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Auto updating list of all Non-Rare Legend Battle Pets
1st Betrayal Blade of Nulgath Pet
2nd Betrayal Blade of Nulgath Pet
3rd Betrayal Blade of Nulgath Pet
4th Betrayal Blade of Nulgath Pet
5th Betrayal Blade of Nulgath Pet
6th Betrayal Blade of Nulgath Pet
7th Betrayal Blade of Nulgath Pet
8th Betrayal Blade of Nulgath Pet
Aggressive Ebil Kuro Pet
Ancient Undead Minion
Anqa Battle Pet
Apa's Grace Battlepet
Ardent Demon BattlePet
Armored Daimyo Battlepet
Armored Vindicator BattlePet
Ascended Armored Daimyo Battlepet
Attack Scorpion
Baby Cellot
Baby Moganth
Battle Bat
Battle Bongo Cart Pet
Battle Commander Liest
Battle Grumpy
Battle Kitten
Battle PaladinSlayer Daimyo
Battle Ready Kyger
Battle Slime
Battle Trollolol
Battle Twig
Battlefiend Blade of Nulgath
Battle-Ready Binky
Battle-Ready Mecha Binky
Belo Passaro BattlePet
Blazing Summer Zilla Chibi
Blizzy Protec Battle Pet
BloodBlade of Nulgath Battle Pet
CandyCane Capybara BattlePet
Capoeira Capybara
Chaorrupted BattleHamster
Chaos GruaigeBaas Pet
Chaos Imp Battlepet
Chaotic Stalker
Chauncey Battle Cat
Chibi Eldritch Yume Battlepet
Courage Battlemoglin
Cranky Thwompcat Battlepet
Crimson Dark Lord's Battle Droid
Cryo Mammoth Battlepet
CryptHacker Battlebot
Daimyo (Pet)
Dark Armored Daimyo
Dark Battle Slime
Dark Knight's Floating Blade Battle Pet (Legend)
Dark Lord's Battle Droid (Permanent)
Dark Makai of Nulgath
DoomTech Moglin Minion BattlePet
Dragon Defender's Battlepet
Dragonoth Battle Pet
Dricken BattlePet
EmberEye Battlepet
Emperor Moglatine Battlepet (Non-AC)
Eta's Malice Battlepet
Evil Rabbit Battlepet
Exalted Drone Battlepet
Fighter Crag & Bamboozle
Flame Wing
Flaming Temple Gibbon Battlepet
FlibbitiestGibbet Battle Pet
Giefury BattlePet
GleebleGlarble BattlePet
Gorillaphant Calf
Greater Solar Elemental Battlepet
Green Dragon Battle Pet
Green Moglinster Pet
Grim Stalker (Pet)
Grrrberus Battledog
Grumpy Cat
Grumpy Pineapple BattleCat
Guardian Crystal Phoenix Blade of Nulgath
Guardian Dragon Pet
Hatchling Battlepet
Hate Hawk
Hedge Hog
HedgeGoblin Battle Pet
Holiday Box Cracker Battle Pet
Hollowborn Battle Bodyguard
Hollowborn Caladbolg Battle Companion
Hollowborn Daimyo Battlepet
Hollowborn Shadow Shaper's Battlepet
Inu-ken Battle Pet
Jimmy the Eye (Pet)
Karok Battle Companion
Kotaroid BattlePet
Legion Armored Daimyo
Legion Moglin Minion Battlepet
Lightning Pirate far0 Battlepet
Like a Battlemoglin
Like A Pretty Battlemoglin
Lorestuck Battlemoglin
Lotsa Love Makai Battlepet
Magey the Icegloob
Maid Lilim Combat Companion
Melty the Icegloob
Mindbroken Eel Battlepet
Mini Goldun BattlePet
Mini Lovely Zilla Witch Battle Pet
Mini Midnight Zilla Witch Battle Pet
Mini Void Shogun Battlepet
Nerfed Overfiend Battle Pet
NerfKitten Battle Pet
NightBane Battle Pet
Nulgath Larvae
Oblivion of Nulgath
Pancake Battlemoglin
Pillbug Battlepet
Pink Dracolich Battle Pet
Plague Spreader Battlepet
Pot O' Gold Battlepet
Prawn Saw BattlePet
Purple Moglinster Pet
Queen Iona Battle Companion
Riptooth the Husky
Roxo Carnaval Daimyo
Salek Sprayer Battle Pet
ShadowScythe Daimyo
Shadowsleigher's Combat Assistant
Sheep Battle Pet
Silverclaw Battlepet
Skelekitten (Pet)
Slender Battlemoglin
SlugButter Battle Buddy
Somnian Library Battlepet
Stalagbite Battle Pet
Stealthy the Icegloob
Super Slayin Battle Twig
Tainted Phoenix Blade of Nulgath
Taro Blademaster Guardian
Taro's BattleBlade
Throwy the Icegloob
Tigger Battle Cat
Timeseeker's Spirit Battle Pet
Toxic Mantis Battlepet
Turbo Turtle
Twig MoglinRider Daimyo
Twilly MoglinRider Daimyo
Undead Pwny BattlePet
Underworld Burning Blade Battle Pet
Vengeance Blade BattlePet
Vengeful Desterrat Crux
Verde Carnaval Daimyo
Void Dragon Battlepet
Warlord Pax Battlepet
WerePyrate Battle Pet (Legend)
Zombie Dragon BattlePet
Zorbak MoglinRider Daimyo