Helm
Silver Valentine Warrior Locks
Sinister Clown Mask (1)
Sir Legion Naval Top Hat (Legend)
Sir Platinum Naval Top Hat (Legend)
Sir Scalps-a-Lot
Sister's Helm of Truth
Skeletal Helm of the Lost
Skeletal Mask of the Dead
Skelly Hug Hair
Skelly Hug Locks
Skull Face
Skull of Darkness
Skye Emissary Morph
SkyGuard Disco Mech Helm
SkyGuard Mech Cockpit
SkyGuard Mech Face
SkyGuard Officer's Cap
Sleek Chic Locks
Sleezter Bunny Head
Slick Spikes Hair
Slithering Hunter's Chapeau
Slithering Hunter's Chapeau + Locks
Sly Fox Mask
Smarty Pants Hat
Smitten Noble Morph (Legend)
Smooth Billionaire Tophat + Moustache (Legend)
Smooth Billionaire Tophat (Legend)
Smug Face 002
Smuurvil Hat
Sneevil Head Pilot (Legend)
Snow Beanie
Snow Beanie and Locks
Snowstorm Hood
Solar Lorekeeper's Hair
Solar Lorekeeper's Locks
Solar Morph (Legend)
Solrac's Devoid Magitech Visor
Sombrero de Charro Morph
Song's High Ponytail Glasses
So's Broken Visage
Soul Banisher Helm
Soul Stealer Plague Mask
Soul Weaver's Battle Morph + Dreads (Legend)
Soul Weaver's Battle Morph + Hair (Legend)
Soul Weaver's Battle Morph + Locks (Legend)
SoulKnight Helm
Soulseeker's Grim Hood
SoulSucker Gourdhead
Sparkling Blue Bow Topper
Sparkling Peppermint Flopper
Sparkling Pomegranate Flopper
Sparkling Pomegranate Topper
Sparkling Red Bow Topper
Special Infantry Legion Helm
SpellSmith Arch Hood
SpellSword's Hair + Scarf (Legend)
SpellSword's Locks + Scarf (Legend)
Spicelord Helm (Mem)
Spiked Zipperface
Spirit of Fire Helm
Spirit of Water Helm
Spirit Wolf Hair
SpiritHunter Mask
SpiritHunter's Feathered Hood
SpiritHunter's Hood & Mask
Spookeasy Chops (Legend)
Spookeasy Locks (Legend)
Spookeasy Morph + Beard (Legend)
Spookeasy Morph + Locks (Legend)
Spooky Boy's Hair + Hat
Spooky Casual Hat + Morph
Spooky Girl's Locks + Hat
Spooky Pigtails Hat + Morph
Spooky Spirit Hunter Hood
StarCrasher Helm + Scarf
Stealthy Sea Patch Hair
Stealthy Sea Patch Locks
Stinky Provolone
Stitched Burlap Mask
Storm Ruler Hair
Storm Ruler Locks
StormKing Bladed Female
StormKing Bladed Male
StormKing Masked Female
StormKing Masked Male
Stygian Navigator's Morph
Stygian Navigator's Visage
Suki's Seraphic Morph
Sun Head
Super6 Helmet
Swanky Top Hat (Legend)
Swordhaven Defender's Halo
Swordhaven Emissary Circlet
Swordhaven Emissary Diadem
Symbiote Infection
Synderes Minion Mask
Synderes Minion Mask and Locks
Taco Admiral Hat
Taco Admiral Locks
Tactical Agent Alpha Gasmask
Tactical Agent Alpha Morph
Tactical Agent Alpha Visage
Tactical Agent Bravo Beard Morph
Tactical Agent Bravo Visage
Tainted Crown
Tainted Crown of Shadow
Tarandus Battle Helm
Tattooed Druid Helm
Tattooed Druid Locks
Tau Ceti Helm
Techno Hood
Tenti Hawk
Terrifier's Morph
Terror Guard
Terror Lord Helm
Thay's Visage
The Armet of the Afterlife
The Face of the Hollows
The Face of the Paladins
The Helm of Magnus
The Helm of the Corrupt
The Hood of the Divine
The Mask of the Skulls
The Master's Hat
The Unholy Helm
The Very Convincing Lycan Mask
The Wet Look
Thermal Flame Hood
Thinking Cap
Thundersnow Demigod Morph
Thundersnow Demigod Visage
Tibicenas Face
Tidal Crest Helm
Timeseeker's Bunny Ears
Timeseeker's Bunny Ears + Locks
Timestream Ravager's Morph + Hat
Toil Hair
Toil Locks
Totally Normal Face 002
Totally Not a Killer Face 002
Toxian Strider Morph
Toxian Strider Visage
Toxic Mantis Pinchers
Toxic Mantis Visage
Toxic Vision Helm
Toxic WyvernSlayer's Horns
TreasureHunter Hair
TreasureHunter Wrap
TreasureHunter's Divemask
Treeant's Mane
Tress and Gasmask
Tribal Mummy Helm
Trollinator M3
Trophy Helm Advanced
Turdraken Head
Turdraken Hunter Hat
TurkeyAssassin Cowl
TurkeyAssassin's Trophy
TurkeySlayer Bonnet
TurkeySlayer Hat
Tusked Battle Helm
Twig's PJs Hood
Twig's PJs Hood + Locks
Twig's Voyager Battle Helm (Legend)
Twilight Bongo Cat Hair
Twilight Bongo Cat Locks
Twilly's Bongo Cat Hair
Twilly's Bongo Cat Locks
Twisted Jester Demon Helm
Twisted Jester's Morph
Twisted Paw Head Morph
Ultimate Victory Armet