Daggers (Non-Rare Legend)

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Auto updating list of all Non-Rare Legend Daggers

Abyssal Frost Katanas
Abyssal Gravity Balls
Abyssal Snarl Talons (Legend)
Academic Acoutrements
Adventus Duel Blade
AI Scarbucks Cups
Akamatsu Katanas
Amaranth Arm Blades
Angelic Golden Daggers
Anti-Kaiju Axes (Legend)
Ao Tsuki Dual Kunai
Ao Tsuki Dual Shuriken (Legend)
Aqua Chakra
Archfiend Arachnomancer's Claymores
Ardent Shadowslayer Knife + Rifle
Ardent Shadowslayer Knives
Artifact Hunter's Crossbow + Daggers (Legend)
Artix's Undead Axes
Asgardian Hammer & Shield
Astral Stingers
Astravian Enforcer Backhand Sickles
Astravian Enforcer Sickles
Atomosian Armaments
Aura Chakra
Aurum Blades of Dreams
Autumn Fox Plushies
Axes of the Galvanic Chronomancer
Axolotl Plushies
Backblades of Embers
Backhanded Speirling Daggers
Backhanded Speirling Guardian Daggers
Bat Plushies
Beleen's Balloon Cutelasses
Beleen's Crimson Cutelasses (Legend)
Biofuel Blowtorch
Bioluminous Amanita Blades
BitterHeart Concealed Blade
Black Ice Lollies
Blade of Souls
Bladed Blunderbuss of Boom
Bladed Cannon and Shield
Bladed Corsair Pom Poms
Bladed Harpies Pom-Poms
Bladed Horc Pom Poms
Bladed Lich Pom-Poms
Bladed Loyalist Pom-Poms
Bladed Maracas
Bladed Miner Pom Poms (Dagger)
Bladed Satyr Pom-Poms
Bladed Tigers Pom-Poms
Bladed Tribal Chieftains Pom Poms
Blades of Modulation
Blades of the Brilliant Chronomancer
Blazerun Accoutrements
Blazin' Blue Battle-Blades
Blazing Heart Katanas
Blessed Battlegear of the Dawn
Blessed Hammers of the Dawn
Blight Oracle Axes
Blightslayer Dagger And Crossbow
Blinding Chaos Armaments
Blinding Maracas of Destiny
Blood Isle Corsair's Cutlasses
Blood Isle Corsair's Pistols
Bloodblades of Nulgath
Bloodletter Katanas
Bolsa da Mãe D'água (Dagger)
Bolsa Ecantado da Mãe D'água (Dagger)
Bone Knife
Book and Wand
Borgrix Blaster + Blade
Breathtaking Love Chalices
Bright Astravian Rapiers
Bright Guardian's Axes
Broken Bottle
Broken Sword and Shield
Bronze Barrels
Brute Cutters
Budgie Plushies
Burger and Spatula
Burgers of Destiny
Burgle Bags
CandyCorn Pumpkin + Broom
Captain's Cutlass of Boom
Cardinal Knuckle Cutter
Carmine Crystal Shield and Dagger
Carnicero Dual Axes
Cat Claw Kamas
Ceremonial Tribal Blades
Cerulean Crystal Shield and Dagger
Champion of Ice Katar
Chaos Anchors
Chaos Chronomancer's HourGlasses
Chaos Dagger Revolvers
Chaos Spy Blades (Legend)
Chaotic Long Lycan Dagger
Chaotic Savage Accoutrements
Chaotic Scar Rippers
Chartreuse Crystal Shield and Dagger
ChickenCow ArmBlade
Chickencow Drumsticks
Chronohammers of Lore
Claw of the Shrew
Claws of Darkness
Cobalt Knuckle Cutter
Coldfire Kamas
Coldfire Odachis
Coldfire Tabars
Colorful Deadly Fan
Colorful Grenwog Carrot Kunais
Colorful Grenwog Waterguns
Colorful Stenciled Fan
CorDemi Daggers
Corundum Carvers
Cowmander Pistols
Creeper Dagger
Crimson Piano Strikers
Criosphinx Sun Swords
Cruel Claw of Blizzard
Crystallis Soldier's Gun + Shield
Cursed Handheld Webs
Custom Emblazoned Competitor's Phone and Bag
Cutesy GrenwogSlayer's Accoutrements
Cutesy GrenwogSlayer's Daggers
Cyber Dragonwings of Destiny
Cyber Slicers of De-Nile
Cybernetic Gunblade
Cysero's Defender Dagger
Dagger and Mystery Flask
Daggers of Destruction
Daggers of Djet
Daggers of Malevolence
Daggers of Purity
Daggers of the Underworld
Damask Rose Rapiers
Dark and Ugly Sticks
Dark Sea Corsair's Pistols
Dark Sea Corsair's Rapiers
Darksided Fiend Blades
Darkwolf Bandit's Swords
Darkwood Carved Armaments
Deathknight Dagger
Death's Requiem Axes
Deathwalker Executions (Legend)
Debris Commander's Pistols
Decima Renders
DeepSea Star Pirate's Blades
DeepSea Star Pirate's Dark Guns
DeepSea Star Pirate's Light Guns
Deleuze Ice Axes (Legend)
Deliverances of Agony
Desert Black Moon Blades
Destiny Blade and Shield
Destiny Mace and Shield
Diabolical Delinquent Bats
Diabolical Flintlocks
Diabolical Resolutions
Digital Terror
Doom Phoenix Pompoms
Doom Pirate Captain's Cutlasses (Legend)
Doom Pirate Captain's Rapiers (Legend)
Doom Scissors
Dos Maracas
Double Deluxe Hot Chocolate
Double Netherworld Comedian Cards
Draconic Nation Double Axes
Dragonsaw Blade Set
DragonSlayer Commander's Boomsticks
DragonSlayer Commander's Pistols
Drakka Defender Dagger
Dreambound Unicorn Plushies
Dreambound Unicorn Swords
Dual AeroFrost Katanas
Dual Amethyst Crystal Axes
Dual Ankh Athames
Dual Arata Gamer Bats (Legend)
Dual Battle Chaoaxes
Dual Battle Party Blades
Dual Beastblood Reavers
Dual Blackerris
Dual BlackSkulls Knuckles
Dual Blade of Slaying
Dual Blinding Caladbolgs
Dual Bloodsea Cutlasses
Dual Boom Went The Dynamite
Dual Borgars
Dual Borgrix Blade
Dual Borgrix Blasters
Dual Bug Hunting Pistols
Dual Celebration Katanas
Dual Celebratory Ang Paos
Dual Chaos Backstabbers
Dual Chaos Dragon Pistols (Legend)
Dual Chaos Energy Polearms
Dual Chaos Revolvers
Dual Chickencow Claws
Dual Chickenwing ArmBlades
Dual Corax Daggers
Dual Corpse Maker of Nulgath
Dual Corrupted Druid Sickle
Dual Cruel Axe of Midnight
Dual Crusader Sword
Dual Crystalsea Blades
Dual Cultist Knife
Dual Cursed SpiritSeekers
Dual Dark Energy Katana
Dual Darkblood Katanas
Dual Darkovian Pirate Knives (Legend)
Dual Deathwalker Blades (Legend)
Dual DeepSea Pistols
Dual Diamond Pickaxes
Dual Dragon of Time Pistols (Legend)
Dual Dragonblades
Dual DragonSlayers
Dual EmberFlame Axes
Dual Enchanted Serpent Hulusi
Dual Exile Officer Pistols
Dual Exponent Sabres
Dual Fallen Hollowsky (Legend)
Dual Festive Gilded Batons
Dual Festive Punk Elf's Stabbers
Dual Fiendish Blood Blade
Dual Fiendish Outlaw Knives
Dual Fiendish Outlaw Revolvers
Dual Fiendish Soul Eater (Legend)
Dual Fiery Flame
Dual Frost Breath
Dual Frosted Falchions
Dual Galactic Blades
Dual Godly Mace of the Ancients
Dual Golden Sandsea Blades
Dual Half-Chakra
Dual HarpySlayer's Khopesh
Dual Harvest Hunter's Blade
Dual Helsgrove Gilded Batons
Dual Herald Swords
Dual Hollowborn Absolution
Dual Hollowborn Admonition
Dual Hollowborn Decimation
Dual Hollowborn Penance
Dual Hollowborn Plague Calibur
Dual Huntress Blades
Dual Ice Giant Hammers
Dual Kimon Benevolence Nagamaki
Dual Kota Volleyballs (Legend)
Dual Lapis Crystal Axes
Dual Leviasea Sword

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